26 #include "../Enumerations.h" 27 #include "../Export.h" 28 #include "../Optional.h" 35 namespace OnixS {
namespace ICE {
namespace iMpact {
namespace MarketData {
Leg 250 std::string toString()
266 void deserialize(
const char* data, std::size_t dataSize);
272 std::string toString()
bool hedgeOnly
Indicate if the contract is for hedge only.
std::string currency
int numOfCycles
Numeric Number of cycles (days, hours, MWh, etc) for a contract.
std::string underlyingISIN
Optional< int > ratioPriceNumerator
short ratio
Number of futures contracts per increment quantity.
int productId
ID of the product that the contract/market is under.
bool testMarketIndicator
Indicates Test Market.
Optional< int > ratioQtyDenominator
SecuritySubType::Enum securitySubType
bool miFIDRegulatedMarket
Indicates MIFID-II market.
long long Price
Alias for order identifiers type.
bool overrideBlockMin
Indicates whether the Block Minimum can be overridden for the market.
char offExchangeIncrementQtyDenominator
Denominator for OffExchangeIncrementQty.
short maturityMonth
Month range 1-12.
short marketTypeId
See Appendix C for the list of makret types and IDs.
Optional< int > ratioPriceDenominator
MarketId marketId
Unique identifier of the market.
Optional< int > ratioQtyNumerator
int MarketId
Alias for market identifiers type.
bool isTradable
Indicate if the contract is tradable.
char numDecimalsOptionsPrice
Only used for OffExchangeIncrementOptionPrice.
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &, const Error &)
Make it printable to formatted C++ I/O streams.
char settlePriceDenominator
Known trading statuses.
This nested class represents leg definition.
Known security sub types.
std::string strategySymbol
Strategy Symbol.
bool legDealSuppressed
Indicates whether leg deals are suppressed.
bool gtAllowed
Indicates if GTC is allowed in the market.
Legs legs
Collection of Legs.
Exchange silo code for the market.
int hubId
ID of the hub for the contract/market.
int offExchangeIncrementOptionPrice
std::string marketDesc
Description of the market.
std::string unitOfMeasure
Unit of measure.
int minQty
Minimum quantity for this market.
bool allowOptions
Indicate if the market supports option markets.
std::string contractSymbol
See Naming Convention on Appendix D.
std::string clearedAlias
Clearing limit admin related.
MarketId marketId
Market Id of the futures leg market.
int incrementPrice
Minimum increment premium price for this market.
int offExchangeIncrementQty
short maturityYear
4 digit year.
TradingStatus::Enum tradingStatus
See Appendix A on trading status codes.
std::string stripName
Name of the strip for the contract/market.
short maturityDay
Day of the month.
std::string hubAlias
Alias of the hub for the contract/market.
int incrementQty
Minimum increment quantity for this market.
std::string productName
Name of the product that the contract/market is under.
char dealPriceDenominator
char orderPriceDenominator
Denominator for the order price fields in this market.
std::vector< Leg > Legs
Alias for collection of Legs.
This class represents the New Futures Strategy Definition Message.
int stripId
ID of the strip for the contract/market.
std::string micCode
Market Identifier Code for the market.
ExchangeSilo::Enum exchangeSilo
Exchange silo code for the market.
Trading side constants.
int offExchangeIncrementPrice
Optional< short > strategyCode