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ABSOLUTE_PATH_LOADER - Static variable in class biz.onixs.util.url.ResourceLoaderUtil
AbsolutePathResourceLoader - Class in biz.onixs.util.url
AbsolutePathResourceLoader() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.url.AbsolutePathResourceLoader
AbstractResourceLoader - Class in biz.onixs.util.url
AbstractResourceLoader() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.url.AbstractResourceLoader
AbstractSessionStorage - Class in
AbstractSessionStorage() - Constructor for class
AbstractStorageRepository - Class in
AbstractStorageRepository() - Constructor for class
accept(File, String) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.Directory.FileFilter
acceptConnection(TestAcceptorTask) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
Accepts an incoming TCP connection and prepares the Emulator for communication.
acceptConnection() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
Accepts an incoming TCP connection.
Accepted - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ExecAckStatus
Accepted - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.MassActionResponse
Accepted - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.QuoteAckStatus
acceptEstablishment(long, long, long, long) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
Accepts an "Establish" message, allows setting expected sequence numbers and previous UUID/SeqNo.
acceptEstablishment(long) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
Accepts an "Establish" message and automatically sends a corresponding establishment response.
acceptEstablishment() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
Accepts an "Establish" message and automatically sends a corresponding establishment response.
acceptEstablishmentWithoutResponse() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
Accepts an "Establish" message, used to confirm session setup after negotiation.
acceptNegotiation() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
Accepts a "Negotiate" message and automatically sends a corresponding negotiation response.
acceptNegotiationWithoutResponse() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
Receives a "Negotiate" message, used at the start of a communication session.
Acceptor - Interface in
The interface provides methods for maintaining multiple listening ports.
Acceptor.Listener - Interface in
The interface represents a listener for handling accept events.
AcceptSecurityProposalasis - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.SecRspTyp
AcceptSecurityproposalwithrevisionsasindicatedinthemessage - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.SecRspTyp
acceptSequence(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
Accepts a sequence message, including checking the KeepAliveLapsed status.
acceptTerminate() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
Accepts a "Terminate" message and sends a confirmation response.
acceptTerminateWithoutResponse() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
Accepts a "Terminate" message without sending any response.
ACCESS_KEY_DEFAULT - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
ACCESS_KEY_PROP - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
AccessKeyID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
Account - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.MassCxlReqTyp
Account - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.MassStatusOrdTyp
acquire() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.util.Semaphore
Acquire the Semaphore.
acquire(long) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.util.Semaphore
Acquire the Semaphore.
acquire() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.concurrent.LightweightSemaphore
activateObject(T) - Method in interface biz.onixs.util.pool.PoolableObjectFactory
Add - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ListUpdAct
add(WeeklyInterval) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.WeeklyIntervalList
Adds weekly interval.
addAddress(InetSocketAddress) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SessionConnection
Adds address.
addErrorListener(ErrorListener) - Method in interface biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.ListenerManager
Adds error event listener.
addInterval(WeeklyInterval) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.GenericWeeklySchedule
Adds activity interval.
addListeningPort(InetSocketAddress, Object) - Method in interface
Creates a server-socket bound to the specified address.
addLogoutNotification(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SessionScheduler
Adds session logout notification interval.
addLogoutNotificationListener(LogoutNotificationListener) - Method in interface biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.ListenerManager
Adds session logout notification listener.
addMessage(UnifiedMetaData) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.MessageSchema
addSessionConnection(String, SessionConnection) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SchedulerSettings
addSessionSchedule(String, SessionSchedule) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SchedulerSettings
addStateChangeListener(StateChangeListener) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
Adds state change listener.
addThreadStartedListener(ThreadStartedListener) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler
Adds thread started listener.
AffectedOrderID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
afterEach(ExtensionContext) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.HandlerExtension
afterTestExecution(ExtensionContext) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.HandlerExtension
Aggressive - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ExecMode
AggressorIndicator - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
AlgoEngine - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.CustOrdHandlInst
All - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.MassActionScope
AllOrders - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.MassStatusReqTyp
Allother - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.CustOrderCapacity
AlreadyEstablished - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.TerminateErrorCodes
AlreadyNegotiated - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.TerminateErrorCodes
AnotherMessageSent - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.BusinessRejectReason
AnotherMessageWasSentInBetweenOnDemandMessage - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.BusinessRejectReason
AON - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ExecInst
append(ByteBuffer) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Appends bytes taken from specified byte buffer.
append(char) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Appends a character to byte buffer.
append(byte) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Appends a byte to byte buffer.
append(byte[]) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Appends bytes array to byte buffer.
append(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Appends bytes array encoded from string to byte buffer.
append(ValuePtr) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Appends bytes taken from value pointer to byte buffer.
append(byte[], int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Append bytes array to byte buffer with specified length.
append(byte[], int, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Appends bytes array to byte buffer from specified offset with specified length.
append(long) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Appends bytes array converted from long number.
appendCheckSum(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Appends bytes array converted from int number in checksum format.
ApplicationLayerMsgType - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
ApplicationLayerMsgType() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.ApplicationLayerMsgType
array() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
arrayOffset() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
assemble(byte[], int, TimestampFormat) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.HighResolutionTimestamp
Assemble high resolution timestamp into specified buffer from specified offset with corresponding format.
assertResult() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestTask
Checks if an error occurred during test execution and, if so, throws the stored exception.
ASYNC_FILE_STORAGE_QUEUE_SIZE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.HandlerSettings
ASYNC_FILE_STORAGE_QUEUE_SIZE_PROP - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.HandlerSettings
ASYNC_FILE_STORAGE_WRITE_ERROR_RETRIES_NUMBER_DEFAULT - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.HandlerSettings
ASYNC_FILE_STORAGE_WRITE_ERROR_RETRIES_NUMBER_PROP - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.HandlerSettings
AsyncFileBased - Static variable in class
AsyncFileSessionStorage - Class in
File asynchronous session storage.
AsyncFileStorageRepository - Class in
Asynchronous file-based session storage repository.
AsyncFileStorageRepository() - Constructor for class
AttributeFormatException - Exception in biz.onixs.sbe.exceptions
Thrown if attribute has incorrect value.
AttributeFormatException(Element, String, String) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.sbe.exceptions.AttributeFormatException
Automated - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ManualOrdInd
Automated - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ManualOrdIndReq
AutoQuoteRequest - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
AutoResetEvent - Class in biz.onixs.util.concurrent
AutoResetEvent(SingleConditionReentrantLock, boolean) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.concurrent.AutoResetEvent
AvgPxGroupID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
AvgPxInd() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.AvgPxInd
AvgPxIndicator - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
await(long) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.concurrent.LightweightCondition
Causes the current thread to wait until it is signalled or interrupted, or the specified waiting time elapses.


B3_FRAMING_HEADER - Static variable in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.FramingHeaderSpecification
B3Composites - Class in biz.onixs.sbe.b3
Set of classes for B3 composites.
B3Composites() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.sbe.b3.B3Composites
Backup - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.FTI
Backup - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.FaultToleranceIndicator
beforeEach(ExtensionContext) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.HandlerExtension
beforeTestExecution(ExtensionContext) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.HandlerExtension
BenchmarkPrice - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
BidirectionalBusinessHeader - Interface in biz.onixs.sbe.b3
B3 BidirectionalBusinessHeader composite type interface.
BidPx - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
BidSize - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
bits - Variable in class biz.onixs.util.system.ThreadAffinity.cpu_set_t
biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.audittrailgenerator - package biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.audittrailgenerator
biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler - package biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions - package biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions
biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.filter - package biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.filter
biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session - package biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session - package
biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.util - package biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.util
biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler - package biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler
biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing - package biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing
biz.onixs.sbe - package biz.onixs.sbe
biz.onixs.sbe.b3 - package biz.onixs.sbe.b3
biz.onixs.sbe.bcelExt - package biz.onixs.sbe.bcelExt
biz.onixs.sbe.def - package biz.onixs.sbe.def
biz.onixs.sbe.exceptions - package biz.onixs.sbe.exceptions
biz.onixs.util - package biz.onixs.util
biz.onixs.util.concurrent - package biz.onixs.util.concurrent
biz.onixs.util.log - package biz.onixs.util.log - package
biz.onixs.util.pool - package biz.onixs.util.pool
biz.onixs.util.settings - package biz.onixs.util.settings
biz.onixs.util.system - package biz.onixs.util.system
biz.onixs.util.url - package biz.onixs.util.url
BlockLengthAndTemplateIdSize - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.FramedDeserializer
BooleanFlag() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.BooleanFlag
BooleanNULL() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.BooleanNULL
borrowObject() - Method in interface biz.onixs.util.pool.ObjectPool
borrowObject() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.pool.Pool
breakConnection() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
The socket is closed.
broadcast() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.util.TimedWait
Notify all threads waiting on the object_.
BrokenDateEnd - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
BrokenDateGUID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
BrokenDateSecurityID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
BrokenDateStart - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
BrokenDateTermType - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
BusinessRejectId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.ApplicationLayerMsgType
BusinessRejectInReplyOnEstablishException - Exception in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions
Received the "BusinessReject" message in reply to the "Negotiate" or "Establish" messages.
BusinessRejectInReplyOnEstablishException(IMessage) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.BusinessRejectInReplyOnEstablishException
BusinessRejectReason - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
Code to identify reason for a Business Message Reject message.
BusinessRejectReason() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.BusinessRejectReason
BusinessRejectReason - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
BusinessRejectRefID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
Buy - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.RFQSide
Buy - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.SideNULL
Buy - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.SideReq
BuySideFirmIdDoesNotMatchSellSideFirmId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.BusinessRejectReason
ByteBuffer - Class in biz.onixs.util
Bytes sequence kept in pre-allocated bytes array(storage).
ByteBuffer() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Default constructor which allocates internal storage with min capacity (MIN_CAPACITY).
ByteBuffer(int) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Constructor which allocates internal storage according to the specified capacity.
ByteBuffer(byte[]) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Constructor which allocates internal storage corresponding to the specified buffer length and copies all bytes from buffer.
ByteBuffer(byte[], int) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Constructor which allocates internal storage corresponding to the specified length and copies length of bytes from buffer.
ByteBuffer(String) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Constructor which allocates internal storage and copies all bytes encoded from string.
ByteBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Copy constructor.
ByteBuffer(ByteBuffer, int) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Copy constructor with specified length of bytes to be copied.
ByteBuffer(ByteBuffer, int, int) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Copy constructor with specified offset and length of bytes to be copied.
ByteDecoder - Class in biz.onixs.sbe
Base for decoder implementation.
ByteDecoder() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.sbe.ByteDecoder
ByteDecoderFactory - Class in biz.onixs.sbe
Factory to create SBE encoder/decoder object for the corresponding message schema.
ByteDecoderFactory() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.sbe.ByteDecoderFactory


CalculatedCcyLastQty - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
calculateReceiveTimeout(int, int) - Static method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Utils
Calculates receive timeout based on keep alive interval and reasonable transmission time.
calculateSendTimeout(int, int) - Static method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Utils
Calculates send timeout based on keep alive interval and reasonable transmission time.
CalculationDifference - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.DKReason
calendarToUtcTimestampBytes(Calendar, byte[], int, boolean) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.Timestamp
Cancelallquotes - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.QuoteCxlStatus
Cancelallquotes - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.QuoteCxlTyp
Cancelduetovolquotedoptionorderrestedqtylessthanminordersize - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ExecReason
CancelFromFirmsoft - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ExecReason
CancelFromRiskManagementAPI - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ExecReason
Cancelled - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.OrderStatus
CancelledNotBest - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ExecReason
CancelledSymbol - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
CancelNewest - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.SMPI
CancelOldest - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.SMPI
CancelOnDisconnect - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ExecReason
CancelOnGlobexCreditControlsViolation - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ExecReason
CancelperInstrument - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.QuoteCxlStatus
CancelperInstrument - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.QuoteCxlTyp
CancelperInstrumentgroup - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.QuoteCxlStatus
CancelperInstrumentgroup - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.QuoteCxlTyp
CancelperQuoteSet - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.QuoteCxlStatus
CancelperQuoteSet - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.QuoteCxlTyp
CancelRFCOrder - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ExecReason
CancelText - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
CancelUponContractExpiration - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ExecReason
canCreateDateLoader() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.MonthYearTypeGen
canCreateDateWriter() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.MonthYearTypeGen
canCreateStringLoader() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.MonthYearTypeGen
canCreateWellKnownCompositeLoader() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.MonthYearTypeGen
canCreateWellKnownCompositeWriter() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.MonthYearTypeGen
CANNOT_ESTABLISH_LINK - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.ErrorReason
The telecommunication link cannot be established.
CANNOT_RESTORE_CONNECTION - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.ErrorReason
FIX Connection cannot be restored.
CannotEstablishLinkException - Exception in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions
The telecommunication link cannot be established.
CannotEstablishLinkException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.CannotEstablishLinkException
CannotHaveMoreThanOneInFlightMassOrderStatusRequestInProgress - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.BusinessRejectReason
CannotHaveMoreThanOneInFlightPartyDetailsListRequestInProgress - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.BusinessRejectReason
capacity() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Returns capacity of the byte buffer.
capacity() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
ChainedResourceLoader - Class in biz.onixs.util.url
ChainedResourceLoader(ResourceLoader, ResourceLoader) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.url.ChainedResourceLoader
checkStorageState(String, long, long, long, boolean) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestUtility
checkStorageSummary(String, long[], long[]) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestUtility
CHECKSUM_MODE - Static variable in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
checkTestTasks() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestUtility
Asserts test results by checking each task in the `tasks` collection for stored exceptions.
CLASSPATH_LOADER - Static variable in class biz.onixs.util.url.ResourceLoaderUtil
ClassPathResourceLoader - Class in biz.onixs.util.url
ClassPathResourceLoader() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.url.ClassPathResourceLoader
clear() - Method in class
clear() - Method in class
clear() - Method in class
clear() - Method in class
clear() - Method in interface
Clears session storage state.
clear() - Method in class
clear() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Clears the byte buffer.
clear() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
ClearingAccountType - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
ClearingAcctType() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ClearingAcctType
ClearingTradePriceType - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
ClientElectronic - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.CustOrdHandlInst
clone() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Group
Creates a copy of the repeating group instance, including part of underlying byte array with group data.
clone() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IGroup
Creates a copy of the repeating group instance, including part of underlying byte array with group data.
clone() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IMessage
Creates a copy of the message instance, including part of underlying byte array with message data.
clone() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Message
Creates a copy of the message instance, including part of underlying byte array with message data.
ClOrdID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
close() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
close(boolean) - Method in class
close(boolean) - Method in class
close(boolean) - Method in class
close(boolean) - Method in class
close(boolean) - Method in interface
Closes session storage.
close(boolean) - Method in class
close() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.File
close() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.log.LatencyLogger
close() - Method in class
Detaches this feed from MulticastReceiver.
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
Closable implementation
close() - Method in class
Shuts down the factory, releasing any resources that were created by it.
close() - Method in interface
Closes the connection.
close() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.settings.FileBasedSettings
closeServerSocket() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
Closes the server socket.
closeServerSocketEmulators() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestUtility
CME - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME
CME.AvgPxInd - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.BooleanFlag - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.BooleanNULL - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.ClearingAcctType - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.CmtaGiveUpCD - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.CustOrderCapacity - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.CustOrdHandlInst - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.DKReason - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.ExecAckStatus - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.ExecInst - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.ExecMode - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.ExecReason - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.ExecTypTrdCxl - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.ExpCycle - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.FTI - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.KeepAliveLapsed - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.ListUpdAct - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.ManualOrdInd - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.ManualOrdIndReq - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.MassActionOrdTyp - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.MassActionResponse - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.MassActionScope - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.MassCancelTIF - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.MassCxlReqTyp - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.MassStatusOrdTyp - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.MassStatusReqTyp - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.MassStatusTIF - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.OFMOverrideReq - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.OrderEventType - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.OrderStatus - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.OrderType - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.OrderTypeReq - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.OrdStatusTrd - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.OrdStatusTrdCxl - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.PartyDetailRole - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.QuoteAckStatus - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.QuoteCxlStatus - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.QuoteCxlTyp - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.QuoteTyp - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.ReqResult - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.RFQSide - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.SecRspTyp - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.ShortSaleType - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.SideNULL - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.SideReq - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.SideTimeInForce - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.SLEDS - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.SMPI - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.SplitMsg - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.TimeInForce - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CME.TradeAddendum - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
CMEAdministeredPortClosure - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.TerminateErrorCodes
CMEILINK3_FRAMING_HEADER - Static variable in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.FramingHeaderSpecification
CmeILinkHeaderSize - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.FramedDeserializer
CMEMDP3_FRAMING_HEADER - Static variable in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.FramingHeaderSpecification
CmeSbeEncodingType - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.FramedDeserializer
CmtaGiveUpCD() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.CmtaGiveUpCD
CmtaGiveupCD - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
compact() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
compareTo(ByteBuffer) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
compareTo(HighResolutionTimestamp) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.HighResolutionTimestamp
compareTo(ScaledDecimal) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ScaledDecimal
Compares to the provided object.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ValuePtr
CompleteMessageDelayed - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.SplitMsg
condition() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.util.TimedWait
Hook method that needs to be implemented by subclasses.
condition() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.util.TimedWaitSAdapter
connect() - Method in interface
Synchronous connection attempt.
connectAfterInterval(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface
Initiates a connection attempt after a specified interval.
connectAsync() - Method in interface
Initiates an asynchronous connection attempt.
ConnectionMode - Enum in
An enum that defines supported TCP connection modes.
connectToEmulator(Session, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestUtility
Connects a Session object to an emulator by performing a logon operation.
CONTACT_MAIL - Static variable in exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.LicenseException
contains(int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Returns true if field belongs to field set and has not null value.
contentEquals(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ValuePtr
Compares with the value pointer on whole byte array encoded from string.
contentEquals(byte[], int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ValuePtr
Compares with byte array from the specified offset.
ContraCalculatedCcyLastQty - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
ContraGrossTradeAmt - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
ControllerJob - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler
ControllerJob() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.ControllerJob
Convert - Class in biz.onixs.sbe
Helper to convert data between different types.
Convert() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.sbe.Convert
Converter - Class in biz.onixs.util
Utility class to convert numbers between string representation and numeric.
convertToUtcTimestamp(long, boolean) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.Timestamp
convertToUtcTimestampBytes(long, boolean) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.Timestamp
copy() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Copies this byte buffer and returns a copy.
CorrespondingBusinessMessageBeingRejected - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.BusinessRejectReason
count(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.util.TimedWaitSAdapter
cpu_set_t() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.system.ThreadAffinity.cpu_set_t
create(SessionId, ByteDecoder, boolean) - Method in class
create(SessionId, ByteDecoder, boolean) - Method in class
create(SessionId, ByteDecoder, boolean) - Method in class
create(SessionId, ByteDecoder, boolean) - Method in class
create(SessionId, ByteDecoder, boolean) - Method in interface
Creates session storage from scratch or restores from its previous state.
create(SessionId, ByteDecoder, boolean) - Method in class
create(IMessageSchema) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.ByteDecoderFactory
create(MessageSchema) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.ByteDecoderFactory
create(IMessageSchema, Class<?>[]) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.ByteDecoderFactory
create(MessageSchema, Class<?>[]) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.ByteDecoderFactory
Creates SBE encoder/decoder object.
create(String) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.Directory
Creates directory for the given path.
createAdd(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.bcelExt.InstructionFactory
Create instruction to add integers.
createAnd(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.bcelExt.InstructionFactory
Create instruction for logical and for integers.
createBusinessReject() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestUtility
createCharToString() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.bcelExt.InstructionFactory
Create instruction to convert char to string.
createDateLoader(ClassGen, LocalVariableGen, LocalVariableGen, int, LocalVariableGen) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.MonthYearTypeGen
createDateWriter(MethodGen, LocalVariableGen, LocalVariableGen, int, LocalVariableGen) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.MonthYearTypeGen
createEmptyComposite(String, Object) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.ByteDecoder
Creates or fills empty instance of the class that represents standard composite type.
createEmptyCustomComposite(Class<T>) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.ByteDecoder
Creates empty instance of the class that implements given custom composite interface.
createEmptyStandardComposite(int, Object) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Creates null object of the standard composite type.
createEmulatorAcceptor() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestUtility
Creates a new Emulator object configured with a default port and adds it to tracking.
createEstablishment(long, long, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestUtility
createEstablishmentReject(long, long) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestUtility
createExecutionReportTradeOutright(long, boolean) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
createExecutionReportTradeOutright(long, long, boolean) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestUtility
createGetField(FieldGen) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.bcelExt.InstructionFactory
Create instruction to get field.
createGetStaticField(FieldGen) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.bcelExt.InstructionFactory
Create instruction to get a static field.
createInc(LocalVariableGen, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.bcelExt.InstructionFactory
Create instruction for integer increment.
createIntToString() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.bcelExt.InstructionFactory
Create instruction to convert int to string.
createLoad(LocalVariableGen) - Static method in class biz.onixs.sbe.bcelExt.InstructionFactory
Create instruction to load local variable.
createLoad(UnifiedMetaData.PrimitiveType, boolean, LocalVariableGen, LocalVariableGen, int, Type) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.bcelExt.InstructionFactory
Create instruction to load a primitive field.
createLoadFixedString(MethodGen, LocalVariableGen, LocalVariableGen, int, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.bcelExt.InstructionFactory
Create instruction to load string field.
createLoadHexadecimalString(MethodGen, LocalVariableGen, LocalVariableGen, int, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.bcelExt.InstructionFactory
createLoadOffsetVar(LocalVariableGen, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.bcelExt.InstructionFactory
Create instruction to load offset variable.
createLongToString() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.bcelExt.InstructionFactory
Create instruction to convert long to string.
createMassQuote() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestUtility
createMassQuoteAck(boolean) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
createMassQuoteAck(long, boolean) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestUtility
createMessage() - Method in interface biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.MessageFactory
Factory method to create new flat message.
createNegotiationReject(long, long) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestUtility
createNegotiationResponse(long, long) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestUtility
createNotApplied(long, long, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestUtility
createNullDecimal(int, ScaledDecimal) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Create null value for the given field.
createNullMonthYear(int, MonthYear) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Creates null MonthYear object.
createNullTimestamp(int, SbeTimestamp) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Creates null MonthYear object.
createOrder(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestUtility
createPutField(FieldGen) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.bcelExt.InstructionFactory
Create instruction to put field.
createPutStaticField(FieldGen) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.bcelExt.InstructionFactory
Create instruction to put a static field.
createRetransmission(IMessage) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestUtility
createRetransmission(long, long, long, long, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestUtility
createRetransmitReject(IMessage, int, String) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestUtility
createRetransmitReject(long, long, long, int, String) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestUtility
createSequence(long, long, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestUtility
createStore(LocalVariableGen) - Static method in class biz.onixs.sbe.bcelExt.InstructionFactory
Create instruction to store local variable.
createStore(UnifiedMetaData.PrimitiveType, boolean, LocalVariableGen, LocalVariableGen, int, LocalVariableGen) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.bcelExt.InstructionFactory
Create instruction to store primitive field.
createStoreFixedString(MethodGen, LocalVariableGen, LocalVariableGen, int, int, LocalVariableGen) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.bcelExt.InstructionFactory
Create instruction to store string field.
createStringLoader(MethodGen, LocalVariableGen, LocalVariableGen, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.MonthYearTypeGen
createTerminate(long, long, String, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestUtility
createUnknownMessage(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestUtility
createWellKnownCompositeLoader(ClassGen, LocalVariableGen, LocalVariableGen, int, LocalVariableGen) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.MonthYearTypeGen
createWellKnownCompositeWriter(MethodGen, LocalVariableGen, LocalVariableGen, int, LocalVariableGen) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.MonthYearTypeGen
Credentials - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
Cross - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.RFQSide
CrossID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
CrossPrioritization - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
CrossType - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
CumQty - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
Currency - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
current() - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.Directory
Retrieves the current directory for the current process.
CURRENT_DIR_LOADER - Static variable in class biz.onixs.util.url.ResourceLoaderUtil
CustodianInfo - Interface in biz.onixs.sbe.b3
CustomCompositeException - Exception in biz.onixs.sbe.exceptions
Thrown on errors during genenerating of custom composites.
CustomCompositeException(String) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.sbe.exceptions.CustomCompositeException
CustomCompositeException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.sbe.exceptions.CustomCompositeException
Customer - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ClearingAcctType
CustomerAccount - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.PartyDetailRole
CustomerFlow - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
CustOrderCapacity() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.CustOrderCapacity
CustOrderCapacity - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
CustOrderHandlingInst - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
CustOrdHandlInst() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.CustOrdHandlInst
CxlQuantity - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
CxlRejReason - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
CxlRejResponseTo - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag


