27 namespace BondVision {
40 ConnectionRetries (
int inNumber,
unsigned inIntervalSec) : number (inNumber), intervalSec (inIntervalSec) {}
55 std::string toString()
143 std::string toString()
168 std::string toString()
195 std::string toString()
int auditTrailFileMaxSize
CpuIndexes receivingThreadAffinity
std::string password
Password associated with the trader.
SInt16 comunicWindowSize
Size of the communication window.
std::string userName
Fully qualified trader name (format: �tradername�).
CpuIndexes auditTrailThreadAffinity
ConnectionRetries(int inNumber, unsigned inIntervalSec)
std::set< size_t > CpuIndexes
TradeImpactService::Enum service
TradeImpact service.
UInt16 clientReceiveAliveIntervalReq
Specifies the value of the timeout at which the handler must send heartbeat to prevent the server fro...
std::string auditTrailDirectory
ONIXS_MTS_BONDVISION_SDP_API std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &stream, TradeImpactService::Enum value)
bool compressionEnabled
Indicates whether compression of the block data is enabled or not.
ConnectionRetries connectionRetries
CpuIndexes sendingThreadAffinity
std::string licenseDirectory
LogSettings::Enum logSettings
UInt32 softwareRevision
Software revision.
std::string logFileNamePrefix
UInt16 clientSendAliveIntervalReq
UInt32 signature
std::string auditTrailFile