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Message Class
FIX message.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  FIXForge.NET.FIX
Assembly:  FIXForge.NET.FIX.Engine-net-4.8_x64 (in FIXForge.NET.FIX.Engine-net-4.8_x64.dll) Version:
public class Message : FieldSet, ICloneable, 

The Message type exposes the following members.

Public methodMessage(ArraySegment<Byte>)
Parses the raw FIX message byte array and creates the corresponding class instance.
Public methodMessage(Byte[])
Parses the raw FIX message byte array and creates the corresponding class instance.
Public methodMessage(String)
Parses the raw FIX message string and creates the corresponding class instance.
Public methodMessage(FlatMessage)
Parses the raw FIX FlatMessage and creates the corresponding class instance.
Public methodMessage(Message)
Creates the exact copy of the given message.
Public methodMessage(ArraySegment<Byte>, Dialect)
Parses the raw FIX message byte array and creates the corresponding class instance.
Public methodMessage(ArraySegment<Byte>, MessageParsingFlags)
Parses the raw FIX message byte array and creates the corresponding class instance.
Public methodMessage(ArraySegment<Byte>, ProtocolVersion)
Parses the raw FIX message byte array and creates the corresponding class instance.
Public methodMessage(Byte[], Dialect)
Parses the raw FIX message byte array and creates the corresponding class instance.
Public methodMessage(Byte[], MessageParsingFlags)
Parses the raw FIX message byte array and creates the corresponding class instance.
Public methodMessage(Byte[], ProtocolVersion)
Parses the raw FIX message byte array and creates the corresponding class instance.
Public methodMessage(String, Dialect)
Creates a message which belongs to specified dialect.
Public methodMessage(String, MessageParsingFlags)
Parses the raw FIX message string and creates the corresponding class instance.
Public methodMessage(String, ProtocolVersion)
Creates a message.
Public methodMessage(Message, Boolean)
Creates the exact copy of the given message.
Public methodMessage(ArraySegment<Byte>, Dialect, MessageParsingFlags)
Parses the raw FIX message byte array and creates the corresponding class instance.
Public methodMessage(ArraySegment<Byte>, MessageParsingFlags, Int32)
Parses the raw FIX message byte array and creates the corresponding class instance.
Public methodMessage(ArraySegment<Byte>, ProtocolVersion, MessageParsingFlags)
Parses the raw FIX message byte array and creates the corresponding class instance.
Public methodMessage(Byte[], Dialect, MessageParsingFlags)
Parses the raw FIX message byte array and creates the corresponding class instance.
Public methodMessage(Byte[], MessageParsingFlags, Int32)
Parses the raw FIX message byte array and creates the corresponding class instance.
Public methodMessage(Byte[], ProtocolVersion, MessageParsingFlags)
Parses the raw FIX message byte array and creates the corresponding class instance.
Public methodMessage(String, Dialect, Int32)
Creates a message which belongs to specified dialect.
Public methodMessage(String, MessageParsingFlags, Int32)
Parses the raw FIX message string and creates the corresponding class instance.
Public methodMessage(String, ProtocolVersion, Int32)
Creates a message.
Public methodMessage(ArraySegment<Byte>, Dialect, MessageParsingFlags, Int32)
Parses the raw FIX message byte array and creates the corresponding class instance.
Public methodMessage(ArraySegment<Byte>, ProtocolVersion, MessageParsingFlags, Int32)
Parses the raw FIX message byte array and creates the corresponding class instance.
Public methodMessage(Byte[], Dialect, MessageParsingFlags, Int32)
Parses the raw FIX message byte array and creates the corresponding class instance.
Public methodMessage(Byte[], ProtocolVersion, MessageParsingFlags, Int32)
Parses the raw FIX message byte array and creates the corresponding class instance.
Public propertyDialect
Instance of FIX dialect to which given message belongs to.
Public propertyFields
Returns message fields.
(Overrides FieldSet.Fields.)
Public propertyFieldValue
Returns the field value as string if it is present or null value otherwise.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public propertyIsDisposed
Returns true if the FIX message object is disposed, false otherwise.
Public propertyOwner
Returns owner of current FieldSet.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public propertySenderCompID
Assigned value used to identify firm sending message (SenderCompID, tag=49 field value).
Public propertySeqNum
Message sequence number (MsgSeqNum, tag=34 field value).
Public propertyTargetCompID
Assigned value used to identify receiving firm (TargetCompID, tag=56 field value).
Public propertyType
Message type (MsgType, tag=35 field value).