d(Logger, Object, String, Object...) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.log.Log
dataTags() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Returns ids of number of instances tags of variadic-length fields, belonging to this field set.
DataTemporarilyUnavailable - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ReqResult
dateTimeToUtcTimestampBytes(LocalDateTime, byte[], int, boolean) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.Timestamp
dateTimeToUtcTimestampBytes(byte[], int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.Timestamp
Day - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.MassCancelTIF
Day - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.MassStatusTIF
Day - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.SideTimeInForce
Day - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.TimeInForce
debug(Object, String, Logger) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.log.Log
debug(Object, String, Object, Logger) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.log.Log
debug(Object, String, Object, Object, Logger) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.log.Log
debug(Object, String, Object[], Logger) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.log.Log
debug(Logger, Object, String, Object...) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.log.Log
decode(byte[], int, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.ByteDecoder
This function does the following: 1.
decodePreCreatedMessage(byte[], int, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.ByteDecoder
This function does the following: 1.
DecoderException - Exception in biz.onixs.sbe.exceptions
Base exception for all Decoder exceptions, such as: absent tag, wrong message size, decoding error etc.
DecoderException(String) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.sbe.exceptions.DecoderException
DecoderException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.sbe.exceptions.DecoderException
DECODING_ERROR - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.ErrorReason
Received an invalid incoming message.
DecodingError - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.BusinessRejectReason
DecodingError - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.TerminateErrorCodes
decrement() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.util.TimedWaitSAdapter
DEFAULT_ASYNC_QUEUE_SIZE - Static variable in class
DEFAULT_LOADER - Static variable in class biz.onixs.util.url.ResourceLoaderUtil
Classpath, absolute path, current directory, home directory loading sequence.
DEFAULT_WRITE_ERROR_NUMBER - Static variable in class
DefaultSeparator - Static variable in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
DelayDuration - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
DelayToTime - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
Delete - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ListUpdAct
DesignatedBackup - Static variable in exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.NegotiationRejectException
DeskElectronic - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.CustOrdHandlInst
DETECT_MESSAGE_GAP_FOR_PREVIOUS_UUID_DEFAULT - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
DETECT_MESSAGE_GAP_FOR_PREVIOUS_UUID_PROP - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Directory - Class in biz.onixs.util
Directory of a file system.
Directory() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.Directory
Directory.FileFilter - Class in biz.onixs.util
Directory.FileNames - Class in biz.onixs.util
File names.
DirResourceLoader - Class in biz.onixs.util.url
DirResourceLoader(File) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.url.DirResourceLoader
Disabled - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.OFMOverrideReq
disconnect() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
Closes the socket and associated input/output streams.
disconnectEmulators() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestUtility
Disconnects all emulators in the `emulators` collection.
DisconnectFromPrimary - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.TerminateErrorCodes
disconnectImmediately() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
Closes the socket immediately, using SO_LINGER with a timeout of 0.
DiscretionPrice - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
DisplayLimitPrice - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
DisplayQty - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
DKReason() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.DKReason
DKReason - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
double2str(double) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.Converter
Converts double value to string.
double2str(double, int) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.Converter
Converts double value to string.
double2str(byte[], double, int) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.Converter
Converts double to string and places it into a byte buffer.
double2str(byte[], int, double, int) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.Converter
Converts double to string and places it into a byte buffer.
drop(MulticastGroup) - Method in interface
Drops (and closes) attached feed.
drop(MulticastGroup) - Method in class
Does nothing: before start thread there is no point to call, when thread is running it cannot be removed, when thread is already stopped, it will receive nothing
drop(MulticastGroup) - Method in class
Drops (and closes) attached feed.
duplicate() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
DuplicateEncodingNameException - Exception in biz.onixs.sbe.exceptions
Thrown if encoding has duplicate name.
DuplicateEncodingNameException(Element, String) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.sbe.exceptions.DuplicateEncodingNameException
DuplicateIdException - Exception in biz.onixs.sbe.exceptions
Thrown if element has duplicate id.
DuplicateIdException(Element, int) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.sbe.exceptions.DuplicateIdException
DuplicateOrderThresholdExceeded - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.BusinessRejectReason
DynamicByteBuffer - Class in biz.onixs.util
DynamicByteBuffer(int, int) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer


e(Logger, Object, String, Object...) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.log.Log
Emulator - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing
Emulator class for simulating a network endpoint in FIXP protocol tests.
Emulator(TestUtility) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
Constructs an Emulator instance with a reference to a TestUtility object.
Emulator.MessageListener - Interface in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing
Enabled - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.OFMOverrideReq
encode(byte[], int, int, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.ByteDecoder
This function does the following: 1.
encodePreCreatedMessage(byte[], int, int, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.ByteDecoder
This function does the following: 1.
EndDate - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
EndianessFieldSpecification(int, int, boolean, MessageSchema.Endianess, byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.sbe.def.FramingHeaderSpecification.EndianessFieldSpecification
endOfFile() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.File
ensureCanonicalName(String) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.File
EnumNotSupported - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.BusinessRejectReason
equals(Object) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionId
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.MonthYear
equals(Object) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.SbeTimestamp
Check two objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
equals(Object) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
equals(Object) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.HighResolutionTimestamp
equals(Object) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ScaledDecimal
equals(Object) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ValuePtr
erase(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Erases bytes from the beginning of byte buffer with specified length.
erase(int, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Erases bytes from specified position and with length form byte buffer.
error(Object, String, Logger) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.log.Log
error(Object, String, Object, Logger) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.log.Log
error(Object, String, Object, Object, Logger) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.log.Log
error(Object, String, Object[], Logger) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.log.Log
error(Logger, Object, String, Object...) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.log.Log
ErrorArgs(Handler.ErrorReason, String) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler.ErrorArgs
ErrorArgs - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session
ErrorArgs() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.ErrorArgs
ErrorArgs(ErrorReason, String) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.ErrorArgs
ErrorCodes - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
ErrorListener - Interface in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session
Error event listener.
ErrorListener - Interface in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler
Error event callbacks.
ErrorListener.ErrorArgs - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler
General session error event arguments.
ErrorListener.LogonErrorArgs - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler
Logon error event arguments.
ErrorReason - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session
Error reason.
Establish - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionLayerMsgType
ESTABLISHED - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionState
Session is fully established.
EstablishId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionLayerMsgType
EstablishInProgress - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.TerminateErrorCodes
ESTABLISHMENT_REJECT - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.ErrorReason
Establishment Reject message is received in reply on the Establishment message
EstablishmentAck - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionLayerMsgType
EstablishmentAckId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionLayerMsgType
EstablishmentReject - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionLayerMsgType
EstablishmentRejectException - Exception in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions
Received the "Establishment Reject" message.
EstablishmentRejectException(IMessage) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.EstablishmentRejectException
EstablishmentRejectId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionLayerMsgType
EVENT_ARG_REUSE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.HandlerSettings
EVENT_ARG_REUSE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
EVENT_ARG_REUSE_PROP - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.HandlerSettings
EVENT_ARG_REUSE_PROP - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
ExceededMaximumNumberOfAllowableRequestingPartyIDsInPartyDetailsListRequest - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.BusinessRejectReason
ExceededMaximumNumberOfInFlightOrderStatusRequests - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.BusinessRejectReason
ExceededMaximumNumberOfPartyDetailsDefinitionRequests - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.BusinessRejectReason
EXCEPTION_DURING_PROCESSING_OF_INCOMING_MESSAGE - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.ErrorReason
Exception during processing of incoming message.
EXCHANGE_INITIATED_TERMINATE_MESSAGE - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.ErrorReason
The Exchange sent the initial Terminate message.
ExchangeQuoteReqID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
ExecAckStatus() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ExecAckStatus
ExecAckStatus - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
ExecID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
ExecInst() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ExecInst
ExecInst - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
ExecMode() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ExecMode
ExecReason() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ExecReason
ExecRestatementReason - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
ExecType - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
ExecTypTrdCxl() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ExecTypTrdCxl
execute(JobExecutionContext) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.LogonJob
execute(JobExecutionContext) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.LogonResetJob
execute(JobExecutionContext) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.LogoutJob
execute(JobExecutionContext) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.LogoutNotificationJob
ExecutingFirm - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.PartyDetailRole
ExecutionAckId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.ApplicationLayerMsgType
ExecutionMode - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
ExecutionReportCancelId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.ApplicationLayerMsgType
ExecutionReportEliminationId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.ApplicationLayerMsgType
ExecutionReportModifyId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.ApplicationLayerMsgType
ExecutionReportNewId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.ApplicationLayerMsgType
ExecutionReportPendingCancelId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.ApplicationLayerMsgType
ExecutionReportPendingReplaceId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.ApplicationLayerMsgType
ExecutionReportRejectId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.ApplicationLayerMsgType
ExecutionReportStatusId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.ApplicationLayerMsgType
ExecutionReportTradeAddendumOutrightId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.ApplicationLayerMsgType
ExecutionReportTradeAddendumSpreadId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.ApplicationLayerMsgType
ExecutionReportTradeAddendumSpreadLegId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.ApplicationLayerMsgType
ExecutionReportTradeOutrightId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.ApplicationLayerMsgType
ExecutionReportTradeSpreadId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.ApplicationLayerMsgType
ExecutionReportTradeSpreadLegId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.ApplicationLayerMsgType
Executor - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
exist(String) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.File
ExpCycle() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ExpCycle
Expirationatgivendate - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ExpCycle
ExpirationCycle - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
Expired - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.OrderStatus
ExpireDate - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
ExpireOnTradingSessionClose - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ExpCycle


