OnixS C++ CME iLink 3 Binary Order Entry Handler  1.18.3
API Documentation
Reduce the Probability of Message Fragmentation Across Multiple TCP Packets

The CME requires that TCP packets contain only complete SBE messages. Otherwise, fragmented messages go to additional processing, leading to latency degradation, and finally, the CME can terminate the session with the ExceededMaxNoOfSplitMsgsQueued (29) error code. To reduce the probability of SBE message fragmentation across multiple TCP packets, one can apply the following options:

All options above cannot 100% guarantee that there will not be message fragmentation.

The fragmentation can appear on the TCP level due to the TCP protocol's nature (stream protocol) since it is unaware of the message size and sends just bytes. Therefore, in case of any overflow issues on the TCP connection, the TCP level can send a part of the outgoing message.