OnixS C++ FIX Engine  4.11.0
API Documentation
Per-session TLS/SSL Settings

The OnixS C++ FIX Engine provides an ability to localize TLS/SSL-related attributes to the bounds of a single FIX Session. Per-session TLS/SSL settings can be accessed, using OnixS::FIX::Session::sslCertificateFile and OnixS::FIX::Session::sslPrivateKeyFile members of the OnixS::FIX::Session class.

Per-session TLS/SSL settings are supported only for initiator sessions. Acceptor sessions can work only with global FIX Engine TLS/SSL settings.


const std::string TargetCompID = "CNX";
const std::string Host = "TargetHost";
// Stream FIX Session.
const std::string StreamSenderCompID = "str";
const std::string StreamSslCertificateAndPrivateKeyFile = "str.pem";
Session streamSession(StreamSenderCompID, TargetCompID, ProtocolVersion::FIX_42, ONIXS_FIXENGINE_NULLPTR);
// If your counterparty performs the verification of your TLS/SSL certificate,
// you need to set both TLS/SSL Certificate File and TLS/SSL Private Key File.
const int StreamPort = 442;
.logonAsInitiator(Host, StreamPort, 30, true);
std::clog << "Stream session is established." << std::endl;
// Trading FIX Session.
const std::string TradingSenderCompID = "tr";
const std::string TradingSslCertificateAndPrivateKeyFile = "tr.pem";
Session tradingSession(TradingSenderCompID, TargetCompID, ProtocolVersion::FIX_42, ONIXS_FIXENGINE_NULLPTR);
// If your counterparty performs the verification of your TLS/SSL certificate,
// you need to set both TLS/SSL Certificate File and TLS/SSL Private Key File.
const int TradingPort = 443;
.logonAsInitiator(Host, TradingPort, 30, true);
std::clog << "Trading session is established." << std::endl;