FAK - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.SideTimeInForce
False - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.BooleanFlag
False - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.BooleanNULL
FaultToleranceIndicator - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
Indicates whether the connection is the primary or backup.
FaultToleranceIndicator() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.FaultToleranceIndicator
FaultToleranceIndicator - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
FCMAPIorFIX - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.CustOrdHandlInst
FCMprovidedscreen - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.CustOrdHandlInst
Field - Enum in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.audittrailgenerator
Enum class with fields of the CME Audit Trail spreadsheet.
FieldSpecification(int, int, boolean, MessageSchema.Endianess) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.sbe.def.FramingHeaderSpecification.FieldSpecification
fieldTags() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Returns ids of all fields
File - Class in biz.onixs.util
File() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.File
File(File) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.File
File(String, String) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.File
FileBasedSessionStorage - Class in
FileBasedSettings - Class in biz.onixs.util.settings
The Settings implementation backed with the file.
FileBasedSettings(File) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.settings.FileBasedSettings
FileBasedStorage - Static variable in class
FileBasedStorageRepository - Class in
Repository of file-based session storage.
FileBasedStorageRepository() - Constructor for class
FileFilter(String) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.Directory.FileFilter
FileNames() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.Directory.FileNames
FillAndKill - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.TimeInForce
Filled - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.OrderEventType
Filled - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.OrderStatus
Filled - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.OrdStatusTrd
Filled - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.TradeAddendum
FillExecID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
FillOrKill - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.TimeInForce
FillPx - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
FillQty - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
FillYieldType - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
filter(IMessage) - Method in interface biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.filter.MessageFilter
Returns whether this message must be filtered.
filter(IMessage) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.filter.NullMessageFilter
filter(IMessage) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.filter.TypeMessageFilter
FinancialInstrumentFullName - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
findCompositeMember(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
findField(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
findField(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
findFiles(String, String, Directory.FileNames) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.Directory
Returns a collection of strings naming the files in the directory denoted by the given pathname that satisfy the specified filename pattern.
findIndex(int, byte[]) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Finds index of bytes sub-sequence in the data of the byte buffer.
findSuitable(UnifiedMetaData) - Static method in enum biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData.WellKnownComposite
findType(Function<UnifiedMetaData, Boolean>) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.MessageSchema
findValue(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
Finished - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.TerminateErrorCodes
Firm - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ClearingAcctType
Firm - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
FIRM_DEFAULT - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
FIRM_PROP - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
First() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.PortRange
First() - Method in class
Returns the first port number in the range.
flip() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
flush() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.File
flush() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.settings.FileBasedSettings
FramedDeserializer - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
FramedDeserializer() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.FramedDeserializer
FramedDeserializer.DeserializationResult - Enum in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
Message deserialization result.
FramingHeaderPolicy - Class in biz.onixs.sbe
Policy of SBE framing header using.
FramingHeaderPolicy(FramingHeaderSpecification, int) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.sbe.FramingHeaderPolicy
Constructs new instance of the policy.
FramingHeaderPolicy(FramingHeaderPolicy) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.sbe.FramingHeaderPolicy
Makes a copy of the policy.
FramingHeaderSpecification - Class in biz.onixs.sbe.def
FramingHeaderSpecification(FramingHeaderSpecification.FieldSpecification, FramingHeaderSpecification.EndianessFieldSpecification) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.sbe.def.FramingHeaderSpecification
FramingHeaderSpecification.EndianessFieldSpecification - Class in biz.onixs.sbe.def
FramingHeaderSpecification.FieldSpecification - Class in biz.onixs.sbe.def
FromSeqNo - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
FTI() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.FTI


GARBLED_MESSAGE_RECEIVED - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.WarningReason
Garbled message is received.
generate() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.GuidGenerator
generateAndUpdateUuid() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionId
generateUUID() - Static method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionId
GenericWeeklySchedule - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler
Generic weekly schedule which consists of activity intervals.
GenericWeeklySchedule() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.GenericWeeklySchedule
get(SessionStorageType) - Method in class
get(String) - Method in class
get(SessionStorageType) - Method in interface
get(String) - Method in interface
get() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Returns internal storage(byte array).
get() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
get(byte[]) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
get(byte[], int, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
get(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
getAccessKey() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Returns the access key that was assigned by the exchange.
getActualSeqNum() - Method in exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.UnexpectedSequenceNumberException
Return actual sequence number.
getAddress() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SessionConnectingArgs
Returns address of counterparty to be connected.
getAddresses() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SessionConnection
Returns list of addresses.
getAsyncFileStorageQueueSize() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.HandlerSettings
Returns async file session storage queue size.
getAsyncFileStorageRepository() - Method in class
getAsyncFileStorageRepository() - Method in interface
getAsyncFileStorageWriteErrorRetriesNumber() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.HandlerSettings
Returns async file session storage write error retries number.
getAsyncQueueSize() - Method in class
Returns asynchronous operations queue size.
getAttrValue(Node, String) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.XmlUtils
getAttrValue(NamedNodeMap, String) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.XmlUtils
getAvgIntervalMilliSeconds() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.PrecisionTimer
getAvgIntervalNanoSeconds() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.PrecisionTimer
getAvgIntervalSeconds() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.PrecisionTimer
getBaseName() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.log.LatencyLogger
getBigEndianSign() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.FramingHeaderSpecification.EndianessFieldSpecification
getBlockLength() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getBoolean(int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Gets field value by tag.
getBoolean(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.settings.Settings
Returns a boolean value that corresponds to the given key.
getBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.settings.Settings
Returns a boolean value that corresponds to the given key.
getBuffer() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Byte array, which contains field set data.
getBuffer() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Message
getBufferSize() - Method in class
getByte(int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Gets field value by tag.
getByteBuffer() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
getBytes(int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Gets raw field value by tag.
getBytes(byte[], int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.UtcTimestamp
getBytes() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.UtcTimestamp
getc() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.File
getCalculatedOffset() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getCalendar() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.HighResolutionTimestamp
Returns timestamp without high resolution component of the high resolution timestamp.
getChar(int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Gets field value by tag.
getChar() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
getChar(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
getCharacterEncoding() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getCheckSum() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Gets checksum corresponding to bytes kept in byte buffer.
getCheckSum() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
getCleanUpOldLogs() - Method in class
Returns the number of days back older storage files will be deleted.
getCompositeMembers() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getCompositeMembersContainer() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getConnectionRetriesInterval() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SessionScheduler
Returns the time interval between the logon attempts in case of a logon failure in seconds.
getConnectionRetriesNumber() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SessionScheduler
Returns the number of logon attempts in case of a logon failure.
getConnectionSettingsById(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SchedulerSettings
getController() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.ControllerJob
getCopy() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Returns copy of bytes kept in byte buffer.
getCorrespondingJavaClass() - Method in enum biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData.PrimitiveType
getCorrespondingJavaClass() - Method in enum biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData.WellKnownComposite
getCurrentAttempt() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.ErrorListener.LogonErrorArgs
Returns current attempt number.
getCustodian() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.b3.CustodianInfo
getCustodyAccount() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.b3.CustodianInfo
getCustodyAllocationType() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.b3.CustodianInfo
getCustomComposite(int, T) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Gets custom composite field value by tag.
getCustomComposites() - Static method in class biz.onixs.sbe.b3.B3Composites
Array of classes to use for customized B3 composite generation.
getCustomer() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.License
Returns license customer.
getCustomPolicy(FramingHeaderSpecification) - Static method in class biz.onixs.sbe.FramingHeaderPolicy
Override standard or schema-specified framing header with the custom one.
getData() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getData() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IVarData
Gets value of variable length data field.
getData() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.VarData
getData() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ValuePtr
Returns whole byte array containing the value.
getDay() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.MonthYear
Gets a day part of the date.
getDaysLeft() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.License
Returns the number of days left until license is expired.
getDecimal(int, ScaledDecimal) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Gets field value by tag.
getDecimal(int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Gets field value by tag.
getDecoder() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
Returns SBE decoder class used by session to encode and decode SBE messages.
getDecoder() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestUtility
getDescription() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler.ErrorArgs
getDescription() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler.WarningArgs
getDescription() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.ErrorArgs
getDescription() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.WarningArgs
Returns warning description.
getDescription() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.ErrorListener.ErrorArgs
Returns error description.
getDescription() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.def.IMessageSchema
Returns schema description of the schema.
getDescription() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.MessageSchema
getDescription() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getDimensionTypeName() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getDirectory() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.log.LatencyLogger
getDouble() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
getDouble(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
getDynamicOffset() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IMessage
Returns offset of the variable length data (repeating groups and/or variable length fields).
getDynamicOffset() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Message
IMessage implementation
getElapsedMilliSeconds() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.PrecisionTimer
Returns the elapsed time in milliseconds.
getElapsedNanoSeconds() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.PrecisionTimer
Returns the elapsed time in nanoseconds.
getElapsedSeconds() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.PrecisionTimer
Returns the elapsed time in seconds.
getEmulatorPort() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestSettings
getEndianess() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.FramingHeaderSpecification.FieldSpecification
getEndianess() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.MessageSchema
getEndianessField() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.FramingHeaderSpecification
getEndOfGroupOffset() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Group
getEndOfGroupOffset() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IGroup
Returns offset of the last byte of the repeating group data in underlying data array.
getEndOfVarDataOffset() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IVarData
Returns offset of the last byte of the repeating group data in underlying data array.
getEndOfVarDataOffset() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.VarData
Ending offset of the data.
getEpoch() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.SbeTimestamp
Timstamp epoch.
getErrorListener() - Static method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler
Returns error listener.
getErrorListener() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
Returns error listener.
getErrorReason() - Method in exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.LogonException
Error reason.
getErrorReason() - Method in exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.SessionException
getException() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.ErrorListener.ErrorArgs
Returns exception.
getExpandFactor() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
getExpectedSeqNum() - Method in exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.UnexpectedSequenceNumberException
Return expected sequence number.
getExpirationDate() - Method in exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.LicenseExpiredException
getExpirationDate() - Method in exception biz.onixs.sbe.LicenseExpiredException
Gets license expiration date.
getExplicitAlignment() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getExplicitOffset() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getExponent() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ScaledDecimal
Method that returns the exponent part of the scaled decimal as an integer
getFieldSetHeaderSize() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getFileStorageRepository() - Method in class
getFileStorageRepository() - Method in interface
getFirm() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Returns the firm id that was assigned by the exchange.
getFirm() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionId
getFirm() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestSettings
getFirstDay() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SimpleWeeklySchedule
Returns first day.
getFixedBlockLength() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IGroup
Returns length of the fixed-size fields block appeared before first repeating group.
getFixedBlockLength() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IMessage
Returns length of the fixed-size fields block appeared before first repeating group.
getFixedSize() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getFixedSizeBlock() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getFixMessageType() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getFlags() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.FramingHeaderPolicy
The policy flags.
getFloat() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
getFloat(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
getFractionFormatLine() - Method in enum biz.onixs.sbe.TimestampUnit
Format line for the fraction part.
getFrameHeaderSize() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.def.IMessageSchema
Returns size of the frame header.
getFrameHeaderSize() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.MessageSchema
getFramingHeaderSpecification() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.MessageSchema
getFreePort() - Static method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestUtility
Obtains a free port by attempting to create a temporary ServerSocket.
getFromSeqNo() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.NotAppliedArgs
Returns first not applied sequence number.
getFullStorageFolder() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.HandlerSettings
Returns full storage folder path.
getGeneratingData() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getGroup(int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Gets repeating group.
getGroup() - Method in class
getGroups() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getHandlerSettings() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestUtility
getHeaderType() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.def.IMessageSchema
Returns definition of messages header type.
getHeaderType() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.MessageSchema
getHeaderTypeName() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.MessageSchema
getHexadecimalString(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class biz.onixs.sbe.PublicUtils
Hexadecimal string for the pointed data.
getHost() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestSettings
getHost() - Method in interface
Returns the hostname or IP address to connect.
getId() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.License.Product
Returns product id.
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.def.IMessageSchema
Returns schema id.
getId() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.MessageSchema
getIf() - Method in class
getInboundApplicationMessageListener() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
Returns inbound application message listener.
getInboundMessageLogFilter() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Returns session inbound message log filter.
getInboundSessionMessageListener() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
Returns inbound session message listener.
getIncomingMessageGapQueueMaximumSize() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
Returns maximum size of the incoming message gap queue.
getInSeqNum() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
getInSeqNum() - Method in class
getInSeqNum() - Method in class
getInSeqNum() - Method in class
getInSeqNum() - Method in class
getInSeqNum() - Method in interface
Returns last inbound message sequence number or 0 if no inbound message is stored.
getInSeqNum() - Method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.filter.NullMessageFilter
Returns filter instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler
The instance of the handler.
getInt(int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Gets field value by tag.
getInt() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
getInt(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
getInteger(String, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.settings.Settings
Returns an integer value that corresponds to the given key.
getInteger(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.settings.Settings
Returns an integer value that corresponds to the given key.
getInterval() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.LogoutNotification
Returns interval before logout.
getInterval() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.LogoutNotificationJob
getInterval() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.Throttler
Returns interval duration.
getIntervalEnd() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.License
Returns license validity interval end date.
getIntervalList() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.GenericWeeklySchedule
Returns list of activity intervals.
getIntervalList() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.MultiDayLengthSchedule
getIntervalList() - Method in interface biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SessionSchedule
getIntervalList() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SingleDayLengthSchedule
getIntervals() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.WeeklyIntervalList
Returns interval list.
getIntervalStart() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.License
Returns license validity interval start date.
getIntValue() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getItemsPerSecond(long) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.PrecisionTimer
getJavaClass() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getKeepAliveInterval() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Returns the longest time in milliseconds the client system can remain silent before sending a message.
getKeepAliveInterval() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestSettings
getKind() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getLastDay() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SimpleWeeklySchedule
Returns last day.
getLastEncodingType() - Static method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.FramedDeserializer
getLastIntervalMilliSeconds() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.PrecisionTimer
getLastIntervalNanoSeconds() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.PrecisionTimer
getLastIntervalSeconds() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.PrecisionTimer
getLastSchemaID() - Static method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.FramedDeserializer
getLastVersion() - Static method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.FramedDeserializer
getLength() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getLength() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Group
getLength() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IGroup
Gets number of entries in the repeating group.
getLength() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ValuePtr
Returns length of the value in the array from offset.
getLicense() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler
getLicense() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.HandlerSettings
Returns the content of the license file if it is set explicitly using HandlerSettings.setLicense(String).
getLicense() - Static method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.MessageSchema
Gets license content.
getLicenseDirectory() - Static method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.MessageSchema
Gets path to the license file directory.
getLicenseExpirationDate() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.MessageSchema
Gets license expiration date.
getLicenseFile() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.HandlerSettings
Returns the name of the license file resource.
getLicenseFile() - Static method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.MessageSchema
Gets path to the license file.
getLine(StringBuilder, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.File
getLine(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.File
getLine(StringBuilder, int, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.File
getLine(int, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.File
getListener() - Method in interface
Returns the listener which will be called in case there is a new connection accepted on a listening port.
getListener() - Method in class
getListenerDelayWarningThreshold() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.HandlerSettings
Returns the limit of time to spend in the session listener code.
getListenerDelayWarningThreshold() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Returns the limit of time to spend in the listener code.
getListenerManager() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SessionScheduler
Returns listener manager to subscribe/unsubscribe from events.
getListenPort() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestAcceptorTask
getLitteEndianSign() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.FramingHeaderSpecification.EndianessFieldSpecification
getLocalAddress() - Method in interface
Returns the local address to which the socket is bound.
getLogonDay() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.WeeklyInterval
Returns logon day.
getLogonTime() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SimpleWeeklySchedule
Returns logon time.
getLogonTime() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.WeeklyInterval
Returns logon time.
getLogonTimeZone() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SimpleWeeklySchedule
Returns logon timezone.
getLogonTimeZone() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.WeeklyInterval
Returns logon time zone.
getLogoutDay() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.WeeklyInterval
Returns logout day.
getLogoutNotifications() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SessionScheduler
Returns session logout notification intervals.
getLogoutTime() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SimpleWeeklySchedule
Returns logout time.
getLogoutTime() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.WeeklyInterval
Returns logout time.
getLogoutTimeZone() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SimpleWeeklySchedule
Returns logout timezone.
getLogoutTimeZone() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.WeeklyInterval
Returns logout time zone.
getLong(int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Gets field value by tag.
getLong() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
getLong(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
getLong(String, long) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.settings.Settings
Returns a long value that corresponds to the given key.
getLong(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.settings.Settings
Returns a long value that corresponds to the given key.
getLongValue() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getMantissa() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ScaledDecimal
Method that returns the mantissa part of the scaled decimal as a long
getMarketSegmentId() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionId
getMarketSegmentId() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestSettings
getMarketSegmentID() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.b3.BidirectionalBusinessHeader
getMarketSegmentID() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.b3.InboundBusinessHeader
getMaxAttempt() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.ErrorListener.LogonErrorArgs
Returns maximal attempt number.
getMaxEvents() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.Throttler
Returns maximum number of events for the given interval.
getMaxIntervalMilliSeconds() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.PrecisionTimer
getMaxIntervalNanoSeconds() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.PrecisionTimer
getMaxIntervalSeconds() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.PrecisionTimer
getMaxStorageSize() - Method in class
getMaxStorageSize() - Method in class
getMaxStorageSize() - Method in interface
Returns the maximum size of the message storage.
getMaxStorageSize() - Method in interface
Returns the maximum size of the storage in messages.
getMaxStorageSize() - Method in class
getMaxStorageSize() - Method in class
getMaxValue() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getMemoryStorageRepository() - Method in class
getMemoryStorageRepository() - Method in interface
getMessages() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.def.IMessageSchema
Gets map of all messages in the schema.
getMessages() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.MessageSchema
getMessagesByNames() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.MessageSchema
getMessageSchema() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
Returns SBE templates description.
getMessageSchema() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestUtility
getMessageSchema() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getMessageSizeField() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.FramingHeaderSpecification
getMicroSecondsPerItem(long) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.PrecisionTimer
getMicroSecondsPerItem(long, long) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.PrecisionTimer
getMilliSecondsPerItem(long) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.PrecisionTimer
getMilliSecondsPerItem(long, long) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.PrecisionTimer
getMinValue() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getMonth() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.MonthYear
Gets a month part of the date.
getMonthYear(int, MonthYear) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Gets date field value by tag.
getMonthYear(int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Gets date field value by tag.
getMsg() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.MessageEventArgs
Returns event-related message.
getMsgCount() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.NotAppliedArgs
Returns count of how many messages have not been applied.
getMsgSeqNum() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.b3.BidirectionalBusinessHeader
getMsgSeqNum() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.b3.InboundBusinessHeader
getMsgSeqNum() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.b3.OutboundBusinessHeader
getMsgSize() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IMessage
Returns message size.
getMsgSize() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Message
Gets message size.
getName() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.License.Customer
Returns customer name.
getName() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.License.Product
Returns product name.
getName() - Method in enum biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.License.Type
Returns license type name.
getName() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestSettings
getName() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getName() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ProductInfo
getNameAndVersion() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ProductInfo
getNanoSecondsPerItem(long) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.PrecisionTimer
getNanoSecondsPerItem(long, long) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.PrecisionTimer
getNewState() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler.StateChangedArgs
getNewState() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.StateChangeArgs
Returns new session state.
getNotAppliedListener() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
Returns NotApplied listener.
getNullValue() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getNumActive() - Method in interface biz.onixs.util.pool.ObjectPool
getNumActive() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.pool.Pool
getNumIdle() - Method in interface biz.onixs.util.pool.ObjectPool
getNumIdle() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.pool.Pool
getOffset() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.FramingHeaderSpecification.FieldSpecification
getOffset() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Group
getOffset() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Returns field set offset in the buffer.
getOffset() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IGroup
Returns offset of the first byte of the repeating group data in underlying data array.
getOffset() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Message
getOffset() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ValuePtr
Returns offset of the value in the array.
getOffsetInFieldSet(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getOutboundApplicationMessageListener() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
Returns outbound application message listener.
getOutboundMessages(long, long) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
Returns outbound messages with the specified sequence number interval.
getOutboundMessages(long, long) - Method in class
getOutboundMessages(long, long) - Method in class
getOutboundMessages(long, long) - Method in class
getOutboundMessages(long, long) - Method in class
getOutboundMessages(long, long) - Method in interface
Returns outbound messages with the specified sequence number interval.
getOutboundMessages(long, long) - Method in class
getOutboundSessionMessageListener() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
Returns outbound session message listener.
getOutputQueueMaxSize() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Returns the maximum size of the internal output queue allocated for a connection, in bytes.
getOutQueueBytes() - Method in interface
Returns the number of bytes in the out queue to be send.
getOutSeqNum() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
getOutSeqNum() - Method in class
getOutSeqNum() - Method in class
getOutSeqNum() - Method in class
getOutSeqNum() - Method in class
getOutSeqNum() - Method in interface
Returns last outbound sequence number or 0 if no outbound message is stored.
getOutSeqNum() - Method in class
getOwner() - Method in class
returns null if the MulticastGroup is detached (dropped)
getOwnGeneratingData() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getPackage() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.def.IMessageSchema
Returns schema name.
getPackage() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.MessageSchema
getPackageName() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.MessageSchema
getPaddingAfter() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getPaddingBefore() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getParent() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getParent() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Returns field set parent.
getPicoSecond() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.HighResolutionTimestamp
Returns picosecond component of the high resolution timestamp.
getPort() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
Returns the port number the Emulator is listening on (default value is 11012).
getPort() - Method in interface
Returns the port number to connect.
getPos() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Group
getPos() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IGroup
Gets current entry index.
getPossResend() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.b3.BidirectionalBusinessHeader
getPossResend() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.b3.OutboundBusinessHeader
getPrecision() - Method in enum biz.onixs.sbe.TimestampUnit
Precision of the unit.
getPresence() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getPreviousSeqNo() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
getPreviousSeqNo() - Method in class
getPreviousSeqNo() - Method in class
getPreviousSeqNo() - Method in class
getPreviousSeqNo() - Method in class
getPreviousSeqNo() - Method in interface
Returns last inbound message sequence number of previous session or 0 if no inbound message is stored.
getPreviousSeqNo() - Method in class
getPreviousState() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler.StateChangedArgs
getPreviousUuid() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
getPreviousUuid() - Method in class
getPreviousUuid() - Method in class
getPreviousUuid() - Method in class
getPreviousUuid() - Method in class
getPreviousUuid() - Method in interface
Returns previous Universally Unique Identifier (UUID).
getPreviousUuid() - Method in class
getPrevState() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.StateChangeArgs
Returns previous session state.
getPrimitiveType() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getProductName() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler
Returns product name
getProductNameAndVersion() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler
Returns product name and version
getProductVersion() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler
Returns handler version
getProxyHost() - Method in class
Returns the proxy host.
getProxyPassword() - Method in class
Returns the proxy password.
getProxyPort() - Method in class
Returns the proxy port.
getProxyUsername() - Method in class
Returns the proxy username.
getQuartzConfigFile() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SessionScheduler
Returns Quartz configuration file.
getQueue() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.SessionStateQueue
getRawSemanticType() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getReason() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler.ErrorArgs
getReason() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler.WarningArgs
getReason() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.ErrorArgs
getReason() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.WarningArgs
Returns warning reason.
getReasonableTransmissionTime() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Returns reasonable transmission time as % from keep alive interval value.
getReceivedMsg() - Method in exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.TerminateInReplyOnEstablishException
Received message.
getReceivingThreadAffinity() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Returns a processor affinity mask for the receiving thread.
getReconnectAttempts() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Returns the number of attempts session will try to restore connection.
getReconnectInterval() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Returns interval between reconnect attempts in milliseconds.
getRecords() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.audittrailgenerator.RecordsInfo
Returns fields records of CME Audit Trail spreadsheet in order corresponding to Field enum.
getRejectMsg() - Method in exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.EstablishmentRejectException
Received reject message.
getRejectMsg() - Method in exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.NegotiationRejectException
Received reject message.
getRemoteAddress() - Method in interface
Returns the remote address to which the socket is connected.
getReportNewMessagesWhileWaitingForMissedMessages() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Returns whether to call InboundApplicationMessageListener listener while waiting for missed messages.
getRepositories() - Method in class
getRepositories() - Method in interface
getResendingQueueSize() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.HandlerSettings
Returns the number of sent messages that are available for resending on counterparty's Resend Request(2) message.
getResolvedDimensionType() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getResolvedHeaderType() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.MessageSchema
getResolvedUnderlayingType() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getResource(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.url.AbsolutePathResourceLoader
getResource(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.url.ChainedResourceLoader
getResource(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.url.ClassPathResourceLoader
getResource(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.url.DirResourceLoader
getResource(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.url.NullResourceLoader
getResource(String) - Method in interface biz.onixs.util.url.ResourceLoader
Returns input stream for the resource specified by the name.
getRotateStorageSize() - Method in class
Returns the size at which the storage file is rotated.
getRotateStorageSize() - Method in class
Returns the size at which the storage file is rotated.
getRotateStorageSize() - Method in class
Returns the size at which the storage file is rotated.
gets(byte[], int, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.File
gets(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.File
getScheduleById(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SchedulerSettings
getSecondsPerItem(long) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.PrecisionTimer
getSecondsPerItem(long, long) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.PrecisionTimer
getSecretKey() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Returns the secret key that was assigned by the exchange.
getSemanticType() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getSemanticType() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IMessage
Returns message semantic type (FIX type).
getSemanticVersion() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.def.IMessageSchema
Returns the semantic version of the schema.
getSemanticVersion() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.MessageSchema
getSendingThreadAffinity() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Returns a processor affinity mask for the sending thread.
getSendingTime() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.audittrailgenerator.RecordsInfo
Returns SendingTime of the message used for records generation.
getSendingTime() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.b3.BidirectionalBusinessHeader
getSendingTime() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.b3.InboundBusinessHeader
getSendingTime() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.b3.OutboundBusinessHeader
getSendSpinningTimeout() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Returns the current send spinning timeout value (in nanoseconds).
getSession() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Returns the session id that was assigned by the exchange.
getSession() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionId
getSession() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.ErrorListener.ErrorArgs
Returns the session.
getSession() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.LogoutNotification
Returns session.
getSession() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SessionConnectingArgs
Returns session which will be connected.
getSession() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestSettings
getSessionConnectionListener() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SessionConnection
Returns session connection listener.
getSessionId() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
getSessionId() - Method in class
getSessionID() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.b3.BidirectionalBusinessHeader
getSessionID() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.b3.InboundBusinessHeader
getSessionID() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.b3.OutboundBusinessHeader
getSessionSettings() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestUtility
getSettings() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler
Returns handler settings.
getSettings() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
getShort(int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Gets field value by tag.
getShort() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
getShort(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
getShortName() - Method in enum biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.ThreadRole
getSinceVersion() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getSize() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.WeeklyIntervalList
Returns interval list size.
getSize() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.FramingHeaderSpecification.FieldSpecification
getSize() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.FramingHeaderSpecification
getSize() - Method in enum biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData.PrimitiveType
getSize() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Group
IFieldSet implementation: will be implemented by ClassGen
getSize() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Returns size of the buffer, available for field set.
getSize() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IVarData
Returns length of variable length data.
getSize() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Message
getSize() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.VarData
Size of data.
getSizeFromOffset(byte[], int) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Group
Returns size of entire group in a case the group contains nested var-legth data.
getSocketPerfPreferenceBandwidth() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Returns socket performance preference for bandwidth.
getSocketPerfPreferenceConnectionTime() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Returns socket performance preference for connection time.
getSocketPerfPreferenceLatency() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Returns socket performance preference for latency.
getSocketReceiveBufferSize() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Returns TCP socket receive buffer size allocated to FIX connection, in bytes.
getSocketSendBufferSize() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Returns TCP socket send buffer size allocated to FIX connection, in bytes.
getSpecification() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.FramingHeaderPolicy
Custom specification.
getSpecifiedData() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ValuePtr
Returns copy of pointed value as a byte array.
getState() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
Returns session state.
getStateChangedListener() - Static method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler
Returns state changed listener.
getStateChangeListeners() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
Returns state change listeners.
getStorage() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
Returns session storage.
getStorageFolder() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.HandlerSettings
Returns file-based session storage folder.
getStorageFolder() - Method in class
Returns the storage folder.
getStorageFolder() - Method in class
Returns the storage folder.
getStorageRepositoryManager() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler
getStorageType(String) - Method in class
getStorageType(String) - Method in interface
getStream() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.settings.FileBasedSettings
getString(int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Gets field value by tag.
getString(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.settings.Settings
Returns a string value that corresponds to the given key.
getString(String, String) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.settings.Settings
Returns a string value that corresponds to the given key.
getSuffix() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.log.LatencyLogger
getSuitablePrimitive() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.FramingHeaderSpecification.FieldSpecification
getTag() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getTemplateFile() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Returns path to template file describing how message fields are encoded and the generale of messages.
getTemplateId() - Method in exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.UnexpectedMessageTypeException
Received message templateId.
getTemplateId() - Method in exception biz.onixs.sbe.exceptions.MessageNotFoundException
Gets message template id.
getTemplateId() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IMessage
Returns message template id.
getTestSettings() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestUtility
getThread() - Method in class
getTimeEpoch() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getTimeout() - Method in exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.LogonTimeoutException
Returns timeout in seconds.
getTimeoutInMilliseconds() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
Returns the timeout in milliseconds for sockets.
getTimestamp() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.TimestampMillisProvider
getTimestamp() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.TimestampNanosProvider
getTimestamp() - Method in interface biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.TimestampProvider
Returns timestamp.
getTimestamp(int, SbeTimestamp) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
getTimestampBytes() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.TimestampMillisProvider
getTimestampBytes() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.TimestampNanosProvider
getTimestampBytes() - Method in interface biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.TimestampProvider
Returns timestamp.
getTimestampFormatLength(TimestampFormat) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.HighResolutionTimestamp
Retuns length of timestamp corresponding to specified format.
getTimestampProvider() - Method in class
Returns the current timestamp provider.
getTimestampProvider() - Method in class
Returns the current timestamp provider.
getTimeUnit() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getTimezoneHour() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.SbeTimestamp
Timezone hours.
getTimezoneMinute() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.SbeTimestamp
Timezone minutes.
getTradingSystemName() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Returns the trading system name.
getTradingSystemVendor() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Returns the trading system vendor.
getTradingSystemVersion() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Returns the trading system version.
getType() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.License
Returns license type.
getType() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.ControllerJob
getType(String) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.def.IMessageSchema
Gets type from schema dictionary.
getType(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.MessageSchema
getTypes() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.MessageSchema
getUnderlayingPrimitiveType() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
Finds the deepest primitive type if one present.
getUnderlayingPrimitiveTypeName() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getUnderlayingType() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getUnderlyingStorage() - Method in class
getUnit() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.SbeTimestamp
Unit of the timestamp.
getUnitsPerSecond() - Method in enum biz.onixs.sbe.TimestampUnit
Number of units per second.
getUnitWidth() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.SbeTimestamp
Width of the unit fraction part (in digits).
getUnsignedByte(int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Gets field value by tag.
getUnsignedInt(int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Gets field value by tag.
getUnsignedLong(int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Gets field value by tag.
getUnsignedShort(int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Gets field value by tag.
getUtcTimestamp(ValuePtr, boolean) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.Timestamp
getUtcTimestamp(boolean) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.Timestamp
getUtcTimestampBytes(boolean) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.Timestamp
getUuid() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionId
getUuid() - Method in class
getUuid() - Method in class
getUuid() - Method in class
getUuid() - Method in class
getUuid() - Method in interface
Returns Universally Unique Identifier (UUID).
getUuid() - Method in class
getUuid() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
Returns the UUID.
getValidateSequenceNumbers() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
getValidValuesMask() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getValidXmlValues() - Static method in enum biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData.Presence
getValidXmlValues() - Static method in enum biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData.PrimitiveType
getValue() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getValue() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.SbeTimestamp
Number of units.
getValuePosition() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getValuePtr(int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Gets raw field value by tag.
getValuePtr() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IVarData
Gets value of variable length data field.
getValuePtr(ValuePtr) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IVarData
Gets value of variable length data field.
getValuePtr() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.VarData
getValuePtr(ValuePtr) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.VarData
getValueRef() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getValues() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getVarData(int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Gets VarDataField field value by tag.
getVariable(MethodGen, String) - Static method in class biz.onixs.sbe.bcelExt.InstructionFactory
Find method parameter by name.
getVersion() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.License
Returns license version.
getVersion() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.def.IMessageSchema
Returns schema version.
getVersion() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.MessageSchema
getVersion() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IMessage
Returns version of the message templates.
getVersion() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ProductInfo
getWarningListener() - Static method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler
Returns warning listener.
getWarningListener() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
Returns warning listener.
getWeek() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.MonthYear
Gets a week part of the date.
getWellKnownComposite() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
getWriteErrorRetriesNumber() - Method in class
Returns write error retries number.
getYear() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.MonthYear
Gets a year part of the date.
GFS - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.MassStatusTIF
GiveUp - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.CmtaGiveUpCD
GoodForSession - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.TimeInForce
GoodTillCancel - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.MassCancelTIF
GoodTillCancel - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.TimeInForce
GoodTillDate - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.MassCancelTIF
GoodTillDate - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.TimeInForce
GrossTradeAmt - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
Group - Class in biz.onixs.sbe
Base class for repeating groups.
Group(IFieldSet, int) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.sbe.Group
groupTags() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Returns ids of number of instances tags of repeating groups, belonging to this field set.
GTC - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.MassStatusTIF
GTD - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.MassStatusTIF
GuidGenerator - Class in biz.onixs.util
GuidGenerator() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.GuidGenerator


