Enum | Description |
AggressorIndicator |
Indicates whether the order added or removed liquidity.
AggressorSide |
Indicates if the buy or sell side removed the liquidity.
ApplId |
Identifier for subscription and retransmission of an ETI data stream.
ApplIdStatus |
Subscription status.
ApplResendFlag |
Indicates a retransmission message.
ApplSeqIndicator |
Indicates if the order is a Lean Order or a Standard (non lean) Order.
ApplSeqStatus |
Informs about the availability of the retransmission services for order and quote events (session data and listener data).
ApplUsageOrders |
Type of order processing.
ApplUsageQuotes |
Type of quote processing.
BasketAnonymity |
Used to indicate anonymized trades in baskets.
BasketTradeReportType |
Basket operation.
BidPxIsLocked |
BidPx is locked.
ChargeIdDisclosureInstruction |
Instruction to show Charge ID.
CompressionAction |
Compression action.
CompressionStatus |
Compression status.
CrossedIndicator |
Indicates SMP involvement.
CrossPrioritization |
Prioritization of a cross order.
CrossRequestType |
Type of the Cross Request.
CrossType |
Type of cross being submitted to a market.
CustOrderHandlingInst |
Identifies the source of an order, in accordance with the FIA guidelines for a rate Identifier.
DeleteReason |
Reason for deletion.
EffectOnBasket |
Transaction effect on a basket.
EnlightRFQAvgRespRateRanking |
Enlight RFQ Average Response Rate Ranking.
EnlightRFQAvgRespTimeRanking |
Enlight RFQ Average Response Time Ranking.
EurexVolumeRanking |
Eurex Volume Ranking.
EventType |
Code to represent the type of event.
ExecInst |
Instructions for order handling, represented as a bit map.
ExecRestatementReason |
Code to further qualify the field ExecType (150) of the Execution Report (8) message.
ExecType |
The reason why this message was generated.
ExecutingTraderQualifier |
Qualifier for field ExecutingTrader.
ExerciseStyle |
Type of exercise of an instrument.
FillLiquidityInd |
Indicates whether the order added or removed liquidity.
FreeText5DisclosureInstruction |
Instruction to show FreeText5.
GatewayStatus |
Status of ETI Gateway.
HedgeType |
Hedging method.
HedgingInstruction |
Indication for the hedge transaction.
ImpliedCheckPriceIndicator |
Indicates whether a option strategy synthetic BBO is used for the price improvement check.
ImpliedMarketIndicator |
Indicates that an implied market to be created for either the legs of a multi-leg instrument (Implied-in) or for the multi-leg instrument based on the existence of the legs (Implied-out).
InputSource |
Role on/for a message.
InstrAttribType |
Code to represent the type of instrument attribute.
InventoryCheckType |
Indicator for checking open orders and quotes.
LastFragment |
Indicates whether this message is the last fragment (part) of a sequence of messages belonging to one dedicated transaction.
LastMkt |
Last market.
LastPxDisclosureInstruction |
Instruction to show last deal price.
LastQtyDisclosureInstruction |
Instruction to show last deal quantity.
LeavesQtyDisclosureInstruction |
Leaves quantity disclosure instruction.
LegInputSource |
Role on/for a message.
LegPositionEffect |
Leg-specific field used for Eurex position management purposes and indicates whether the leg is submitted to open or close a position.
LegSecurityType |
Indicates type of leg.
LegSide |
The side of the individual leg of a strategy.
ListUpdateAction |
List update action.
MarketId |
Market ID.
MassActionReason |
Reason for mass cancellation.
MassActionSubType |
Restriction for MassActionType (1373) = Release_quotes (2).
MassActionType |
Specifies the type of action requested.
MatchingEngineStatus |
Informs if trading is active for grouping of Eurex products.
MatchSubType |
Indicates the auction type the trade originates from.
MatchType |
The point in the matching process at which this trade was matched.
MDBookType |
Type of market data.
MDSubBookType |
Sub-type (qualifier) of market data.
MessageEventSource |
Receiver of a message.
MMRiskLimitActionType |
Action for reaching risk limit.
MultilegModel |
Specifies if a strategy is temporarily (user-defined) or permanently (predefined) available.
MultilegPriceModel |
Price decomposition method for legs of a complex instrument.
MultiLegReportingType |
Indicates if the trade resulted from a single order or a multi leg order.
NewsRtmServiceStatus |
State of the News Retransmission Service.
NumberOfRespDisclosureInstruction |
Instruction to show total number of Respondents in a SRQS event.
OfferPxIsLocked |
OfferPx is locked.
OptionalEarlyTerminationIndicator |
Indicates whether the counterparties have the right for early termination.
OrderAttributeLiquidityProvision |
Order attribute liquidity provision.
OrderAttributeRiskReduction |
Order attribute risk reduction.
OrderCategory |
Indicates if the trade notification results from an order or quote.
OrderEventReason |
Action that caused the event to occur.
OrderOrigination |
Order origination, MiFID field - to indicate order received from a direct access or sponsored access customer.
OrderQtyDisclosureInstruction |
Instruction to show total quantity.
OrderQtyIsLocked |
OrderQty is locked.
OrderRoutingIndicator |
Indicates if the participant application is an order routing system.
OrderSide |
Side of the order in the original Eurex strategy.
OrdStatus |
Conveys the current status of an order.
OrdType |
Order type.
OwnershipIndicator |
Ownership indicator.
PartyActionType |
Party action type.
PartyDetailRoleQualifier |
Party detail role qualifier.
PartyDetailStatus |
Party detail status.
PartyDetailStatusInformation |
Reason for a responder reject.