Public propertyValid
Returns true if the instance is valid.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public propertyVersion
Financial Interface eXchange (FIX) protocol version.
Public methodClone
Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
Public methodCloneTo
Copies the current instance to the existing destination object.
Public methodCompareFieldValue
Returns true if the field, specified by the given tag, is present in the FieldSet instance and its value is equal to the given string value, otherwise it returns false.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodCompareType(Char)
Returns true if the message type value is equal to the given char value, otherwise it returns false.
Public methodCompareType(String)
Returns true if the message type value is equal to the given string value, otherwise it returns false.
Public methodContain
Returns true if the field is present in the message body (excluding repeating groups) or false otherwise.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodCopyFields
Copies all message fields (except protocol version) from another message object.
Public methodCopyTo(Byte[])
Copy message contents to an external buffer.
Public methodCopyTo(Byte[], Int32)
Copy message contents to an external buffer starting from offset.
Public methodDispose()
Explicitly releases resource.
Protected methodDispose(Boolean)
Releases the unmanaged resources used by the Message and optionally releases the managed resources
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Perform cleanup operations on unmanaged resources held by the current Message object before the object is destroyed.
(Overrides Object.Finalize().)
Public methodGet(Int32)
Returns the field value as string if it is present or null value otherwise.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodGet(Int32, StringBuilder)
Gets the field value as string and appends it to the given StringBuilder instance.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodGetByteArray
Returns the field value as a byte array if it is present or null value otherwise.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodGetChar
Returns the field value as char if it is present or null value otherwise.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodGetDecimal
Returns the field value as a Decimal number.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodGetDouble
Returns the field value as a double-precision floating point number.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodGetEnumerator
Returns fields enumerator.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodGetFlag
Returns the flag value.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodGetGroup(Int32)
Returns the repeating group.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodGetGroup(Int32, Group)
Updates the given instance to refer to the requested group.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodGetGroupInstance
Returns the repeating group entry.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHighResolutionTimeSpan
Returns the field value as a high-resolution TimeSpan.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodGetHighResolutionTimestamp
Returns the field value as a high-resolution UTC (GMT) Timestamp.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodGetInteger
Returns the field value as a signed 32-bit (4-byte) integer.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodGetLong
Returns the field value as a signed 64-bit (8-byte) integer.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodGetTimeSpan
Returns the field value as a TimeSpan.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodGetTimestamp(Int32)
Returns the field value as an UTC (GMT) Timestamp.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodGetTimestamp(Int32, TimestampFormat)
Returns the field value as an UTC (GMT) Timestamp.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberParse(ArraySegment<Byte>)
Parses the raw FIX message byte array and creates the corresponding class instance.
Public methodStatic memberParse(Byte[])
Parses the raw FIX message byte array and creates the corresponding class instance.
Public methodStatic memberParse(String)
Parses the raw FIX message string and creates the corresponding class instance.
Public methodStatic memberParse(ArraySegment<Byte>, Dialect)
Parses the raw FIX message byte array and creates the corresponding class instance.
Public methodStatic memberParse(ArraySegment<Byte>, MessageParsingFlags)
Parses the raw FIX message byte array and creates the corresponding class instance.
Public methodStatic memberParse(ArraySegment<Byte>, ProtocolVersion)
Parses the raw FIX message byte array and creates the corresponding class instance.
Public methodStatic memberParse(Byte[], Dialect)
Parses the raw FIX message byte array and creates the corresponding class instance.
Public methodStatic memberParse(Byte[], MessageParsingFlags)
Parses the raw FIX message byte array and creates the corresponding class instance.
Public methodStatic memberParse(Byte[], ProtocolVersion)
Parses the raw FIX message byte array and creates the corresponding class instance.
Public methodStatic memberParse(String, Dialect)
Parses the raw FIX message from string and creates the corresponding class instance.
Public methodStatic memberParse(String, MessageParsingFlags)
Parses the raw FIX message string and creates the corresponding class instance.
Public methodStatic memberParse(String, ProtocolVersion)
Parses the raw FIX message from string and creates the corresponding class instance.
Public methodStatic memberParse(ArraySegment<Byte>, Dialect, MessageParsingFlags)
Parses the raw FIX message byte array and creates the corresponding class instance.
Public methodStatic memberParse(ArraySegment<Byte>, ProtocolVersion, MessageParsingFlags)
Parses the raw FIX message byte array and creates the corresponding class instance.