Handler - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
Handler singleton class.
Handler.ErrorArgs - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
Error event arguments.
Handler.ErrorListener - Interface in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
Handler error listener interface.
Handler.ErrorReason - Enum in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
Handler error reason.
Handler.State - Enum in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
Handler state.
Handler.StateChangedArgs - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
State changed event arguments.
Handler.StateChangedListener - Interface in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
Handler state changed listener interface.
Handler.WarningArgs - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
Warning event arguments.
Handler.WarningListener - Interface in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
Handler warning listener interface.
Handler.WarningReason - Enum in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
Handler warning reason.
HandlerAlreadyInitedException - Exception in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions
Handler has been initialized already.
HandlerAlreadyInitedException() - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.HandlerAlreadyInitedException
HandlerException - Exception in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions
The exception that is thrown when a non-fatal error occurs in the handler.
HandlerException() - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.HandlerException
HandlerException(String) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.HandlerException
HandlerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.HandlerException
HandlerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.HandlerException
HandlerExtension - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing
HandlerExtension() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.HandlerExtension
HandlerExtensionRepeatedTest - Annotation Type in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing
HandlerExtensionTest - Annotation Type in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing
HandlerNotInitedException - Exception in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions
Handler is not initialized.
HandlerNotInitedException() - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.HandlerNotInitedException
HandlerSettings - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
The handler configuration settings.
HandlerSettings() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.HandlerSettings
Default constructor.
handleTestExecutionException(ExtensionContext, Throwable) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.HandlerExtension
hasArray() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
hasFieldTag(int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Checks if the field set contains fixed-size field with the tag.
hasGroupTag(int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Checks if the field set contains repeating group with the tag.
hashCode() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionId
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.MonthYear
hashCode() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.SbeTimestamp
hashCode() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
hashCode() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ScaledDecimal
hashCode() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ValuePtr
hasNext() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Group
IGroup implementation
hasNext() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IGroup
Returns if repeating group can be moved to the next entry.
hasRemaining() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
hasTag(int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Checks if the field set contains the tag.
hasVarDataTag(int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Checks if the field set contains variadic-length field with the tag.
HIGH_SCHEMA_VERSION - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.WarningReason
SBE message schema version is higher than expected.
HighResolutionTimestamp - Class in biz.onixs.util
High resolution timestamp containing timestamp with millisecond precision and high resolution component with picoseconds precision.
HighResolutionTimestamp() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.HighResolutionTimestamp
HMACNotAuthenticated - Static variable in exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.NegotiationRejectException
HMACNotAvailable - Static variable in exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.NegotiationRejectException
HMACSignature - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
HMACVersion - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
HOME_DIR_LOADER - Static variable in class biz.onixs.util.url.ResourceLoaderUtil
HostCrossID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag


