OnixS C++ CME iLink 3 Binary Order Entry Handler  1.18.2
API Documentation
Understanding Send Latency

The overall latency of the OnixS::CME::iLink3::Session::send method includes all latencies of all operations inside this method. The following sequence of operations are performed when the OnixS::CME::iLink3::Session::send method is called:

The latency of OnixS::CME::iLink3::Session::send method (as any other function) depends on the frequency with which you call it. When you call a function infrequently, the function path and associated data structures will not be in a processor cache, and this can increase the function latency. However, if you call a function frequently, then you can avoid cache misses and keep the function path fast. For this purpose, there is the OnixS::CME::iLink3::Session::warmUp method, please see Warmup.