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ISession Methods

The ISession type exposes the following members.

Public methodBreakConnection
Breaks the FIX Connection non-gracefully (without the exchange of Logout (MsgType=5) messages).
Public methodClearOutboundQueue
Removes all messages from the outbound queue.
Public methodFindSentFlatMessage
Finds the sent FIX message by the given message sequence number. Returns null if the message is not found.
Public methodFindSentMessage
Finds the sent FIX message by the given message sequence number. Returns null if the message is not found.
Public methodFlushSessionStorage
Flushes all internal buffers of the underlying storage.
Public methodLogonAsAcceptor
Establishes FIX Connection as Acceptor.

Acceptor is the receiving party of the FIX session. It listens for the incoming connection on the pre-defined port. The acceptor has responsibility to perform first level authentication and formally declare the connection request "accepted" through transmission of an acknowledgment Logon message.

Public methodLogonAsInitiator(String, Int32)
Establishes FIX Connection as Initiator using the default heartbeat value.

Initiator establishes the telecommunications link and initiates the session via transmission of the initial Logon message.

The heartbeat interval will be 30 seconds.

Public methodLogonAsInitiator(String, Int32, Boolean)
Establishes FIX Connection as Initiator using the default heartbeat value, optionally sets ResetSeqNumFlag (tag=141) field in the initial Logon (MsgType=A) message.

Initiator establishes the telecommunications link and initiates the session via transmission of the initial Logon (MsgType=A) message.

The heartbeat interval will be 30 seconds.

Public methodLogonAsInitiator(String, Int32, Int32)
Establishes FIX Connection as Initiator.

Initiator establishes the telecommunications link and initiates the session via transmission of the initial Logon message.

Public methodLogonAsInitiator(String, Int32, Int32, Message)
Establishes FIX Connection as Initiator using the custom Logon message.

Initiator establishes the telecommunications link and initiates the session via transmission of the initial Logon message.

Public methodLogonAsInitiator(String, Int32, Int32, Boolean)
Establishes FIX Connection as Initiator.

Initiator establishes the telecommunications link and initiates the session via transmission of the initial Logon (MsgType=A) message.

Public methodLogonAsInitiator(String, Int32, Int32, Message, Boolean)
Establishes FIX Connection as Initiator using a custom Logon message with an optional ResetSeqNumFlag (tag=141) field.

Initiator establishes the telecommunications link and initiates the session via transmission of the initial Logon (MsgType=A) message.

Public methodLogonAsInitiatorAsync
Establishes FIX Connection asynchronously as Initiator using a custom Logon message with an optional ResetSeqNumFlag (tag=141) field.

Initiator establishes the telecommunications link and initiates the session via transmission of the initial Logon (MsgType=A) message. The method returns immediately without waiting the acknowledgment Logon message.

Public methodLogout()
Terminates the FIX Connection.

The initial Logout message is sent to the counterparty and the method blocks until the acknowledgement Logout message is received or the Heartbeat interval is elapsed.

Public methodLogout(String)
Terminates the FIX Connection.

The initial Logout (MsgType=5) message is sent to the counterparty and the method blocks until the acknowledgement Logout message is received.

Public methodLogout(Message)
Terminates the FIX Connection.

The initial Logout message is sent to the counterparty and the method blocks until the acknowledgement Logout message is received.

Public methodLogoutAsync(String)
Terminates the FIX Connection.

The initial Logout (MsgType=5) message is sent to the counterparty and the method returns immediately without waiting the acknowledgment Logout message.

Public methodLogoutAsync(Message)
Terminates the FIX Connection.

The initial Logout message is sent to the counterparty and the method returns immediately without waiting the acknowledgment Logout message.