i(Logger, Object, String, Object...) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.log.Log
i2str(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.Converter
Converts integer to string and places it into a byte buffer.
i2str(int) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.Converter
Converts integer to string.
i2str(byte[], int) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.Converter
Converts integer to string and places it into a byte buffer.
IDMShortCode - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
IFieldSet - Interface in biz.onixs.sbe
ignore(int, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.File
ignore(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.File
IGNORE_FILE_BASED_STORAGE_INTEGRITY_ERRORS_DEFAULT - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.HandlerSettings
IGNORE_FILE_BASED_STORAGE_INTEGRITY_ERRORS_PROP - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.HandlerSettings
IGroup - Interface in biz.onixs.sbe
FIX repeating group.
ILoadableCustomComposite - Interface in biz.onixs.sbe
Custom composite load and store operations.
IMessage - Interface in biz.onixs.sbe
FIX message.
IMessageSchema - Interface in biz.onixs.sbe.def
Message schema description.
IMulticastReceiver - Interface in
INBOUND_MESSAGE_REUSE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
INBOUND_MESSAGE_REUSE_PROP - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
InboundApplicationMessageArgs - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session
Inbound application-level message received from the counterparty event data.
InboundApplicationMessageArgs() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.InboundApplicationMessageArgs
InboundApplicationMessageArgs(IMessage) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.InboundApplicationMessageArgs
Creates event data.
InboundApplicationMessageListener - Interface in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session
Inbound application-level message received from the counterparty event listener.
InboundBusinessHeader - Interface in biz.onixs.sbe.b3
InboundSessionMessageArgs - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session
Inbound session-level message received from the counterparty event data.
InboundSessionMessageArgs() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.InboundSessionMessageArgs
InboundSessionMessageArgs(IMessage) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.InboundSessionMessageArgs
Creates event data.
InboundSessionMessageListener - Interface in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session
Inbound session-level message received from the counterparty event listener.
incLength(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Increases data size of byte buffer by the specified size.
includesNow() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.WeeklyIntervalList
IncorrectDataFormat - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.BusinessRejectReason
increment() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.util.TimedWaitSAdapter
info(Object, String, Logger) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.log.Log
info(Object, String, Object, Logger) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.log.Log
info(Object, String, Object, Object, Logger) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.log.Log
info(Object, String, Object[], Logger) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.log.Log
info(Logger, Object, String, Object...) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.log.Log
init() - Static method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler
Initializes the handler by default values.
init(Properties) - Static method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler
Initializes the handler by Properties.
init(Settings) - Static method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler
Initializes the handler by Settings.
init(HandlerSettings) - Static method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler
Initializes the handler by HandlerSettings.
init(Settings) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.HandlerSettings
Initializes the settings.
init(Settings) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Initializes the settings.
init(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Writes header fields and initialize repeating groups and VarDataField fields.
initGeneratingData(Object) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
insert(ByteBuffer, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Inserts the content of the buffer at the specified position.
insert(char, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Inserts the char converted to byte at the specified position.
insert(byte, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Inserts the byte at the specified position.
insert(byte, int, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Inserts the byte at the specified position and at specified times.
insert(long, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Inserts the long number converted to bytes at the specified position.
insert(String, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Inserts the string encoded to bytes at the specified position.
insert(byte[], int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Inserts the bytes array at the specified position.
insert(byte[], int, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Inserts the bytes array with length at the specified position.
insert(byte[], int, int, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Inserts the bytes array from specified offset with length at the specified position.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.filter.NullMessageFilter
InstructionFactory - Class in biz.onixs.sbe.bcelExt
Instructions factory.
InstructionFactory(ClassGen) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.sbe.bcelExt.InstructionFactory
InstructionFactory(ConstantPoolGen) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.sbe.bcelExt.InstructionFactory
Instrument - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.MassActionScope
Instrument - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.MassStatusReqTyp
InstrumentGroup - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.MassActionScope
InstrumentGroup - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.MassStatusReqTyp
interrupt() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.LogonJob
interrupt() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.LogonResetJob
interrupt() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.LogoutJob
interrupt() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.LogoutNotificationJob
interrupt() - Method in class
Interrupts aux thread.
interruptTestTasks() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestUtility
Iterates through active threads and issues an interrupt signal.
InvalidAccessKeyID - Static variable in exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.NegotiationRejectException
InvalidFirm - Static variable in exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.NegotiationRejectException
InvalidFromSeqNo - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.RetransmitRejectErrorCodes
InvalidLastSeqNo - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.TerminateErrorCodes
InvalidMsgSeqNo - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.TerminateErrorCodes
InvalidNextSeqNo - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.TerminateErrorCodes
InvalidPartyDetailsListReqID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.BusinessRejectReason
InvalidSession - Static variable in exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.NegotiationRejectException
InvalidSOFH - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.TerminateErrorCodes
InvalidTimestamp - Static variable in exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.NegotiationRejectException
InvalidTimestamp - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.RetransmitRejectErrorCodes
InvalidTimestamp - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.TerminateErrorCodes
InvalidUUID - Static variable in exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.NegotiationRejectException
InvalidUUID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.RetransmitRejectErrorCodes
InvalidUUID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.TerminateErrorCodes
is(UnifiedMetaData) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData.WellKnownComposite.Rule
isAbsolutePath(String) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.File
isActive() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.Throttler
Checks if the throttler active.
isArchiveStorage() - Method in class
Returns whether to archive terminated storage.
isArchiveStorage() - Method in class
Returns whether to archive terminated storage.
isArray() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
isAvailable(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.url.AbstractResourceLoader
isAvailable(String) - Method in interface biz.onixs.util.url.ResourceLoader
Returns whether the resource specified by the name is avaiable.
isBlocking() - Method in interface
Returns whether every I/O operation on this channel will block until it completes.
isCleanStorage() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestSettings
isClosed() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
isClosed() - Method in interface
Returns true if the connection is closed, false otherwise.
isComposite() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
isConnectionClosed() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
Checks if the TCP connection associated with the Emulator is closed.
isConstant() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
isCustomComposite() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
isData() - Method in enum biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData.SemanticType
isDefined(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.settings.Settings
Returns true if a corresponding value for the specified key is found, false otherwise.
isDetectMessageGapForPreviousUuid() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Returns whether to detect the message gap for the previous UUID.
isDirect() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
isDirectory(String) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.Directory
Checks that the given file path represents a directory.
isEmpty() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ValuePtr
Is value empty.
isEnabled() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.log.LatencyLogger
isEnum() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
isEventArgReuse() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.HandlerSettings
Returns whether to re-use session event argument objects in each session.
isEventArgReuse() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Returns whether to re-use session event argument objects.
isExpired() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.License
Returns whether license is expired.
isFixedLengthField() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
isGroup() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
isIgnoreFileBasedStorageIntegrityErrors() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.HandlerSettings
Returns whether to ignore file based storage integrity errors.
isInboundMessageReuse() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Returns whether SBE decoder will reuse pre-created messages or will create from scratch.
isInited() - Static method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler
Verify whether handler is inited.
isInteger() - Method in enum biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData.SemanticType
isLittleEndian() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.def.IMessageSchema
Returns byte order.
isLittleEndian() - Method in enum biz.onixs.sbe.def.MessageSchema.Endianess
isLittleEndian() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.MessageSchema
isLogInboundMessages() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Returns whether to store inbound messages in the session storage.
isLogOutboundMessages() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Returns whether to store outbound messages in the session storage.
isMdp3Mode() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.def.IMessageSchema
Returns CME MDP3 mode.
isMdp3Mode() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.MessageSchema
isNegotiated() - Method in class
isNegotiated() - Method in class
isNegotiated() - Method in class
isNegotiated() - Method in class
isNegotiated() - Method in interface
Returns whether the session is negotiated.
isNegotiated() - Method in class
isNotInited() - Static method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler
Verify whether handler is inited.
isNull() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.b3.CustodianInfo
isNullComposite(String, Object) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.ByteDecoder
Checks the object of the standard composite type if it is null.
isNullCustodian() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.b3.CustodianInfo
isNullCustodyAccount() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.b3.CustodianInfo
isNullCustodyAllocationType() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.b3.CustodianInfo
isNullDecimal(int, ScaledDecimal) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Checks if the value represents null for the field with the given tag.
isNullMonthYear(int, MonthYear) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Checks if the value represents null for the field with the given tag.
isNullSendingTime() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.b3.InboundBusinessHeader
isNullStandardComposite(int, Object) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Checks if the value represents null for the field with the given tag.
isNullTimestamp(int, SbeTimestamp) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Checks if the value represents null for the field with the given tag.
isNumeric() - Method in enum biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData.SemanticType
isOffsetsResolved() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
isOptional() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
isReadOnly() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
isRequired() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
isResetOnLogon() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.WeeklyInterval
Returns whether to reset session before logon.
isSenderStillInactive() - Method in interface
Returns true if no data is sent and it remains inactive, false otherwise.
isSessionLevel(int) - Static method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionLayerMsgType
isSet() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
isSet() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ValuePtr
Returns whether value pointer is set/defined.
isShutdownHook() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.HandlerSettings
Returns whether to shutdown handler automatically on JVM shutdown.
isSigned() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.FramingHeaderSpecification.FieldSpecification
isSigned() - Method in enum biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData.PrimitiveType
isSimpleFixField() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
isSkipNegotiation() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
Returns whether to skip negotiation.
isSocketTcpNoDelay() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Returns TCP socket TCP_NODELAY parameter (disable/enable Nagle's algorithm).
isString() - Method in enum biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData.SemanticType
isStringEmpty(String) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.Utils
isTerminated() - Method in class
isTerminated() - Method in class
isTerminated() - Method in class
isTerminated() - Method in class
isTerminated() - Method in interface
Returns the flag whether this storage state should be kept or cleaned.
isTerminated() - Method in class
isTime() - Method in enum biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData.SemanticType
isValidAsFixedBlockField() - Method in enum biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData.WellKnownComposite
isVarData() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
IVarData - Interface in biz.onixs.sbe
Variable length data field.


join(String, int, NetworkInterface, MulticastListener) - Method in interface
Short version of join with default buffer size
join(String, int, NetworkInterface, MulticastListener, int) - Method in interface
Creates a feed and send a join request.
join(InetSocketAddress, NetworkInterface, MulticastListener, int) - Method in interface
Creates a feed and send a join request.
join(InetSocketAddress, NetworkInterface, MulticastListener) - Method in interface
Short version of join with default buffer size
join(InetSocketAddress, NetworkInterface, MulticastListener, int) - Method in class
join(String, int, NetworkInterface, MulticastListener) - Method in class
Short version of join with default buffer size
join(String, int, NetworkInterface, MulticastListener, int) - Method in class
Creates a feed and send a join request.
join(InetSocketAddress, NetworkInterface, MulticastListener, int) - Method in class
Creates a feed and send a join request.
join(InetSocketAddress, NetworkInterface, MulticastListener) - Method in class
Short version of join with default buffer size


KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL_DEFAULT - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL_LAPSED - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.ErrorReason
When two times the `KeepAliveInterval` has expired and no keep alive message is received then the session is terminated ungracefully and will need to be re-established.
KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL_PROP - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
KeepAliveInterval - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
KeepAliveIntervalLapsed - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
KeepAliveIntervalLapsed - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.TerminateErrorCodes
KeepAliveLapsed() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.KeepAliveLapsed
KeepAliveLapsed - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
KeepAliveLapsed() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.KeepAliveLapsed


Lapsed - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.KeepAliveLapsed
Lapsed - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.KeepAliveLapsed
Last() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.PortRange
Last() - Method in class
Returns the last port number in the range.
LAST_INBOUND_SEQ_NUM_KEY - Static variable in class
LAST_OUTBOUND_PREVIOUS_SEQ_NO_KEY - Static variable in class
LAST_OUTBOUND_SEQ_NUM_KEY - Static variable in class
LastFragment - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
LastPx - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
LastQty - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
LastRptRequested - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
LastUUID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
LatencyLogger - Class in biz.onixs.util.log
LatencyLogger() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.log.LatencyLogger
launchEmulatorTask(TestTask) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestUtility
Launches a TestTask by creating a new thread and adding it to tracking.
LeavesQty - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
LegExecID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
LegExecRefID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
LegLastPx - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
LegLastQty - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
LegOptionDelta - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
LegPrice - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
LegRatioQty - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
LegSecurityID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
LegSecurityIDSource - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
LegSide - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
LegTradeID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
LegTradeRefID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
length() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Returns size of data in the byte buffer.
length() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.File
License - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
Base license implementation.
License() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.License
License.Customer - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
License customer.
License.Product - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
Licensed product.
License.Type - Enum in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
License type.
LICENSE_DIRECTORY_DEFAULT - Static variable in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.MessageSchema
LICENSE_FILE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.HandlerSettings
LICENSE_FILE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.MessageSchema
LICENSE_FILE_PROP - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.HandlerSettings
LicenseException - Exception in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions
LicenseException(String) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.LicenseException
LicenseException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.LicenseException
LicenseException - Exception in biz.onixs.sbe
General license error.
LicenseException(String) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.sbe.LicenseException
LicenseException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.sbe.LicenseException
LicenseExpiredException - Exception in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions
The exception that is thrown when found license is expired.
LicenseExpiredException(LocalDate) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.LicenseExpiredException
LicenseExpiredException - Exception in biz.onixs.sbe
Expired license error.
LicenseExpiredException(LocalDate) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.sbe.LicenseExpiredException
LicenseNotFoundException - Exception in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions
The exception that is thrown when a license file not found.
LicenseNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.LicenseNotFoundException
LicenseNotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.LicenseNotFoundException
LicenseNotFoundException - Exception in biz.onixs.sbe
Valid license was not found error.
LicenseNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.sbe.LicenseNotFoundException
LicenseNotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.sbe.LicenseNotFoundException
LightweightCondition - Class in biz.onixs.util.concurrent
Light weight conditions provide a means for one thread to suspend execution (to "wait") until notified by another thread that some state condition may now be true.
LightweightCondition() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.concurrent.LightweightCondition
LightweightSemaphore - Class in biz.onixs.util.concurrent
LightweightSemaphore() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.concurrent.LightweightSemaphore
Limit - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.MassActionOrdTyp
Limit - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.OrderType
Limit - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.OrderTypeReq
limit() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
limit(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
LINK_ERROR_IS_DETECTED - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.ErrorReason
Link error is detected.
LinkErrorException - Exception in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions
After sending the initial Logon message the telecommunication link error is detected.
LinkErrorException(String) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.LinkErrorException
LiquidityFlag - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
LISTENER_DELAY_WARNING_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.HandlerSettings
LISTENER_DELAY_WARNING_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
LISTENER_DELAY_WARNING_THRESHOLD_PROP - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.HandlerSettings
LISTENER_DELAY_WARNING_THRESHOLD_PROP - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
ListenerManager - Interface in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler
Event listener manager.
ListUpdAct() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ListUpdAct
ListUpdateAction - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
load(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SchedulerSettingsLoader
Loads session scheduler settings.
load(InputStream) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SchedulerSettingsLoader
Loads session scheduler settings.
load(byte[], int, int, int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Loads header fields and initialize repeating groups and VarDataField fields.
load(byte[], int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.ILoadableCustomComposite
Load composite from the given byte array starting from the given offset.
load(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IMessage
Loads header fields and initialize repeating groups and VarDataField fields.
load(byte[], int, int, int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IVarData
Loads header fields.
load(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ProductInfo
load() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.settings.FileBasedSettings
loadAsFile(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.settings.PropertyBasedSettings
Loads settings from the file system resource.
loadAsResource(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.settings.PropertyBasedSettings
Loads settings from the classpath resource.
Location - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
log(long) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.log.LatencyLogger
Log - Class in biz.onixs.util.log
Log() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.log.Log
LOG_INBOUND_MESSAGE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
LOG_INBOUND_MESSAGE_PROP - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
LOG_OUTBOUND_MESSAGE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
LOG_OUTBOUND_MESSAGE_PROP - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
logon(String, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
Establishes the connection.
logon(Session) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SessionConnection
Logons the session.
LOGON_TIMEOUT_IS_DETECTED - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.ErrorReason
Logon timeout is detected.
LogonErrorArgs(Session, Exception, String, int, int) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.ErrorListener.LogonErrorArgs
LogonException - Exception in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions
LogonException(ErrorReason, String) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.LogonException
LogonException(ErrorReason, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.LogonException
LogonException(ErrorReason, Throwable) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.LogonException
LogonJob - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler
Logon job.
LogonJob() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.LogonJob
LogonResetJob - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler
Logout and reset job.
LogonResetJob() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.LogonResetJob
LogonTimeoutException - Exception in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions
After sending the initial Negotiate/Establish message the acknowledgment Negotiation/Establishment message has not been received during two times timeout period.
LogonTimeoutException(String, int) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.LogonTimeoutException
LogoutJob - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler
Logout job.
LogoutJob() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.LogoutJob
LogoutNotification - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler
Session logout notification.
LogoutNotificationJob - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler
Logout notification job.
LogoutNotificationJob() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.LogoutNotificationJob
LogoutNotificationListener - Interface in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler
Session logout notification.
long2str(byte[], long) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.Converter
Converts long to string and places it into a byte buffer.
long2str(byte[], int, long) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.Converter
Converts long to string and places it into a byte buffer.
long2str(DynamicByteBuffer, long) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.Converter
Converts long to string and places it into a ByteBuffer.
LongSell - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ShortSaleType
LOW_SCHEMA_VERSION - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.ErrorReason
SBE message schema version is lower than expected.


