OnixS C++ CME iLink 3 Binary Order Entry Handler  1.18.3
API Documentation
NegotiationReject502 Member List

This is the complete list of members for NegotiationReject502, including all inherited members.

Binary typedefNegotiationReject502
calculateBinarySize() const noexceptMessageinline
contain(Tag tag) const noexceptFieldSet
field(Tag tag) const noexceptFieldSetinline
FieldSet(BinaryBlockBase &binary, const FieldAccessor *accessor) noexceptFieldSetinlineprotected
getBitSet(Tag tag) const FieldSetinline
getChar(Tag tag) const FieldSet
getDecimal(Tag tag) const FieldSet
getEnumeration(Tag tag) const FieldSetinline
getInt16(Tag tag) const FieldSet
getInt32(Tag tag) const FieldSet
getInt64(Tag tag) const FieldSet
getInt8(Tag tag) const FieldSet
getMaturityMonthYear(Tag tag) const FieldSet
getStringRef(Tag tag) const FieldSet
getTimestamp(Tag tag) const FieldSet
getUInt16(Tag tag) const FieldSet
getUInt32(Tag tag) const FieldSet
getUInt64(Tag tag) const FieldSet
getUInt8(Tag tag) const FieldSet
getVarData(Tag tag) const Messageinline
group(Tag tag) const noexceptMessageinline
group(Tag tag, MessageSize size)Messageinline
Message() noexceptMessageinline
Message(const Message &r) noexceptMessageinline
Message(SbeMessage binary, const MessageAccessor &accessor) noexceptMessageinlineprotected
NegotiationReject502(const Binary &message) noexceptNegotiationReject502inlineexplicit
NegotiationReject502(void *data, MessageSize length, SchemaVersion version=Binary::Schema::Version)NegotiationReject502inline
operator bool() const noexceptFieldSetinlineexplicit
operator=(const Message &r) noexceptMessageinline
operator[](Tag tag) const noexceptFieldSetinline
reset() noexceptFieldSetinline
resetField(Tag tag)FieldSetinline
set(Tag tag, const Field &field)FieldSetinline
set(Tag tag, BitSet value, typename BitSet::Bits *=nullptr)FieldSetinline
set(Tag tag, Char value)FieldSet
set(Tag tag, UInt64 value)FieldSet
set(Tag tag, Int64 value)FieldSet
set(Tag tag, UInt32 value)FieldSet
set(Tag tag, Int32 value)FieldSet
set(Tag tag, UInt16 value)FieldSet
set(Tag tag, Int16 value)FieldSet
set(Tag tag, UInt8 value)FieldSet
set(Tag tag, Int8 value)FieldSet
set(Tag tag, const Decimal &value)FieldSet
set(Tag tag, StrRef value)FieldSet
set(Tag tag, Timestamp value)FieldSet
set(Tag tag, const MaturityMonthYear &value)FieldSet
setAccessor(const FieldAccessor *obj) noexceptFieldSetinlineprotected
setField(Tag tag, const Field &field)FieldSetinline
setVarData(Tag tag, StrRef value)Messageinline
templateId() const Messageinline
toFix(std::string &str) const Messageinline
toFix(Char delimiter= '\x1') const Messageinline
toString() const Messageinline
type() const noexceptMessageinline
version() const Messageinline