OnixS C++ MTS Bond Vision SDP Handler  1.1.0
API documentation
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #pragma once
3 /*
4 * Copyright Onix Solutions Limited [OnixS]. All rights reserved.
5 *
6 * This software owned by Onix Solutions Limited [OnixS] and is protected by copyright law
7 * and international copyright treaties.
8 *
9 * Access to and use of the software is governed by the terms of the applicable ONIXS Software
10 * Services Agreement (the Agreement) and Customer end user license agreements granting
11 * a non-assignable, non-transferable and non-exclusive license to use the software
12 * for it's own data processing purposes under the terms defined in the Agreement.
13 *
14 * Except as otherwise granted within the terms of the Agreement, copying or reproduction of any part
15 * of this source code or associated reference material to any other location for further reproduction
16 * or redistribution, and any amendments to this copyright notice, are expressly prohibited.
17 *
18 * Any reproduction or redistribution for sale or hiring of the Software not in accordance with
19 * the terms of the Agreement is a violation of copyright law.
20 */
22 namespace OnixS {
23 namespace Mts {
24 namespace BondVision {
25 namespace SDP {
27 /// TradeImpact services that can be accessed and used by all authorized traders.
28 ///
29 struct ONIXS_MTS_BONDVISION_SDP_API TradeImpactService
30 {
31  enum Enum
32  {
33  /// The IP Provider service is a specialized technological service that has the task of managing, allocating and distributing the transport addresses associated with traders.
34  IP_REQUEST = 0,
36  ///
37  TXN = 1,
39  /// The INFO_BRT service broadcasts the following information to all traders requesting it: MTS registry, market registry and public information
40  ///
41  /// @note The classes supported by the INFO_BRT service that can only be subscribed (action requests are not allowed).
42  INFO_BRT = 2,
44  /// The TXN_INFO_PRIV service is the transactional service that supports the classes that may be used by traders to perform typical trading operations, such as: trade on/trade off, proposal insertion/modification and order insertion.
45  ///
46  /// @note The TXN_INFO_PRIV service also supports the classes that a trader may use to receive private information, such as information about trades.
47  TXN_INFO_PRIV = 4,
49  ///
50  DATA_FEED = 5,
52  ///
53  QUERY = 6
54  };
56  /// Returns string representation.
57  ///
58  static std::string toString (Enum value);
59 };
62 /// Subscribe Types
63 ///
65 {
66  enum Enum
67  {
68  ///
69  All = 0,
70  ///
71  Stop = 1,
72  ///
73  OnTime = 2,
74  };
76  /// Returns string representation.
77  ///
78  static std::string toString (Enum value);
79 };
81 /// Subscribe Start Request Result Types
82 ///
84 {
85  enum Enum
86  {
87  ///
88  SubscribeOk = 0,
89  ///
90  SubscribeKO = 1,
91  ///
92  SubscribeBad = 2,
93  ///
94  SubscribeInvalidFilterId = 3,
95  ///
96  SubscribeInvalidSubMask = 4,
97  ///
98  SubscribeTooManySubscriptionsOpen = 5,
99  ///
100  SubscribeNoFilterSpecified = 6,
101  };
103  /// Returns string representation.
104  ///
105  static std::string toString(Enum value);
106 };
109 {
110  enum Enum
111  {
112  ///
113  Add = 0,
114  ///
115  Del = 1,
116  ///
117  Rwt = 2,
118  ///
119  Kill = 3
120  };
121 };
124 {
125  enum Enum
126  {
127  SAP_TransOk = 0,
128  SAP_TransKO = 1,
129  SAP_TransInvalidTid = 2,
130  };
132  /// Returns string representation.
133  ///
134  static std::string toString (Enum value);
135 };
140 ONIXS_MTS_BONDVISION_SDP_API std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& stream, TradeImpactService::Enum value);
141 ONIXS_MTS_BONDVISION_SDP_API std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& stream, SubscribeType::Enum value);
142 ONIXS_MTS_BONDVISION_SDP_API std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& stream, ActionResult::Enum value);
145 }
146 }
147 }
148 }
ONIXS_MTS_BONDVISION_SDP_API std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &stream, TradeImpactService::Enum value)