makeAcceptor() - Method in class
Creates a new Acceptor object.
makeObject() - Method in interface biz.onixs.util.pool.PoolableObjectFactory
makeSocketConnector(String, int, long, TimeUnit, PortRange, SocketAddress, ProxySettings) - Method in class
Creates a new SocketConnector object with the specified parameters.
makeTcpConnection(Socket, SSLEngine, ConnectionMode) - Method in class
Creates a new TcpConnection object with the specified parameters.
ManagedOrder - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
Manual - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ManualOrdInd
Manual - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ManualOrdIndReq
ManualOrderIndicator - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
ManualOrdInd() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ManualOrdInd
ManualOrdIndReq() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ManualOrdIndReq
ManualResetEvent - Class in biz.onixs.util.concurrent
ManualResetEvent(SingleConditionReentrantLock, boolean) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.concurrent.ManualResetEvent
mark() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
MarketExchangeOption - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ExecReason
MarketSegment - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.MassStatusReqTyp
MarketSegmentID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.MassActionScope
MarketSegmentID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
MarketWithLeftoverAsLimit - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.OrderType
MarketWithLeftoverAsLimit - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.OrderTypeReq
MarketWithProtection - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.OrderType
MarketwithProtection - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.OrderTypeReq
MassActionOrdTyp() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.MassActionOrdTyp
MassActionRejectReason - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
MassActionReportID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
MassActionResponse() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.MassActionResponse
MassActionResponse - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
MassActionScope() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.MassActionScope
MassActionScope - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
MassActionType - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
MassCancelRequestType - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
MassCancelTIF() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.MassCancelTIF
MassCxlReqTyp() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.MassCxlReqTyp
MassOrderStatusCannotBeCompleted - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.BusinessRejectReason
MassQuoteAckId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.ApplicationLayerMsgType
MassQuoteId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.ApplicationLayerMsgType
MassStatusOrdTyp() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.MassStatusOrdTyp
MassStatusReqID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
MassStatusReqTyp() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.MassStatusReqTyp
MassStatusReqType - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
MassStatusTIF() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.MassStatusTIF
MaturityDate - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
MaturityMonthYear - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
MAX_LEN - Static variable in class biz.onixs.util.ScaledDecimal
String representation max length: sign + mantissa + exponent = 1 + 20 + 63.
MaxNoOfSubstitutions - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
MDTradeEntryID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
Memberfirmtradingforitsproprietaryaccount - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.CustOrderCapacity
Membertradingforanothermemberornonmember - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.CustOrderCapacity
Membertradingfortheirownaccount - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.CustOrderCapacity
Memo - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
MemoryBasedSessionStorage - Class in
MemoryBasedStorage - Static variable in class
MemoryBasedStorageRepository - Class in
Repository of memory-based session storage.
MemoryBasedStorageRepository() - Constructor for class
Message - Class in biz.onixs.sbe
Base class for the FIX message.
Message() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.sbe.Message
MessageEventArgs - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session
Message related event data.
MessageFactory - Interface in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
IMessage factory interface.
MessageFilter - Interface in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.filter
Message filter interface used in the handler.
MessageMode - Enum in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
Message modes are available for processing/parsing raw messages internally.
MessageNotFoundException - Exception in biz.onixs.sbe.exceptions
Thrown if message was not found in templates schema.
MessageNotFoundException(int) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.sbe.exceptions.MessageNotFoundException
MessageSchema - Class in biz.onixs.sbe.def
MessageSchema(Document, boolean) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.sbe.def.MessageSchema
Construct schema to use with CME specifications.
MessageSchema(Document) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.sbe.def.MessageSchema
Constructs object by XML template.
MessageSchema(Document, FramingHeaderPolicy) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.sbe.def.MessageSchema
Constructs object by XML template.
MessageSchema.Endianess - Enum in biz.onixs.sbe.def
MessageSchemaException - Exception in biz.onixs.sbe.exceptions
Base class for all exceptions, related to Schema xml parsing.
MessageSchemaException(Element, String) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.sbe.exceptions.MessageSchemaException
MessageSchemaException(String) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.sbe.exceptions.MessageSchemaException
MessageTypeNotSupportedOnBackupInstance - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.BusinessRejectReason
MIN_CAPACITY - Static variable in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
MinQty - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
MissingRequestingPartyIdAndPartyId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.BusinessRejectReason
MMProtectionReset - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
MonthYear - Class in biz.onixs.sbe
MonthYear field.
MonthYear() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.sbe.MonthYear
MonthYear(int, int) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.sbe.MonthYear
MonthYear(int, int, int) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.sbe.MonthYear
MonthYear(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.sbe.MonthYear
MonthYearTypeGen - Class in biz.onixs.sbe
MonthYearTypeGen(UnifiedMetaData) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.sbe.MonthYearTypeGen
MSG_SEQ_NUM_OUT_OF_RANGE - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.WarningReason
The incoming message has a sequence number is out of the expected range and the PossRetransFlag is set, it indicates a warning.
MSG_SEQ_NUM_TOO_LOW - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.ErrorReason
The incoming message has a sequence number less than expected and the PossDupFlag is not set, it indicates a serious error.
MsgCount - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
MulticastFastThreadReceiver - Class in
According to Serge Matskov requirements, there is a "fast" version of MulticastThreadReceiver.
MulticastFastThreadReceiver() - Constructor for class
MulticastGroup - Class in
MulticastListener - Interface in
User classes must implement this interface to receive data from MulticastReceiver.
MulticastReceiver - Class in
MulticastReceiver() - Constructor for class
MulticastThreadReceiver - Class in
MulticastThreadReceiver() - Constructor for class
MultiDayLengthSchedule - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler
Session schedule with one activity period.
MultiDayLengthSchedule() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.MultiDayLengthSchedule
MultiDayLengthSchedule(DayOfWeek, LocalTime, DayOfWeek, LocalTime) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.MultiDayLengthSchedule
MultiDayLengthSchedule(DayOfWeek, LocalTime, ZoneId, DayOfWeek, LocalTime, ZoneId) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.MultiDayLengthSchedule


N - Static variable in class biz.onixs.util.ValuePtr
Value pointer to a byte array encoded from string "N".
NA - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.ErrorReason
NA - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.WarningReason
Negotiate - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionLayerMsgType
NEGOTIATED_KEY - Static variable in class
NegotiateId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionLayerMsgType
NegotiateNotAllowed - Static variable in exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.NegotiationRejectException
NEGOTIATION_REJECT - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.ErrorReason
Negotiation Reject message is received in reply on the Negotiation message
NegotiationInProgress - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.TerminateErrorCodes
NegotiationReject - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionLayerMsgType
NegotiationRejectException - Exception in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions
Received the "Negotiation Reject" message.
NegotiationRejectException(IMessage) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.NegotiationRejectException
NegotiationRejectId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionLayerMsgType
NegotiationResponse - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionLayerMsgType
NegotiationResponseId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionLayerMsgType
NetworkFactory - Class in
A factory class for creating network-related objects such as acceptors, socket connectors, and TCP connections.
NetworkFactory(int, long, boolean) - Constructor for class
Creates a new NetworkFactory with the specified number of threads, spinning timeout, and daemon thread flag for the services network-related object use.
New - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.OrderStatus
NewOrderCrossDoesNotContainBuySideFollowedBySellSide - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.BusinessRejectReason
NewOrderCrossId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.ApplicationLayerMsgType
NewOrderSingle - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestUtility
NewOrderSingleId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.ApplicationLayerMsgType
next() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Group
next() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IGroup
Moves repeating group to the next entry if it is possible.
NextSeqNo - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
NH - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ExecInst
NoAffectedOrders - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
NoAveragePricing - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.AvgPxInd
NoBrokenDates - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
NoDataFoundThatMatchedSelectionCriteria - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ReqResult
NoFills - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
NoLegs - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
NoMatchingExecutionReport - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.DKReason
NoMatchingOrder - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.DKReason
NonNegotiate - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.TerminateErrorCodes
NoOrderEvents - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
NoPartyDetails - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
NoPartyIDs - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
NoPartyUpdates - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
NoProcessedEntries - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
NoQuoteEntries - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
NoQuoteSets - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
NoRelatedSym - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
NoRequestingPartyIDs - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
normalize() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ScaledDecimal
Removes non-significant zeros from the scaled decimal.
normalize(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ScaledDecimal
Normalize mantissa to the specified exponent.
normalizeId(String) - Static method in class
NoSides - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
NotApplied - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionLayerMsgType
NotAppliedArgs - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session
NotApplied event data.
NotAppliedArgs() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.NotAppliedArgs
NotAppliedArgs(IMessage) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.NotAppliedArgs
Creates event data.
NotAppliedArgs(IMessage, long, int) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.NotAppliedArgs
Creates event data.
NotAppliedId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionLayerMsgType
NotAppliedListener - Interface in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session
Inbound NotApplied session-level message received from the counterparty event listener.
NotAuthorized - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.BusinessRejectReason
NotAuthorizedtoRetrieveData - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ReqResult
NotAuthorizedToTradeDeliverableSwapFutures - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.BusinessRejectReason
NotAuthorizedToTradeInterestRateSwapFutures - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.BusinessRejectReason
NotEnoughDataException - Exception in biz.onixs.sbe.exceptions
NotEnoughDataException(int, int) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.sbe.exceptions.NotEnoughDataException
NotEnoughDataException(int, int, Exception) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.sbe.exceptions.NotEnoughDataException
NotEstablished - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.TerminateErrorCodes
notifyBufferUpdate(byte[], int, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Group
notifyBufferUpdate(byte[], int, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Message
Internal method.
notifyBufferUpdate(byte[], int, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.VarData
Internal method.
NotLapsed - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.KeepAliveLapsed
NotLapsed - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.KeepAliveLapsed
NoTrdRegPublications - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
NotSet - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.BusinessRejectReason
NotSet - Static variable in exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.NegotiationRejectException
NotSet - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.FaultToleranceIndicator
NotSet - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.TerminateErrorCodes
NULL_ERROR_LISTENER - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler
NULL_ERROR_LISTENER - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
NULL_INBOUND_APPLICATION_MESSAGE_LISTENER - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
NULL_INBOUND_SESSION_MESSAGE_LISTENER - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
NULL_LISTENER - Static variable in interface
This field represents a null implementation of the Acceptor.Listener interface.
NULL_LISTENER - Static variable in interface
This field represents a dummy implementation of the SocketConnector.Listener interface.
NULL_LISTENER - Static variable in interface
This field represents a dummy implementation of the TcpConnection.Listener interface.
NULL_NOT_APPLIED_LISTENER - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
NULL_OUTBOUND_APPLICATION_MESSAGE_LISTENER - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
NULL_OUTBOUND_SESSION_MESSAGE_LISTENER - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
NULL_SESSION_CONNECTION_LISTENER - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SessionConnection
NULL_STATE_CHANGED_LISTENER - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler
NULL_WARNING_LISTENER - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler
NULL_WARNING_LISTENER - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
NullMessageFilter - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.filter
Message filter to filter nothing.
NullResourceLoader - Class in biz.onixs.util.url
NullResourceLoader() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.url.NullResourceLoader
NullSessionStorage - Class in
NullSessionStorage() - Constructor for class
NullStorage - Static variable in class
NullStorageRepository - Class in
NullStorageRepository() - Constructor for class


OB - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ExecInst
ObjectPool<T> - Interface in biz.onixs.util.pool
OfferPx - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
OfferSize - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
OFH_POLICY_OVERRIDE_SCHEMA_FRAMING_HEADER - Static variable in class biz.onixs.sbe.FramingHeaderPolicy
Override schema framing header specification.
OFH_POLICY_USE_BIG_ENDIAN - Static variable in class biz.onixs.sbe.FramingHeaderPolicy
Use big endian for template-specified framing header.
OFH_POLICY_USE_LITTLE_ENDIAN - Static variable in class biz.onixs.sbe.FramingHeaderPolicy
Use little endian for template-specified framing header.
OFH_POLICY_USE_SCHEMA_ENDIANESS - Static variable in class biz.onixs.sbe.FramingHeaderPolicy
Use template-specified endianess.
OFMOverride - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
OFMOverrideReq() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.OFMOverrideReq
onAccept(Socket, Object) - Method in interface
This method is called when a new connection is accepted.
onClose(MulticastGroup) - Method in interface
onClose event happens when feed is closed, whatever it
onConnected(Socket) - Method in interface
Called when a connection is successfully established.
onConnecting(SessionConnectingArgs) - Method in interface biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SessionConnectionListener
Invoked before session will try to connect to specified address.
OnDemandMessageRejectedDueToPrecedingPartyDetailsDefinitionRequestBeingRejected - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.BusinessRejectReason
ONE - Static variable in class biz.onixs.util.ValuePtr
Value pointer to a byte array encoded from string "1".
onError(Handler.ErrorArgs) - Method in interface biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler.ErrorListener
This method is called when the handler error occurs.
onError(Object, ErrorArgs) - Method in interface biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.ErrorListener
This method is called when an error event occurs.
onError(ErrorListener.ErrorArgs) - Method in interface biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.ErrorListener
General session error event callback.
onError(String) - Method in interface
This method is called when an error occurs while accepting another connection.
onError(SocketConnector.ErrorReason, Exception) - Method in interface
Called when there is an error during the connection attempt.
onException(MulticastGroup, Exception) - Method in interface
Is called in case of exception
onInboundApplicationMessage(Object, InboundApplicationMessageArgs) - Method in interface biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.InboundApplicationMessageListener
This method is called when an application-level message is received from the counterparty.
onInboundSessionMessage(Object, InboundSessionMessageArgs) - Method in interface biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.InboundSessionMessageListener
This method is called when an session-level message is received from the counterparty.
onLogonError(ErrorListener.LogonErrorArgs) - Method in interface biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.ErrorListener
Logon error event callback.
onLogoutNotification(LogoutNotification) - Method in interface biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.LogoutNotificationListener
onMessageReceived(IMessage) - Method in interface biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator.MessageListener
onNotApplied(Object, NotAppliedArgs) - Method in interface biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.NotAppliedListener
This method is called when a NotApplied message is received from the counterparty.
onOutboundApplicationMessage(Object, OutboundApplicationMessageArgs) - Method in interface biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.OutboundApplicationMessageListener
This method is called right before sending an application-level.
onOutboundSessionMessage(Object, OutboundSessionMessageArgs) - Method in interface biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.OutboundSessionMessageListener
This method is called right before sending a session-level message.
onReceive(byte[], int) - Method in class
Internal use only.
onReceive(MulticastGroup, byte[], int, int) - Method in interface
is called on every received package
onReceived(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface
This method is called when data is received.
onReceiverStarted(Thread) - Method in interface
This method is called when the receiver thread is started.
onReceiverStopping(TcpConnectionStopReason, String) - Method in interface
This method is called when the receiving data is stopping.
onReceivingTimeout(long) - Method in interface
This method is called when a receiving timeout occurs.
onSenderStarted(Thread) - Method in interface
This method is called when the sender thread is started.
onSendingTimeout(long) - Method in interface
This method is called when a sending timeout occurs.
onStateChange(Object, StateChangeArgs) - Method in interface biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.StateChangeListener
This method is called when a session state is changed.
onStateChange(Object, StateChangeArgs) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.SessionStateQueue
onStateChanged(Handler.StateChangedArgs) - Method in interface biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler.StateChangedListener
This method is called when the handler state is changed.
onThreadCreated(Thread, ThreadRole) - Method in interface biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.ThreadStartedListener
This method is called when a thread is started.
onWarning(Handler.WarningArgs) - Method in interface biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler.WarningListener
This method is called when the handler warning occurs.
onWarning(Object, WarningArgs) - Method in interface biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.WarningListener
This method is called when a warning event occurs.
open(String, String) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.File
open() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.log.LatencyLogger
Operator - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.PartyDetailRole
OptionDelta - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
order() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
order(ByteOrder) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
OrderCancelRejectId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.ApplicationLayerMsgType
OrderCancelReplaceRejectId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.ApplicationLayerMsgType
OrderCancelReplaceRequestId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.ApplicationLayerMsgType
OrderCancelRequestId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.ApplicationLayerMsgType
OrderEventExecID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
OrderEventPx - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
OrderEventQty - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
OrderEventReason - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
OrderEventText - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
OrderEventType() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.OrderEventType
OrderEventType - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
OrderID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
OrderMassActionReportId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.ApplicationLayerMsgType
OrderMassActionRequestId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.ApplicationLayerMsgType
OrderMassStatusRequestId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.ApplicationLayerMsgType
OrderQty - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
OrderRequestID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
OrderStatus() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.OrderStatus
OrderStatusNotAvailable - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.BusinessRejectReason
OrderStatusNotFound - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.BusinessRejectReason
OrderStatusRequestId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.ApplicationLayerMsgType
OrderType() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.OrderType
OrderTypeReq() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.OrderTypeReq
OrdRejReason - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
OrdStatus - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
OrdStatusReqID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
OrdStatusReqType - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
OrdStatusTrd() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.OrdStatusTrd
OrdStatusTrdCxl() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.OrdStatusTrdCxl
OrdType - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
OrigCIOrdID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
OriginalOrderEventExecID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
OrigOrderUser - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
OrigSecondaryExecutionID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
OrigSideTradeID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
Other - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.BusinessRejectReason
Other - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.DKReason
Other - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.TerminateErrorCodes
Otherprovidedscreen - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.CustOrdHandlInst
OutboundApplicationMessageArgs - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session
Outbound application-level message event data.
OutboundApplicationMessageArgs() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.OutboundApplicationMessageArgs
OutboundApplicationMessageArgs(IMessage) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.OutboundApplicationMessageArgs
Creates event data.
OutboundApplicationMessageListener - Interface in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session
Outbound application-level message event listener.
OutboundBusinessHeader - Interface in biz.onixs.sbe.b3
OutboundSessionMessageArgs - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session
Outbound session-level message event data.
OutboundSessionMessageArgs() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.OutboundSessionMessageArgs
OutboundSessionMessageArgs(IMessage) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.OutboundSessionMessageArgs
Creates event data.
OutboundSessionMessageListener - Interface in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session
Outbound session-level message event listener.
OutofOrderMessageDelayed - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.SplitMsg
OutOfRange - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.RetransmitRejectErrorCodes
OUTPUT_QUEUE_MAX_SIZE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
OUTPUT_QUEUE_MAX_SIZE_PROP - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
OverlappedOffsetException - Exception in biz.onixs.sbe.exceptions
Thrown if composite fields are overlapped.
OverlappedOffsetException(Element, UnifiedMetaData, int) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.sbe.exceptions.OverlappedOffsetException
overwrite(ByteBuffer) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Overwrites data.
overwrite(byte[], int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Overwrites data.
overwrite(int, byte[], int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Overwrites data.
overwrite(int, byte[], int, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Overwrites data.
Ownership - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag


PACKET_MAXSIZE - Static variable in class
parse(byte[], int, int, TimestampFormat) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.HighResolutionTimestamp
Parses timestamp from byte array.
PartiallyFilled - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.OrderEventType
PartiallyFilled - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.OrderStatus
PartiallyFilled - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.OrdStatusTrd
PartiallyFilled - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.TradeAddendum
PartyDetailDefinitionStatus - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
PartyDetailID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
PartyDetailIDSource - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
PartyDetailRequestStatus - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
PartyDetailRole() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.PartyDetailRole
PartyDetailRole - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
PartyDetailsDefinitionRequestAckId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.ApplicationLayerMsgType
PartyDetailsDefinitionRequestId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.ApplicationLayerMsgType
PartyDetailsListReportId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.ApplicationLayerMsgType
PartyDetailsListReportID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
PartyDetailsListReqID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
PartyDetailsListReqIdDoesNotMatch - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.BusinessRejectReason
PartyDetailsListRequestCannotContainBothRequestingPartyIdAndPartyId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.BusinessRejectReason
PartyDetailsListRequestId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.ApplicationLayerMsgType
PartyID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
PartyIDSource - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
PartyRole - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
passivateObject(T) - Method in interface biz.onixs.util.pool.PoolableObjectFactory
Passive - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ExecMode
path() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.File
PendingCancel - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.OrderStatus
PendingReplace - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.OrderStatus
Pool<T> - Class in biz.onixs.util.pool
Pool(PoolableObjectFactory<T>) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.pool.Pool
PoolableObjectFactory<T> - Interface in biz.onixs.util.pool
PortRange - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session
Local Port range.
PortRange() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.PortRange
PortRange(int) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.PortRange
PortRange(int, int) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.PortRange
PortRange - Class in
An immutable range of port numbers, represented from first to last port numbers.
PortRange() - Constructor for class
Constructs range of ports, where first and last port numbers are equal to 0.
PortRange(int) - Constructor for class
Constructs range of ports with a single element, where first and last port numbers are equal to specified number.
PortRange(int, int) - Constructor for class
Constructs range of ports with specified first and last port numbers.
position() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
position(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
PossRetransFlag - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
PrecisionTimer - Class in biz.onixs.util
PrecisionTimer for measuring small time periods to estimate performance.
PrecisionTimer() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.PrecisionTimer
PREVIOUS_UUID - Static variable in class
PreviousSeqNo - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
PreviousUUID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
Price - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
PriceExceedsLimit - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.DKReason
Primary - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.FTI
Primary - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.FaultToleranceIndicator
PriorityIndicator - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
processMessage(IMessage) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.audittrailgenerator.RecordsGenerator
Process IMessage and generates fields records of CME Audit Trail spreadsheet.
processMessages(List<IMessage>) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.audittrailgenerator.RecordsGenerator
Process collection of IMessage and generates fields records of CME Audit Trail spreadsheet.
ProductInfo - Class in biz.onixs.util
ProductInfo() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.ProductInfo
PropertyBasedSettings - Class in biz.onixs.util.settings
The Settings implementation backed with the Properties class.
PropertyBasedSettings() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.settings.PropertyBasedSettings
PropertyBasedSettings(Properties) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.settings.PropertyBasedSettings
PropertyBasedSettings(String...) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.settings.PropertyBasedSettings
PropertyBasedSettings(String) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.settings.PropertyBasedSettings
PropertyBasedSettings(String, boolean) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.settings.PropertyBasedSettings
ProxySettings - Class in
This class represents the settings for a proxy server, including the host, port, username, and password.
ProxySettings(String, int, String, String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a ProxySettings object with the specified proxy host, port, username, and password.
PublicUtils - Class in biz.onixs.sbe
Publicly available utility routines.
PublicUtils() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.sbe.PublicUtils
put(byte) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
put(byte[]) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
put(byte[], int, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
put(ByteBuffer) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
put(DynamicByteBuffer) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
put(int, byte) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
putChar(char) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
putChar(int, char) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
putCheckSum(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
putDouble(double) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
putDouble(int, double) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
putFloat(float) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
putFloat(int, float) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
putInt(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
putInt(int, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
putLong(int, long) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
putLong(long) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
putShort(int, short) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
putShort(short) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer


QuantityExceedsOrder - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.DKReason
QUARTZ_CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SessionScheduler
Default Quartz configuration file.
QuoteAckStatus() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.QuoteAckStatus
QuoteCancelAckId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.ApplicationLayerMsgType
QuoteCancelId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.ApplicationLayerMsgType
QuoteCancelType - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
QuoteCxlStatus() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.QuoteCxlStatus
QuoteCxlTyp() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.QuoteCxlTyp
QuoteEntryID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
QuoteEntryOpen - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
QuoteEntryRejectReason - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
QuoteErrorCode - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
QuoteID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
QuoteRejectReason - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
QuoteReqID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
QuoteSetID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.MassActionScope
QuoteSetID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
QuoteStatus - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
QuoteTyp() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.QuoteTyp
QuoteType - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag


read(byte[], int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.File
read(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface
Reads a sequence of bytes into the given buffer.
Reason - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
REASONABLE_TRANSMISSION_TIME_DEFAULT - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
REASONABLE_TRANSMISSION_TIME_PROP - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
RECEIVE_TIMEOUT_IS_DETECTED - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.WarningReason
Raised when the KeepAliveInterval has expired and no keep alive message is received.
receiveAll() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
Receives all the data from the input stream.
receiveMessage() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
Receives the next available message.
receiveMessage(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
Receives a message, asserting that it has the expected sequence number.
receiveMessage(int, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
Receives a message, asserting that it has the expected sequence number and template ID.
receiveOrder(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
Receives a "NewOrderSingle" message and verifies its sequence number.
receiveRetransmitRequest(long, long) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
Receives a "RetransmitRequest" message, verifying the provided sequence numbers.
receiveSequence(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
Receives a "Sequence" message and verifies its sequence number.
recognizeTypes() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.MessageSchema
recognizeTypes() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
RECONNECT_ATTEMPT_FAILED - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.WarningReason
Reconnect attempt is failed.
RECONNECT_ATTEMPTS_DEFAULT - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
RECONNECT_ATTEMPTS_PROP - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
RECONNECT_INTERVAL_DEFAULT - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
RECONNECT_INTERVAL_PROP - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
RECONNECTING - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionState
Session is trying to be re-established.
RecordsGenerator - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.audittrailgenerator
Generates fields records of CME Audit Trail spreadsheet.
RecordsGenerator() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.audittrailgenerator.RecordsGenerator
RecordsInfo - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.audittrailgenerator
Fields records of CME Audit Trail spreadsheet with message Sending Time.
RecordsInfo(ZonedDateTime, String[]) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.audittrailgenerator.RecordsInfo
RefMsgType - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
RefSeqNum - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
RefTagID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
register(String, StorageRepository) - Method in class
register(String, StorageRepository) - Method in interface
register(Session, SchedulerSettings, String, String) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SessionScheduler
Registers session.
register(Session, SessionSchedule, SchedulerSettings, String) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SessionScheduler
Registers session.
register(Session, SchedulerSettings, String, SessionConnection) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SessionScheduler
Registers session.
register(Session, SessionSchedule, SessionConnection) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SessionScheduler
Registers session.
Rejected - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ExecAckStatus
Rejected - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.MassActionResponse
Rejected - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.OrderStatus
Rejected - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.QuoteAckStatus
Rejected - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.QuoteCxlStatus
RejectedDueToCrossVenueRisk - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.BusinessRejectReason
RejectedDueToGlobexCreditControls - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.BusinessRejectReason
RejectedDueToInlineCreditControls - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.BusinessRejectReason
RejectedDueToKillSwitch - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.BusinessRejectReason
RejectedDueToRiskManagementAPI - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.BusinessRejectReason
rejectEstablishment() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
Accepts an "Establish" message and automatically sends a rejection response.
rejectNegotiation() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
Accepts a "Negotiate" message and automatically sends a rejection response.
RejectSecurityProposal - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.SecRspTyp
release() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.util.Semaphore
Release the Semaphore.
release() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.concurrent.LightweightSemaphore
remaining() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
remove(String) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.File
removeAllLogoutNotification() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SessionScheduler
Removes all session logout notification intervals.
removeErrorListener(ErrorListener) - Method in interface biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.ListenerManager
Removes error event listener.
removeListeningPort(int) - Method in interface
Removes the server-socket corresponding to the port number.
removeLogoutNotification(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SessionScheduler
Removes session logout notification interval.
removeLogoutNotificationListener(LogoutNotificationListener) - Method in interface biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.ListenerManager
Removes session logout notification listener.
removeStateChangeListener(StateChangeListener) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
Removes state change listener.
removeThreadStartedListener(ThreadStartedListener) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler
Removes thread started listener.
rename(String, String) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.File
RepeatingGroupEntryAppearsMoreThanOnce - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.BusinessRejectReason
Replaced - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.OrderStatus
REPORT_NEW_MESSAGES_WHILE_WAITING_FOR_MISSED_MESSAGES_DEFAULT - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
REPORT_NEW_MESSAGES_WHILE_WAITING_FOR_MISSED_MESSAGES_PROP - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
ReqResult() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ReqResult
RequestForQuoteAckId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.ApplicationLayerMsgType
RequestForQuoteId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.ApplicationLayerMsgType
RequestingPartyID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
RequestingPartyIDSource - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
RequestingPartyRole - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
RequestLimitExceeded - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.RetransmitRejectErrorCodes
RequestResult - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
RequestTime - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
RequestTimestamp - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
RequiredAccessKeyIDMissing - Static variable in exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.NegotiationRejectException
RequiredAttributeNotFoundException - Exception in biz.onixs.sbe.exceptions
Thrown if required attribute was not found in message schema.
RequiredAttributeNotFoundException(Element, String) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.sbe.exceptions.RequiredAttributeNotFoundException
RequiredCodeMisssing - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.TerminateErrorCodes
RequiredFieldMissing - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.BusinessRejectReason
RequiredFirmMissing - Static variable in exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.NegotiationRejectException
RequiredFromSeqNoMissing - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.RetransmitRejectErrorCodes
RequiredHMACSignatureMissing - Static variable in exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.NegotiationRejectException
RequiredKeepAliveIntervalLapsedMissing - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.TerminateErrorCodes
RequiredMsgCountMissing - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.RetransmitRejectErrorCodes
RequiredNextSeqNoMissing - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.TerminateErrorCodes
RequiredRequestTimestampMissing - Static variable in exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.NegotiationRejectException
RequiredRequestTimestampMissing - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.RetransmitRejectErrorCodes
RequiredRequestTimestampMissing - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.TerminateErrorCodes
RequiredSessionMissing - Static variable in exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.NegotiationRejectException
RequiredUUIDMissing - Static variable in exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.NegotiationRejectException
RequiredUUIDMissing - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.RetransmitRejectErrorCodes
RequiredUUIDMisssing - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.TerminateErrorCodes
RESEND_REQUEST_MANUALLY - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.WarningReason
Resend Request (2) message was sent by the sendResendRequest session method.
RESENDING_QUEUE_SIZE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.HandlerSettings
RESENDING_QUEUE_SIZE_PROP - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.HandlerSettings
ReservationPrice - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
reserve(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Ensures the specified capacity is reserved.
Reserved - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
Reserved1 - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ExecInst
Reserved1 - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
Reserved2 - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ExecInst
Reserved3 - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ExecInst
Reserved4 - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ExecInst
Reserved5 - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ExecInst
reserveSpace(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Reserves additional space in the storage.
reset() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.audittrailgenerator.RecordsGenerator
Resets Session Id, Order Flow Id and all the related collections.
reset(boolean) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
Backups the current log files, resets the sequence numbers to 1 and generates a new UUID.
reset(boolean, long) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
Backups the current log files, resets the sequence numbers to 1 and use specified new UUID.
reset(int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Resets value of the field to its null value if field is optional or to its default value if field is required.
reset() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
reset() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.PrecisionTimer
reset(int, long) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.Throttler
Resets the throttler.
reset() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.Throttler
Deactivates the throttler.
reset() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ValuePtr
Resets value pointer to the undefined state.
resize(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Resizes data size in byte buffer.
resolveHeaders() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.MessageSchema
resolveInternalLinks() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.MessageSchema
resolveInternalLinks() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
resolveOffsets() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.MessageSchema
resolveOffsets() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
resolveParameter(ParameterContext, ExtensionContext) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.HandlerExtension
resolveValues() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.MessageSchema
resolveValues(MessageSchema) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
ResourceLoader - Interface in biz.onixs.util.url
Resource loader.
ResourceLoaderUtil - Class in biz.onixs.util.url
Retransmission - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionLayerMsgType
RetransmissionId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionLayerMsgType
RETRANSMIT_REJECT - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.ErrorReason
The Retransmit Reject message is received in reply to the Retransmit Request message.
RetransmitAlreadyInProgress - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.RetransmitRejectErrorCodes
RetransmitReject - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionLayerMsgType
RetransmitRejectErrorCodes - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
RetransmitRejectErrorCodes() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.RetransmitRejectErrorCodes
RetransmitRejectId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionLayerMsgType
RetransmitRequest - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionLayerMsgType
RetransmitRequestId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionLayerMsgType
returnObject(T) - Method in interface biz.onixs.util.pool.ObjectPool
returnObject(T) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.pool.Pool
returnObjects(Collection<T>) - Method in interface biz.onixs.util.pool.ObjectPool
returnObjects(Collection<T>) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.pool.Pool
reverse() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Reverses data in the byte buffer.
reverse(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Reverses data in byte buffer from the specified start index.
reverse(int, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Reverses the specified range of data in byte buffer.
rewind() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Group
rewind() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IGroup
Resets repeating group to the initial state, when item position is before the first element (pos value = -1).
rewind() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
RFQSide() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.RFQSide
RiskFreeRate - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
run() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestTask
The execution entry point for the TestTask.