Public methodStatic memberParse(Byte[], Dialect, MessageParsingFlags)
Parses the raw FIX message byte array and creates the corresponding class instance.
Public methodStatic memberParse(Byte[], ProtocolVersion, MessageParsingFlags)
Parses the raw FIX message byte array and creates the corresponding class instance.
Public methodStatic memberParse(String, Dialect, MessageParsingFlags)
Parses the raw FIX message from string and creates the corresponding class instance.
Public methodStatic memberParse(String, ProtocolVersion, MessageParsingFlags)
Parses the raw FIX message from string and creates the corresponding class instance.
Public methodRemove
Removes the field.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodReset
Brings the message to the initial state (only major service fields like message type are set).
Public methodSet(Int32, ArraySegment<Byte>)
Sets the field value as a byte array from the array segment. Transforms input value into text-presentation, so actually stored value is text-presentation of input.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodSet(Int32, Boolean)
Sets the field value as Boolean. Transforms input value into text-presentation, so actually stored value is text-presentation of input.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodSet(Int32, Byte[])
Sets the field value as a byte array. Transforms input value into text-presentation, so actually stored value is text-presentation of input.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodSet(Int32, Char)
Sets the field value as a character. Transforms input value into text-presentation, so actually stored value is text-presentation of input.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodSet(Int32, DateTime)
Sets the field value as a DateTime object. Transforms input value into text-presentation, so actually stored value is text-presentation of input.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodSet(Int32, Decimal)
Sets the field value as a Decimal number. Transforms input value into text-presentation, so actually stored value is text-presentation of input.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodSet(Int32, Double)
Sets the field value as a double-precision floating point number. Transforms input value into text-presentation, so actually stored value is text-presentation of input.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodSet(Int32, Int32)
Sets the field value as an integer. Transforms input value into text-presentation, so actually stored value is text-presentation of input.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodSet(Int32, Int64)
Sets the field value as a signed 64-bit (8-byte) integer. Transforms input value into text-presentation, so actually stored value is text-presentation of input.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodSet(Int32, String)
Sets the field value as string.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodSet(Int32, StringBuilder)
Sets the field value from the given StringBuilder instance.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodSet(Int32, TimeSpan)
Sets the field value as a TimeSpan object. Transforms input value into text-presentation, so actually stored value is text-presentation of input.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodSet(Int32, HighResolutionTimeSpan, TimeSpanFormat)
Sets the field value as a HighResolutionTimeSpan object. Transforms input value into text-presentation with the given format, so actually stored value is text-presentation of input.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodSet(Int32, HighResolutionTimestamp, TimestampFormat)
Sets the field value as a HighResolutionTimestamp object. Transforms input value into text-presentation with the given format, so actually stored value is text-presentation of input.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodSet(Int32, DateTime, TimestampFormat)
Sets the field value as a DateTime object. Transforms input value into text-presentation with the given format, so actually stored value is text-presentation of input.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodSet(Int32, Decimal, Int32)
Sets the field value as a Decimal number. Transforms input value into text-presentation, so actually stored value is text-presentation of input.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodSet(Int32, Double, Int32)
Sets the field value as a double-precision floating point number. Transforms input value into text-presentation, so actually stored value is text-presentation of input.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodSet(Int32, TimeSpan, TimeSpanFormat)
Sets the field value as a TimeSpan object. Transforms input value into text-presentation with the given format, so actually stored value is text-presentation of input.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodSetFlag
Sets the field value as Boolean. Transforms input value into text-presentation, so actually stored value is text-presentation of input.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodSetGroup
Creates a new repeating group or changes the number of entries in the existing repeating group.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodSetV(Int32, DateTime)
Sets the field value as it is without transforming it into text-presentation. Assigning field value via SetV methods saves not only value it's type as well, therefore no parsing is performed during subsequent access to the field via typed Get methods.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodSetV(Int32, Decimal)
Sets the field value as it is without transforming it into text-presentation. Assigning field value via SetV methods saves not only value it's type as well, therefore no parsing is performed during subsequent access to the field via typed Get methods.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodSetV(Int32, Double)
Sets the field value as it is without transforming it into text-presentation. Assigning field value via SetV methods saves not only value it's type as well, therefore no parsing is performed during subsequent access to the field via typed Get methods.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodSetV(Int32, Int32)
Sets the field value as it is without transforming it into text-presentation. Assigning field value via SetV methods saves not only value it's type as well, therefore no parsing is performed during subsequent access to the field via typed Get methods.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodSetV(Int32, Int64)
