OnixS CME Straight Through Processing Handler allows clients to connect to CME for retrieval of FIXML messages containing NYMEX, COMEX, Gulf Mercantile Exchange (GME), CBOT via CMD, CME cleared trades, CME Globex, BrokerTec Direct, EBS, CME cleared trades and registered external deals information.
Note: We recommend reading the “CME STP API” alongside this guide. Additionally, reviewing the source code of the sample project included in the library distributive package is advised.
All handler classes are located in the biz.onixs.cme.stp.handler package.
The typical way of using the handler is as follows:
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 | final String senderCompId = "SenderCompId" ; final String senderSubId = "SenderSubId" ; final String password = "Password" ; Session.setLicenseDirectory( "d:\\licenses" ); try { final Session session = new Session( new URL(url), senderCompId, senderSubId, password); } catch (LicenseException | MalformedURLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } |
Check also following chapters:
The main class for working with Handler is biz.onixs.cme.stp.handler.Session.
To create a Session object, four parameters (obtained from CME) are required:
35 36 37 38 39 40 41 | try { final Session session = new Session( new URL(url), senderCompId, senderSubId, password); session.subscribe(); session.close(); } catch (InterruptedException | MalformedURLException | LicenseException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } |
There are two ways to receive biz.onixs.cme.stp.handler.TradeCaptureReport messages:
Both methods can be used with or without filters, which are defined using the
biz.onixs.cme.stp.handler.TradeCaptureReportRequest message.Note: Relationship between filters is “AND”.
The following example filters for NYMEX Crude Oil futures only:
27 28 29 30 31 32 | public static void main( final String[] args) { TradeCaptureReportRequest req = new TradeCaptureReportRequest(); req.getInstrument().setSecurityID( "CL" ); req.getInstrument().setSecurityType(SecurityType.Future); req.getInstrument().setSecurityExchange( "NYMEX" ); } |
Understanding Message Sequencing
For real-time data retrieval:
for unfiltered data.
for filtered data.
Handler automatically renews subscription requests every 3 seconds (this interval is configurable).
For historical data retrieval, use
The following example requests historical data filtering for CME product “EC”:
38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 | Session session = new Session( new URL(url), senderCompId, senderSubId, password); session.registerErrorListener( this ); session.registerMessageListener( this ); session.registerFixmlMessageListener( this ); TradeCaptureReportRequest req = new TradeCaptureReportRequest(); req.setStartTime(ZonedDateTime.parse( "2025-02-22" )); req.setEndTime(ZonedDateTime.parse( "2025-02-28" )); req.getInstrument().setSecurityID( "EC" ); req.getInstrument().setSecurityExchange( "CME" ); session.query(req); |
By default, the handler logs all important aspects of its activity while working. The SLF4J(Simple Logging Facade for Java) is used by Handler internally. The SLF4J detects and uses the concrete logging implementation configured by the user. By default, the Logback logging implementation is recommended.
Please see Logging section for more details.
The logging configuration should be set up at the start of the application. Example Logback configuration:
<logger name="biz.onixs.cme.stp.handler.samples" level="DEBUG"/> <logger name="biz.onixs.cme.stp.handler" level="INFO"/>
An exception is used as a fundamental error-reporting mechanism. In the event of any error the biz.onixs.cme.stp.handler.ErrorListener is triggered once exception is thrown while processing inbound/outbound messages.
The handler requires a valid license key file for its execution. If there is no license file available or the handler is not able to locate it, the
biz.onixs.cme.stp.handler.LicenseException exception will be thrown.The pre-defined license file name is “OnixS.lic”. The license file is loaded during handler initialization as described in the Unified Resource Loading.
The default license file name can be changed using LicenseFile parameter in the
biz.onixs.cme.stp.handler.Session.setLicenseFile(String) method.The following table explains different options to keep the license file.
License File Location | License File Name | LicenseFile Property | Note |
application classpath | OnixS.lic | no change required | |
current directory | *.lic | no change required | Any file with the “.lic” extension in the current directory is checked automatically. |
user home directory | *.lic | no change required | Any file with the “.lic” extension in the user home is checked automatically. |
application classpath | AltName.ext | AltName.ext | |
absolute path “/foo/bar” | AltName.ext | /foo/bar/AltName.ext | |
relative path “foo/bar” | AltName.ext | foo/bar/AltName.ext |
By default, any external resource is looked for at the following places and in the following order (if other is not set explicitly):
If it can’t be found at the 1st location then the 2nd one is checked, etc.
The events and their listeners of the biz.onixs.cme.stp.handler.Session class are listed below:
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 | public void run( final String[] args) { TradeCaptureReportRequest req = new TradeCaptureReportRequest(); req.getInstrument().setSecurityID( "CL" ); req.getInstrument().setSecurityType(SecurityType.Future); req.getInstrument().setSecurityExchange( "NYMEX" ); try { Session session = new Session( new URL(url), senderCompId, senderSubId, password); session.registerErrorListener( this ); session.registerMessageListener( this ); session.registerFixmlMessageListener( this ); } catch (LicenseException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override public void onError(ErrorEventArgs args) { LOG.error( "Error: {}" , args.toString()); } @Override public void onMessageSent(FixmlMessageEventArgs args) { LOG.info( "FIXML message sent: {}" , args.getFixmlMessage()); } @Override public void onMessageReceived(FixmlMessageEventArgs args) { LOG.info( "FIXML message received: {}" , args.getFixmlMessage()); } @Override public void onTradeCaptureReportRequestSent(TradeCaptureReportRequestEventArgs args) { LOG.info( "TradeCaptureReportRequest sent with ID = {}" , args.getTradeCaptureReportRequest().getTradeRequestID()); } @Override public void onTradeCaptureReportRequestAcknowledgmentReceived(TradeCaptureReportRequestAcknowledgmentEventArgs args) { LOG.info( "TradeCaptureReportRequestAck received for ID = {}" , args.getTradeCaptureReportRequestAcknowledgment().getTradeRequestID()); } @Override public void onTradeCaptureReportReceived(TradeCaptureReportEventArgs args) { LOG.info( "TradeCaptureReport received with ID = {}" , args.getTradeCaptureReport().getTradeReportID()); } @Override public void onCollateralReportReceived(CollateralReportEventArgs args) { LOG.info( "CollateralReport received for SecurityID = {}" , args.getCollateralReport().getInstrument().getSecurityID()); } @Override public void onEndOfQuery(TradeCaptureReportRequestEventArgs args) { LOG.info( "Last report received for the query with ID = {}" , args.getTradeCaptureReportRequest().getTradeRequestID()); } |
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