Public methodPreFill(FlatMessage)
Pre-fills the following fields for sending as is: Session-level fields that are constant during the session's lifetime - SenderCompId, TargetCompId, SenderLocationId, TargetLocationID, SenderSubID, TargetSubID. MsgSeqNum field in accordance with the session outgoing sequence number. SendingTime field. BodyLength and CheckSum fields.
Public methodPreFill(FlatMessageBatch)
Pre-fills the following fields in the batch for sending as is: Session-level fields that are constant during the session's lifetime - SenderCompId, TargetCompId, SenderLocationId, TargetLocationID, SenderSubID, TargetSubID. MsgSeqNum field in accordance with the session outgoing sequence number. SendingTime field. BodyLength and CheckSum fields.
Public methodPreFill(Message)
Pre-fills session-level fields that are constant during the session's lifetime - SenderCompId, TargetCompId, SenderLocationId, TargetLocationID, SenderSubID, TargetSubID.
Public methodResetLocalSequenceNumbers
Resets the local sequence numbers to 1 and backups the current log files (if file-based session storage is used). This method can be called only when the session is disconnected.
Public methodResetSequenceNumbersViaLogonExchange
Sends an intra-connection Logon (MsgType=A) message with the ResetSeqNumFlag (tag=141) flag set.
Public methodScheduleShrinkToFit
Schedule the memory usage optimization. The session will perform the actual memory usage optimization after receiving and processing the next incoming message.
Public methodSend(FlatMessage)
Sends the serialized message to the counterparty.

This method is asynchronous. As soon as a session is created, it is possible to start sending messages via the session. If the session is not established, the messages are stored in the session storage and will be sent in replay to the resend request when the connection is established with the counterparty and the sequence numbers mismatch is detected.

Public methodSend(FlatMessageBatch)
Sends messages in a batch to the counterparty.

This method is asynchronous. As soon as a session is created, it is possible to start sending messages via the session. If the session is not established, the messages are stored in the session storage and will be sent in replay to the resend request when the connection is established with the counterparty and the sequence numbers mismatch is detected.

Public methodSend(Message)
Sends the message to the counterparty.

This method is asynchronous. As soon as a session is created, it is possible to start sending messages via the session. If the session is not established, the messages are stored in the session storage and will be sent in replay to the resend request when the connection is established with the counterparty and the sequence numbers mismatch is detected.

Public methodSend(MessageBatch)
Sends messages in a batch to the counterparty.

This method is asynchronous. As soon as a session is created, it is possible to start sending messages via the session. If the session is not established, the messages are stored in the session storage and will be sent in replay to the resend request when the connection is established with the counterparty and the sequence numbers mismatch is detected.

Public methodSend(FlatMessageBatch, Int32)
Sends messages in a batch to the counterparty.

This method is asynchronous. As soon as a session is created, it is possible to start sending messages via the session. If the session is not established, the messages are stored in the session storage and will be sent in replay to the resend request when the connection is established with the counterparty and the sequence numbers mismatch is detected.

Public methodSend(MessageBatch, Int32)
Sends messages in a batch to the counterparty.

This method is asynchronous. As soon as a session is created, it is possible to start sending messages via the session. If the session is not established, the messages are stored in the session storage and will be sent in replay to the resend request when the connection is established with the counterparty and the sequence numbers mismatch is detected.

Public methodSendAsIs(FlatMessage)
Sends a message to the counterparty without any fields updating.

This method is asynchronous. As soon as a session is created, it is possible to start sending messages via the session. If the session is not established, the messages are stored in the session storage and will be sent in replay to the resend request when the connection is established with the counterparty and the sequence numbers mismatch is detected.

Public methodSendAsIs(FlatMessageBatch)
Sends messages in a batch to the counterparty without any fields updating.

This method is asynchronous. As soon as a session is created, it is possible to start sending messages via the session. If the session is not established, the messages are stored in the session storage and will be sent in replay to the resend request when the connection is established with the counterparty and the sequence numbers mismatch is detected.

Public methodSendAsIs(FlatMessageBatch, Int32)
Sends messages in a batch to the counterparty without any fields updating.

This method is asynchronous. As soon as a session is created, it is possible to start sending messages via the session. If the session is not established, the messages are stored in the session storage and will be sent in replay to the resend request when the connection is established with the counterparty and the sequence numbers mismatch is detected.

Public methodSendReject
Sends the Reject (MsgType=3) message.
Public methodSendResendRequest
Normally, Resend Request (MsgType=2) message is sent automatically. This method allows simulating a sequence gap by sending this message manually. This can be needed in some venue specific cases. This method should not be used in the normal work.
Public methodSendTestRequest(String)
Sends the Test Request (MsgType=1) message.
Public methodSendTestRequest(String, TimeSpan)
Sends the Test Request (MsgType=1) message and waits until the heartbeat message is received from the counterparty or timeout ended
Public methodThrottle
Performs throttling of a session that must be called before each of a send function call. If the count of messages per a time unit exceeds a throttling limit, the function will be blocked until the given time interval is passed.
Public methodThrottlingLimit
Sets throttling limit parameters.
Public methodWarmUp
Warms up the sending path.
See Also