Sets the field value as it is without transforming it into text-presentation. Assigning field value via SetV methods saves not only value it's type as well, therefore no parsing is performed during subsequent access to the field via typed Get methods.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodSetV(Int32, TimeSpan)
Sets the field value as it is without transforming it into text-presentation. Assigning field value via SetV methods saves not only value it's type as well, therefore no parsing is performed during subsequent access to the field via typed Get methods.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodSetV(Int32, HighResolutionTimeSpan, TimeSpanFormat)
Sets the field value with the given format as it is without transforming it into text-presentation. Assigning field value via SetV methods saves not only value it's type as well, therefore no parsing is performed during subsequent access to the field via typed Get methods.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodSetV(Int32, HighResolutionTimestamp, TimestampFormat)
Sets the field value with the given format as it is without transforming it into text-presentation. Assigning field value via SetV methods saves not only value it's type as well, therefore no parsing is performed during subsequent access to the field via typed Get methods.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodSetV(Int32, DateTime, TimestampFormat)
Sets the field value with the given format as it is without transforming it into text-presentation. Assigning field value via SetV methods saves not only value it's type as well, therefore no parsing is performed during subsequent access to the field via typed Get methods.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodSetV(Int32, Decimal, Int32)
Sets the field value as it is without transforming it into text-presentation. Assigning field value via SetV methods saves not only value it's type as well, therefore no parsing is performed during subsequent access to the field via typed Get methods.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodSetV(Int32, Double, Int32)
Sets the field value as it is without transforming it into text-presentation. Assigning field value via SetV methods saves not only value it's type as well, therefore no parsing is performed during subsequent access to the field via typed Get methods.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodSetV(Int32, TimeSpan, TimeSpanFormat)
Sets the field value with the given format as it is without transforming it into text-presentation. Assigning field value via SetV methods saves not only value it's type as well, therefore no parsing is performed during subsequent access to the field via typed Get methods.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodToJson()
Returns the JSON representation of the message.
Public methodToJson(String, String)
Returns the JSON representation of the message.
Public methodToRawFixString
Returns the message representation as a raw (tag=value) FIX string.
Public methodToString()
Returns the <tag>=<value> representation of the message.
(Overrides Object.ToString().)
Public methodToString(Char)
Returns the <tag>=<value> representation of the message using the given delimiter.
Public methodToString(Message.StringFormat, Char)
Returns the string representation of the message in accordance with the specified format.
Public methodToXml()
Returns the XML representation of the message.
Public methodToXml(String, String)
Returns the XML representation of the message.
Public methodTryGet(Int32, String)
Gets the value associated with the specified tag.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodTryGet(Int32, StringBuilder)
Gets the value associated with the specified tag and appends it to the given StringBuilder instance.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodTryGetByteArray
Gets the value associated with the specified tag.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodTryGetChar
Converts the field value to its Unicode character equivalent. A returned value indicates whether the operation succeeded.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodTryGetDecimal
Gets the value associated with the specified tag.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodTryGetDouble
Converts the field value to its double-precision floating-point equivalent. A returned value indicates whether the operation succeeded.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodTryGetFlag
Gets the value associated with the specified tag.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodTryGetGroup
Extracts the repeating group representation from the message. The return value indicates whether the operation succeeded.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodTryGetHighResolutionTimeSpan
Gets the value with the given format associated with the specified tag.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodTryGetHighResolutionTimestamp
Gets the value with the given format associated with the specified tag.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodTryGetInteger
Converts the field value to its 32-bit signed integer equivalent. A returned value indicates whether the operation succeeded.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodTryGetLong
Converts the field value to its 64-bit signed integer equivalent. A returned value indicates whether the operation succeeded.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodTryGetTimeSpan(Int32, TimeSpan)
Gets the value associated with the specified tag.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodTryGetTimeSpan(Int32, TimeSpanFormat, TimeSpan)
Gets the value with the given format associated with the specified tag.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodTryGetTimestamp(Int32, DateTime)
Gets the value associated with the specified tag.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodTryGetTimestamp(Int32, TimestampFormat, DateTime)
Gets the value with the given format associated with the specified tag.
(Inherited from FieldSet.)
Public methodUpdateBodyLengthAndCheckSum
Calculates the message body length and checkSum and updates corresponding fields
Public methodValidate()
Performs the message validation. Please note that the method validates required fields for the application level only, without header/trailer
Public methodValidate(MessageValidationFlags)
Performs the message validation according to specified criteria. Please note that the method validates required fields for the application level only, without header/trailer
See Also