PartyIdEnteringFirm |
Entering Business Unit.
PartyIdInvestmentDecisionMakerQualifier |
Party ID investment decision maker qualifier.
PartyIdOriginationMarket |
Party ID origination market.
PartyIdSettlementLocation |
Settlement institution.
PartyOrderOriginationDisclosureInstruction |
Instruction to show buy-side user information.
PartySubIdType |
Party sub-type.
PositionEffect |
Field is used for Eurex position management purposes and indicates whether the order is submitted to open or close a position.
PriceDisclosureInstruction |
Price disclosure instruction.
PriceValidityCheckType |
Indicator how price validity check should be performed by the exchange.
ProductComplex |
This field qualifies an instrument type on Eurex.
PutOrCall |
Indicates whether an option contract is a put or call.
QuoteCancelReason |
Reason for quote cancellation.
QuoteCancelType |
Status of the SRQS negotiation.
QuoteCondition |
Status of the quote.
QuoteEntryRejectReason |
Reason code indicating why the quote entry has been rejected.
QuoteEntryStatus |
Identifies the status of an individual quote.
QuoteEventLiquidityInd |
Indicates whether the quote added or removed liquidity.
QuoteEventReason |
Additional information why quote side was removed.
QuoteEventSide |
Side of the quote.
QuoteEventType |
Conveys the quote event type.
QuoteInstruction |
Quoting instruction.
QuoteSizeType |
Identifies the quoting model.
QuoteStatus |
Status of the SRQS negotiation.
QuoteSubType |
Sub-type or qualifier of QuoteType.
QuoteType |
Quote type.
QuotingStatus |
Quoting status for the executing party.
RefApplId |
Reference to the unique application identifier.
RelatedProductComplex |
Instrument type of the original Eurex strategy.
RequestingPartyIdEnteringFirm |
Requesting party ID entering firm.
RequestingPartyIdExecutingSystem |
System ID (1 = Eurex Clearing).
RequestingPartySubIdType |
Party type initiating SRQS deal deletion.
RespondentType |
Specifies the type of respondents requested.
ReversalCancellationReason |
Reversal cancellation reason.
ReversalIndicator |
Indicator whether the reversal of the TES trade is electronically requested or not.
RiskControlRtmServiceStatus |
State of the Risk Control Retransmission Service.
RiskLimitAction |
Risk limit action.
RiskLimitPlatform |
Scope for Pre-Trade risk limits.
RiskLimitRequestingPartyRole |
Requesting party role for a pre-trade risk limit.
RiskLimitResult |
Risk Limit Result for failed events.
RiskLimitType |
Type of risk limits.
RiskLimitViolationIndicator |
Indicator for a pre-trade risk limit violation.
RootPartyIdInvestmentDecisionMakerQualifier |
Qualifier for field PartyIdInvestmentDecisionMaker.
RootPartySubIdType |
RootParty sub-type.
SecondaryGatewayStatus |
Status of Secondary ETI Gateway.
SelectiveRequestForQuoteRtmServiceStatus |
State of the Selective Service for Quote Retransmission Service.
SelectiveRequestForQuoteServiceStatus |
State of the selective service for quote service.
SelfMatchPreventionInstruction |
Indicate the instruction for SMP.
SessionMode |
Type of Eurex ETI session.
SessionRejectReason |
Error code.
SessionStatus |
Status of an ETI session.
SessionSubMode |
Session sub mode.
SettlMethod |
Settlement method for a contract or instrument.
ShowLastDealOnClosure |
Instruction to show last deal information after negotiation closure.
Side |
Side of the order.
SideDisclosureInstruction |
Instruction to show side.
SideIsLocked |
Side is locked.
SideLiquidityInd |
Order initiator is passive or aggressor.
SideTrdSubTyp |
Sub-type of a trade type.
SkipValidations |
Indicator to skip validations.
SwapClearer |
Swap clearer for EFS Trades only.
T7EntryServiceRtmStatus |
Informs if Trade Entry Retransmission Service is active for grouping of Eurex products.
T7EntryServiceStatus |
Informs if Trade Entry Service is active for grouping of Eurex products.
TemplateId |
Template IDs.
TimeInForce |
Execution and trading restriction parameters supported by Eurex.
TradeAggregationTransType |
Trade Aggregation Identifier.
TradeAllocStatus |
Status of an allocation in a Trade Entry Service trade.
TradeManagerStatus |
Informs if trade broadcast dissemination is active for a grouping of Eurex products.
TradePlatform |
Indicates trade platform.
TradePublishIndicator |
Indicates if a trade should be reported via the market reporting service.
TradeReportType |
Identifies the type of trade notification.
TradeRequestResult |
Trade request transaction type.
TradeToQuoteRatioRanking |
Trade to Quote Ratio (TQR) Ranking.
TradingCapacity |
This field designates if the trader is acting in the capacity of agent, trading for its own account or acting as a market maker.
TradingSessionSubId |
Marks a a certain order as a closing auction one.
TradSesEvent |
Trading session event type.
TradSesMode |
Trading session mode.
TransactionDelayIndicator |
Indicator for a delayed transaction.
TransferReason |
Identifies the role for which the trade notification is received.
TrdRptStatus |
SRQS deal status.
TrdType |
Indicates if a trade should be reported via the market reporting service.
Triggered |
Indicates if an order has been previously triggered.
UserStatus |
User status.
ValueCheckTypeMinLotSize |
Indicator for checking the Minimum Lot Size by the exchange.
ValueCheckTypeQuantity |
Indicator for checking the maximum order or quote quantity by the exchange.
ValueCheckTypeValue |
Indicator for checking the maximum order/quote value by the exchange.
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