Interface | Description |
Engine.DynamicAcceptorListener |
Dynamic acceptor event listener.
Engine.ErrorListener |
Engine error listener interface.
Engine.StateChangedListener |
Engine state changed listener interface.
Engine.WarningListener |
Engine warning listener interface.
FlatMessageFactory |
FlatMessage factory interface.
MessageFactory |
Message factory interface.
Session.ErrorListener |
Error event listener.
Session.InboundApplicationFlatMessageListener |
Inbound application-level message received from the counterparty event listener.
Session.InboundApplicationMessageListener |
Inbound application-level message received from the counterparty event listener.
Session.InboundSessionFlatMessageListener |
Inbound session-level message received from the counterparty event listener.
Session.InboundSessionMessageListener |
Inbound session-level message received from the counterparty event listener.
Session.MessageResendingListener |
Message resend request received from the counterparty event listener.
Session.MessageSendingListener |
Bytes is about to be sent to the wire event listener.
Session.OutboundApplicationFlatMessageListener |
Outbound application-level flat message queued for sending event listener.
Session.OutboundApplicationMessageListener |
Outbound application-level message queued for sending event listener.
Session.OutboundSessionMessageListener |
Outbound session-level message queued for sending event listener.
Session.ReceivedBytesListener |
Bytes are received from the wire event listener.
Session.StateChangeListener |
Session state changed event listener.
Session.WarningListener |
Warning event listener.
SessionReactor | |
ThreadStartedListener |
Thread started event listener.
TimestampProvider |
Timestamp provider interface.
Class | Description |
Engine |
FIX Engine.
Engine.DynamicAcceptorArgs |
Dynamic acceptor event arguments.
Engine.ErrorArgs |
Error event arguments.
Engine.StateChangedArgs |
State changed event arguments.
Engine.WarningArgs |
Warning event arguments.
EngineSettings |
The FIX engine configuration settings.
EngineUtils | |
License |
Base license implementation.
License.Customer |
License customer.
License.Product |
Licensed product.
Session |
A FIX Session.
Session.ErrorArgs |
Error event data.
Session.ErrorReason |
Error reason.
Session.FlatMessageEventArgs |
Flat message related event data.
Session.InboundApplicationFlatMessageArgs |
Inbound application-level message received from the counterparty event data.
Session.InboundApplicationMessageArgs |
Inbound application-level message received from the counterparty event data.
Session.InboundSessionFlatMessageArgs |
Inbound session-level message received from the counterparty event data.
Session.InboundSessionMessageArgs |
Inbound session-level message received from the counterparty event data.
Session.MessageEventArgs |
Message related event data.
Session.MessageResendingArgs |
Message resend request received from the counterparty event data.
Session.MessageSendingArgs |
Bytes is about to be sent to the wire event data.
Session.OutboundApplicationFlatMessageArgs |
Outbound application-level flat message queued for sending event data.
Session.OutboundApplicationMessageArgs |
Outbound application-level message queued for sending event data.
Session.OutboundSessionMessageArgs |
Outbound session-level message queued for sending event data.
Session.ReceivedBytesArgs |
Bytes are received from the wire event data.
Session.StateChangeArgs |
Session state changed event data.
Session.WarningArgs |
Warning event data.
Session.WarningReason |
Warning reason.
SessionId | |
SessionState |
Session state.
SslContextFactory | |
TCPStandardStack | |
TimestampDateProvider |
Timestamp provider with date precision (YYYYMMDD).
TimestampMicrosProvider |
Timestamp provider with microsecond precision.
TimestampMillisProvider |
Timestamp provider with millisecond precision.
TimestampNanosProvider |
Timestamp provider with nanosecond precision.
TimestampPicosProvider |
Timestamp provider with nanosecond precision prepended with zeros till picosecond precision.
TimestampSecondProvider |
Timestamp provider with second precision.
Enum | Description |
ConnectionMode |
FIX Session Connection Mode.
Engine.ErrorReason |
Engine error reason.
Engine.State |
Engine state.
Engine.WarningReason |
Engine warning reason.
License.Type |
License type.
MessageMode |
Message modes are available for processing/parsing raw messages internally.
ResendRequestLogic |
Resend request logic.
SessionReactor.ReactorType | |
SessionRole |
Session internal role.
ThreadRole |
The thread role.
Exception | Description |
CannotEstablishLinkException |
The telecommunication link cannot be established.
ConfirmationLogonMessageException |
The first received message is an invalid Logon message.
EngineAlreadyInitedException |
Engine has been initialized already.
EngineException |
The exception that is thrown when a non-fatal error occurs in the FIX Engine.
EngineNotInitedException |
Engine is not initialized.
FirstMessageNotLogonException |
Not logon message received in response to our logon.
LicenseException | |
LicenseExpiredException |
The exception that is thrown when found license is expired.
LicenseNotFoundException |
The exception that is thrown when a license file not found.
LinkErrorException |
After sending the initial Logon message the telecommunication link error is detected.
TimeoutException |
After sending the initial Logon message the acknowledgment Logon message has not been received during timeout period.
UnexpectedSequenceNumberException |
The first received message is a Logon message with wrong sequence number.
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