51 symbol_.assign(symbol.
items(), symbol.
67 group_.assign(group.
items(), group.
80 asset_.assign(asset.
items(), asset.
113 seqNumber_ = seqNumber;
147 brief(str, security);
161 toStr(str, security);
void userData(UserData data)
Sets user-defined data.
std::string toStr(const Security &security)
Serializes security.
StrRef symbol() const
Security name or symbol.
Cleans everything up.
StrRef asset(const MultiContainer &message)
Retrieves asset field value assuming the given message represents a security definition.
StrRef group() const
Security group code.
void asset(const StrRef &asset)
Updates asset code.
StrRef symbol(const MultiContainer &message)
Retrieves symbol field value assuming the given message represents a security definition.
Int32 SecurityId
Unique security identifier.
UserData userData() const
User-defined data.
Security(SecurityId id)
Initializes instance.
std::string brief(const Security &security)
Security brief info.
SecurityId id() const
Unique security identifier.
StrRef asset() const
String field that indicates the underlying asset code (Product Code).
void group(const StrRef &group)
Assigns security group code.
const Char * items() const
Read-only content.
Provides efficient way of accessing text-based values without copying content of the text being refer...
void symbol(const StrRef &symbol)
Updates security name or symbol.
Attributes associated with security.
StrRef toStrRef(const std::string &str)
Constructs StrRef instance over std::string content.
void seqNumber(UInt32 seqNumber)
Updates sequence number.
UInt64 UserData
User-defined data to be attached.
size_t size() const
Number of chars.
UInt32 seqNumber() const
Security-level sequence number.