SBE_BE_FRAMING_HEADER - Static variable in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.FramingHeaderSpecification
SbeAutoRecognize - Annotation Type in biz.onixs.sbe
Auto-recognized customized composite class or its method.
SbeCompositeField - Annotation Type in biz.onixs.sbe
SBE field of composite.
SbeCompositeType - Annotation Type in biz.onixs.sbe
Sbe composite annotation.
SbeNotUsed - Annotation Type in biz.onixs.sbe
Ignore method.
SbeNullCheck - Annotation Type in biz.onixs.sbe
Null checker.
SbeNullSetter - Annotation Type in biz.onixs.sbe
Null setter.
SbeTimestamp - Class in biz.onixs.sbe
SBE timestamp.
SbeTimestamp() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.sbe.SbeTimestamp
Constructs empty object.
SbeTimestamp(long, TimestampUnit, TimestampEpoch, short, short) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.sbe.SbeTimestamp
Constructs timestamp
ScaledDecimal - Class in biz.onixs.util
Decimal number as an exponent and a mantissa.
ScaledDecimal(long, int) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.ScaledDecimal
ScaledDecimal(String) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.ScaledDecimal
ScaledDecimal(BigDecimal) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.ScaledDecimal
ScaledDecimal(byte[], int, int) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.ScaledDecimal
ScaledDecimal() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.ScaledDecimal
SchedulerSettings - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler
SchedulerSettings() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SchedulerSettings
SchedulerSettingsLoader - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler
Session scheduler settings loader.
SchedulerSettingsLoader() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SchedulerSettingsLoader
SchedulerSettingsLoaderException - Exception in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler
Session scheduler settings loader exception.
SchedulerSettingsLoaderException() - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SchedulerSettingsLoaderException
SchedulerSettingsLoaderException(String) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SchedulerSettingsLoaderException
SchedulerSettingsLoaderException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SchedulerSettingsLoaderException
SchedulerSettingsLoaderException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SchedulerSettingsLoaderException
ScheduleValidationException - Exception in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler
Session schedule validation exception.
ScheduleValidationException() - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.ScheduleValidationException
ScheduleValidationException(String) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.ScheduleValidationException
ScheduleValidationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.ScheduleValidationException
ScheduleValidationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.ScheduleValidationException
SecExecID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
SECRET_KEY_DEFAULT - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
SECRET_KEY_PROP - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
SecretKeySecureIDExpiration - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
SecRspTyp() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.SecRspTyp
SecurityDefinitionRequestId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.ApplicationLayerMsgType
SecurityDefinitionResponseId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.ApplicationLayerMsgType
SecurityGroup - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
SecurityID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
SecurityIDSource - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
SecurityReqID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
SecurityReqType - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
SecurityResponseID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
SecurityResponseType - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
SecuritySubType - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
SecurityType - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
seek(long) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.File
seek(long, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.File
SEEK_CUR - Static variable in class biz.onixs.util.File
SEEK_END - Static variable in class biz.onixs.util.File
SEEK_SET - Static variable in class biz.onixs.util.File
selectBySpecification(UnifiedMetaData) - Static method in enum biz.onixs.sbe.TimestampEpoch
Select epoch by SBE specification.
selectByWidth(int) - Static method in enum biz.onixs.sbe.TimestampUnit
Select unit by width of the fractional part.
SelfMatchPreventionID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
SelfMatchPreventionInstruction - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
SelfMatchPreventionNewestOrderCancelled - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ExecReason
SelfMatchPreventionOldestOrderCancelled - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ExecReason
Sell - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.RFQSide
Sell - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.SideNULL
Sell - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.SideReq
Semaphore - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.util
Implementation of Dijkstra's counting semaphore in java.
Semaphore(int) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.util.Semaphore
Create a Semaphore.
send(IMessage) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
Sends SBE message.
send(IMessage) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
Sends an IMessage object.
send(IMessage, long) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
Sends an IMessage object with sequence number.
send(ByteBuffer) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
Sends a raw message.
send(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface
Sends the given ByteBuffer through the connection.
SEND_SPINNING_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
SEND_SPINNING_TIMEOUT_PROP - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
SenderID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
SenderSubID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.MassCxlReqTyp
SenderSubID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.MassStatusOrdTyp
SendingTimeEpoch - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
sendNotApplied(long, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
Sends a "Not Applied" message, indicating that some previous messages were not processed.
sendRetransmission(IMessage) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
Sends a "Retransmission" message is sent in response to a valid Retransmit Request.
sendRetransmissionRequest(long, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
Sends the Retransmission Request message.
sendSequence(long, int, long) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
Sends a "Sequence" message with keep-alive information and a specified UUID.
sendSequence(long, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
Sends a "Sequence" message with keep-alive status information.
sendSequence(long) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
Sends a "Sequence" message to maintain session synchronization.
sendSequenceMessage(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
Send the Sequence message.
SEP_CONTACT_MAIL - Static variable in exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.LicenseException
SeqNum - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
Sequence - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionLayerMsgType
SEQUENCE_GAP_IS_DETECTED - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.WarningReason
Incoming message sequence gap is detected.
SEQUENCE_WITH_KEEP_ALIVE_LAPSED - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.WarningReason
Received the Sequence message with the `Lapsed` value of the `KeepAliveIntervalLapsed` field.
SequenceId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionLayerMsgType
ServerFlow - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
Session - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
Session(SessionSettings) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
Session(long, SessionSettings) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
Session(long, SessionSettings, boolean, SessionStorageType) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
Session(SessionSettings, int) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
Session(SessionSettings, int, boolean, SessionStorageType) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
Session(long, SessionSettings, int, boolean, SessionStorageType) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
Session - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
SESSION_DEFAULT - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
SESSION_PROP - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
SESSION_SOCKET_PERF_PREFERENCE_BANDWIDTH_DEFAULT - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
SESSION_SOCKET_PERF_PREFERENCE_BANDWIDTH_PROP - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
SESSION_SOCKET_PERF_PREFERENCE_CONNECTION_TIME_DEFAULT - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
SESSION_SOCKET_PERF_PREFERENCE_CONNECTION_TIME_PROP - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
SESSION_SOCKET_PERF_PREFERENCE_LATENCY_DEFAULT - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
SESSION_SOCKET_PERF_PREFERENCE_LATENCY_PROP - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
SESSION_SOCKET_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
SESSION_SOCKET_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE_PROP - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
SESSION_SOCKET_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
SESSION_SOCKET_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE_PROP - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
SESSION_SOCKET_TCP_NO_DELAY_DEFAULT - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
SESSION_SOCKET_TCP_NO_DELAY_PROP - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
SessionBlocked - Static variable in exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.NegotiationRejectException
SessionConnectingArgs - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler
Connecting arguments.
SessionConnection - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler
Session connection settings.
SessionConnection() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SessionConnection
SessionConnectionListener - Interface in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler
The interface is used for receiving session connection event(s).
SessionException - Exception in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions
SessionException(ErrorReason, String) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.SessionException
SessionId - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
SessionId(long, String, String, int) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionId
SessionId(long, String, String) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionId
SessionLayerMsgType - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
SessionLayerMsgType() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionLayerMsgType
SessionSchedule - Interface in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler
Session schedule.
SessionScheduler - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler
Session scheduler.
SessionScheduler() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SessionScheduler
Initializes scheduler service with default configuration.
SessionSchedulerException - Exception in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler
Session scheduler exception.
SessionSchedulerException() - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SessionSchedulerException
SessionSchedulerException(String) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SessionSchedulerException
SessionSchedulerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SessionSchedulerException
SessionSchedulerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SessionSchedulerException
SessionSettings - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session
SessionSettings() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
SessionState - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
Session state.
SessionStateQueue - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing
SessionStateQueue() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.SessionStateQueue
SessionStorage - Interface in
SessionStorageType - Class in
Session storage type.
set(BigDecimal) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ScaledDecimal
Sets from big decimal representation.
set(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ScaledDecimal
Sets from string representation.
set(byte[], int, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ScaledDecimal
Sets from byte array.
set(byte[], int, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ValuePtr
Sets value pointer.
setAccessKey(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Sets the access key that was assigned by the exchange.
setAffinity(int[]) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.system.ThreadAffinity
Sets the thread affinity for the current thread.
setArchiveStorage(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether to archive terminated storage.
setArchiveStorage(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether to archive terminated storage.
setAsyncFileStorageQueueSize(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.HandlerSettings
Sets async file session storage queue size.
setAsyncFileStorageWriteErrorRetriesNumber(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.HandlerSettings
Sets async file session storage write error retries number.
setAsyncQueueSize(int) - Method in class
Sets asynchronous operations queue size.
setBaseName(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.log.LatencyLogger
setBlocking(boolean) - Method in interface
Sets whether every I/O operation on this channel will block until it completes.
setBoolean(int, boolean) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Sets field value by tag.
setBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.settings.Settings
Sets the value corresponding to the given key.
setBoolean(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.settings.Settings
Sets the value corresponding to the given key.
setByte(int, byte) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Sets field value by tag.
setByte(int, int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Sets field value by tag.
setBytes(int, byte[]) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Set raw field value by tag.
setCalendar(Calendar) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.HighResolutionTimestamp
Sets timestamp without high resolution component of the high resolution timestamp.
setChar(int, char) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Sets field value by tag.
setCleanStorage(boolean) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestSettings
setCleanUpOldLogs(int) - Method in class
Sets the number of days back older storage files will be deleted.
setConnectionRetriesInterval(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SessionScheduler
Sets the time interval between the logon attempts in case of a logon failure in seconds.
setConnectionRetriesNumber(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SessionScheduler
Sets the number of logon attempts in case of a logon failure.
setController(SessionController) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.ControllerJob
setCustodian(int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.b3.CustodianInfo
setCustodyAccount(int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.b3.CustodianInfo
setCustodyAllocationType(int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.b3.CustodianInfo
setCustomComposite(int, T) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Sets field value by tag.
setData(byte[]) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IVarData
Sets value of variable length data field.
setData(byte[]) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.VarData
Modify data of the object inplace.
setDay(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.MonthYear
Sets a day part of the date.
setDecimal(int, ScaledDecimal) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Sets field value by tag.
setDescription(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.ErrorArgs
setDescription(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.WarningArgs
setDetectMessageGapForPreviousUuid(boolean) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Sets whether to detect the message gap for the previous UUID.
setDirectory(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.log.LatencyLogger
setEmulatorPort(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestSettings
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.log.LatencyLogger
setEpoch(TimestampEpoch) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.SbeTimestamp
Update timestamp epoch.
setErrorListener(Handler.ErrorListener) - Static method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler
Sets error listener.
setErrorListener(ErrorListener) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
Sets error listener.
setEventArgReuse(boolean) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.HandlerSettings
Sets whether to re-use session event argument objects in each session.
setEventArgReuse(boolean) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Sets whether to re-use session event argument objects.
setExpandFactor(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
setExponent(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ScaledDecimal
Method that sets the value of the exponent part of the scaled decimal.
setFirm(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Sets the firm id that was assigned by the exchange.
setFirm(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestSettings
setFirstDay(DayOfWeek) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SimpleWeeklySchedule
Sets first day.
setFromSeqNo(long) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.NotAppliedArgs
Sets first not applied sequence number.
setHost(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestSettings
setIgnoreFileBasedStorageIntegrityErrors(boolean) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.HandlerSettings
Sets whether to ignore file based storage integrity errors.
setInboundApplicationMessageListener(InboundApplicationMessageListener) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
Sets inbound application message listener.
setInboundMessageLogFilter(MessageFilter) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Sets session inbound message log filter.
setInboundMessageReuse(boolean) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Sets whether SBE decoder will reuse pre-created messages or will create from scratch.
setInboundSessionMessageListener(InboundSessionMessageListener) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
Sets inbound session message listener.
setIncomingMessageGapQueueMaximumSize(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
Sets maximum size of the incoming message gap queue.
setInSeqNum(long) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
Sets the expected sequence number of the next incoming message.
setInSeqNum(long) - Method in class
setInSeqNum(long) - Method in class
setInSeqNum(long) - Method in class
setInSeqNum(long) - Method in class
setInSeqNum(long) - Method in interface
Sets last inbound message sequence number
setInSeqNum(long) - Method in class
setInt(int, int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Sets field value by tag.
setInteger(String, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.settings.Settings
Sets the value corresponding to the given key.
setInteger(String, int, boolean) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.settings.Settings
Sets the value corresponding to the given key.
setInterval(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.LogoutNotificationJob
setKeepAliveInterval(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Sets the longest time in milliseconds the client system can remain silent before sending a message.
setKeepAliveInterval(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestSettings
setLastDay(DayOfWeek) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SimpleWeeklySchedule
Sets last day.
setLength(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Group
setLength(int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IGroup
Sets new number of entries in the repeating group.
setLicense(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.HandlerSettings
Sets the content of the license file.
setLicense(String) - Static method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.MessageSchema
Sets license content.
setLicenseDirectory(String) - Static method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.MessageSchema
Sets path to the license file directory.
setLicenseFile(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.HandlerSettings
Sets the name of the license file resource.
setLicenseFile(String) - Static method in class biz.onixs.sbe.def.MessageSchema
Sets path to the license file.
setListener(Acceptor.Listener) - Method in interface
Sets the listener which will be called in case there is a new connection accepted on a listening port.
setListener(SocketConnector.Listener) - Method in interface
Sets the listener for this socket connector.
setListener(TcpConnection.Listener) - Method in interface
Sets the listener to listen for events.
setListenerDelayWarningThreshold(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.HandlerSettings
Sets the limit of time to spend in the session listener code.
setListenerDelayWarningThreshold(long) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Sets the limit of time to spend in the listener code.
setListenPort(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestAcceptorTask
setLogInboundMessages(boolean) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Sets whether to store inbound messages in the session storage.
setLogonDay(DayOfWeek) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.WeeklyInterval
Sets logon day.
setLogonTime(LocalTime) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SimpleWeeklySchedule
Sets logon time.
setLogonTime(LocalTime) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.WeeklyInterval
Sets logon time.
setLogonTimeZone(ZoneId) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SimpleWeeklySchedule
Sets logon timezone.
setLogonTimeZone(ZoneId) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.WeeklyInterval
Sets logon time zone.
setLogOutboundMessages(boolean) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Sets whether to store outbound messages in the session storage.
setLogoutDay(DayOfWeek) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.WeeklyInterval
Sets logout day.
setLogoutTime(LocalTime) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SimpleWeeklySchedule
Sets logout time.
setLogoutTime(LocalTime) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.WeeklyInterval
Sets logout time.
setLogoutTimeZone(ZoneId) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SimpleWeeklySchedule
Sets logout timezone.
setLogoutTimeZone(ZoneId) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.WeeklyInterval
Sets logout time zone.
setLong(int, long) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Sets field value by tag.
setLong(String, long, boolean) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.settings.FileBasedSettings
setLong(String, long) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.settings.Settings
Sets the value corresponding to the given key.
setLong(String, long, boolean) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.settings.Settings
Sets the value corresponding to the given key.
setMantissa(long) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ScaledDecimal
Method that sets the value of the mantissa part of the scaled decimal.
setMarketSegmentId(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestSettings
setMarketSegmentID(int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.b3.BidirectionalBusinessHeader
setMarketSegmentID(int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.b3.InboundBusinessHeader
setMaxStorageSize(int) - Method in class
setMaxStorageSize(int) - Method in class
setMaxStorageSize(int) - Method in class
setMaxStorageSize(int) - Method in class
setMaxStorageSize(int) - Method in class
setMaxStorageSize(int) - Method in interface
Sets the maximum size of the message storage.
setMaxStorageSize(int) - Method in interface
Sets the maximum size of the storage in messages.
setMaxStorageSize(int) - Method in class
setMaxStorageSize(int) - Method in class
setMonth(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.MonthYear
Sets a month part of the date.
setMonthYear(int, MonthYear) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Sets field value by tag.
setMsg(IMessage) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.MessageEventArgs
setMsgCount(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.NotAppliedArgs
Sets count of how many messages have not been applied.
setMsgSeqNum(int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.b3.BidirectionalBusinessHeader
setMsgSeqNum(int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.b3.InboundBusinessHeader
setMsgSeqNum(int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.b3.OutboundBusinessHeader
setName(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestSettings
setNegotiated(boolean) - Method in class
setNegotiated(boolean) - Method in class
setNegotiated(boolean) - Method in class
setNegotiated(boolean) - Method in class
setNegotiated(boolean) - Method in interface
Sets whether the session is negotiated.
setNegotiated(boolean) - Method in class
setNewState(SessionState) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.StateChangeArgs
Sets new session state.
setNotAppliedListener(NotAppliedListener) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
Sets NotApplied listener.
setNull() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.b3.CustodianInfo
setNullCustodian() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.b3.CustodianInfo
setNullCustodyAccount() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.b3.CustodianInfo
setNullCustodyAllocationType() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.b3.CustodianInfo
setNullSendingTime() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.b3.InboundBusinessHeader
setOption(SocketOption<T>, T) - Method in interface
Sets the value of the socket option (e.g.
setOutboundApplicationMessageListener(OutboundApplicationMessageListener) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
Sets outbound application message listener.
setOutboundSessionMessageListener(OutboundSessionMessageListener) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
Sets outbound session message listener.
setOutputQueueMaxSize(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Sets the maximum size of the internal output queue allocated for a connection, in bytes.
setOutSeqNum(long) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
Sets the expected sequence number of the next outgoing message.
setOutSeqNum(long) - Method in class
setOutSeqNum(long) - Method in class
setOutSeqNum(long) - Method in class
setOutSeqNum(long) - Method in class
setOutSeqNum(long) - Method in interface
Sets last outbound message sequence number.
setOutSeqNum(long) - Method in class
setPerformancePreferences(int, int, int) - Method in interface
Sets the performance preferences for this socket.
setPicoSecond(long) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.HighResolutionTimestamp
Sets picosecond component of the high resolution timestamp.
setPort(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
Sets the port number for the Emulator.
setPos(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Group
setPos(int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IGroup
Sets current entry index.
setPossResend(byte) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.b3.BidirectionalBusinessHeader
setPossResend(byte) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.b3.OutboundBusinessHeader
setPreviousSeqNo(long) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
setPreviousSeqNo(long) - Method in class
setPreviousSeqNo(long) - Method in class
setPreviousSeqNo(long) - Method in class
setPreviousSeqNo(long) - Method in class
setPreviousSeqNo(long) - Method in interface
Sets last inbound message sequence number of previous session
setPreviousSeqNo(long) - Method in class
setPreviousUuid(long) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
setPreviousUuid(long) - Method in class
setPreviousUuid(long) - Method in class
setPreviousUuid(long) - Method in class
setPreviousUuid(long) - Method in class
setPreviousUuid(long) - Method in interface
Sets previous Universally Unique Identifier (UUID).
setPreviousUuid(long) - Method in class
setPrevState(SessionState) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.StateChangeArgs
Sets previous session state.
setQuartzConfigFile(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SessionScheduler
Sets Quartz configuration file.
setReason(ErrorReason) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.ErrorArgs
setReason(WarningReason) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.WarningArgs
setReasonableTransmissionTime(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Sets reasonable transmission time as % from keep alive interval value.
setReceiverSpinningTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface
Sets the receiving data spinning timeout.
setReceiverThreadName(String) - Method in interface
Sets the name for the receiver thread if the connection use ConnectionMode.DEDICATED_THREADS mode.
setReceiverTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface
Sets the timeout for the receiving data.
setReceivingThreadAffinity(int[]) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Sets a processor affinity mask for the receiving thread.
setReconnectAttempts(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Sets the number of attempts session will try to restore connection.
setReconnectInterval(long) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Sets interval between reconnect attempts in milliseconds.
setReportNewMessagesWhileWaitingForMissedMessages(boolean) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Sets whether to call InboundApplicationMessageListener listener while waiting for missed messages.
setResendingQueueSize(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.HandlerSettings
Sets the number of sent messages that are available for resending on counterparty's Resend Request(2) message.
setResetOnLogon(boolean) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.WeeklyInterval
Sets whether to reset session before logon.
setRotateStorageSize(long) - Method in class
Sets the size at which the storage file is rotated.
setRotateStorageSize(long) - Method in class
Sets the size at which the storage file is rotated.
setRotateStorageSize(long) - Method in class
Sets the size at which the storage file is rotated.
setSecretKey(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Sets the secret key that was assigned by the exchange.
setSenderSpinningTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface
Sets the sending data spinning timeout.
setSenderTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface
Sets the timeout for the sending data.
setSendingThreadAffinity(int[]) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Sets a processor affinity mask for the sending thread.
setSendingTime(SbeTimestamp) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.b3.BidirectionalBusinessHeader
setSendingTime(SbeTimestamp) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.b3.InboundBusinessHeader
setSendingTime(SbeTimestamp) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.b3.OutboundBusinessHeader
setSendQueueMaxSize(int) - Method in interface
Sets the maximum size for the send queue.
setSendSpinningTimeout(long) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Sets the current send spinning timeout value (in nanoseconds).
setSession(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Sets the session id that was assigned by the exchange.
setSession(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestSettings
setSessionConnectionListener(SessionConnectionListener) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SessionConnection
Sets session connection listener.
setSessionID(int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.b3.BidirectionalBusinessHeader
setSessionID(int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.b3.InboundBusinessHeader
setSessionID(int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.b3.OutboundBusinessHeader
setShort(int, short) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Sets field value by tag.
setShort(int, int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Sets field value by tag.
setShutdownHook(boolean) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.HandlerSettings
Sets to shutdown handler automatically on JVM shutdown.
setSkipNegotiation(boolean) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
Sets whether to skip negotiation.
setSocketPerfPreferenceBandwidth(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Sets socket performance preference for bandwidth.
setSocketPerfPreferenceConnectionTime(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Sets socket performance preference for connection time.
setSocketPerfPreferenceLatency(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Sets socket performance preference for latency.
setSocketReceiveBufferSize(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Sets TCP socket receive buffer size allocated to FIX connection, in bytes.
setSocketSendBufferSize(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Sets TCP socket send buffer size allocated to FIX connection, in bytes.
setSocketTcpNoDelay(boolean) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Sets TCP socket TCP_NODELAY parameter (disable/enable Nagle's algorithm).
setStateChangedListener(Handler.StateChangedListener) - Static method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler
Sets state changed listener.
setStorageFolder(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.HandlerSettings
Sets file-based session storage folder.
setStorageFolder(String) - Method in class
Sets the storage folder.
setStorageFolder(String) - Method in class
Sets the storage folder.
setString(int, CharSequence) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Sets field value by tag.
setString(String, String) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.settings.Settings
Sets the value corresponding to the given key.
setString(String, String, boolean) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.settings.Settings
Sets the value corresponding to the given key.
setSuffix(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.log.LatencyLogger
setTemplateFile(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Sets path to template file describing how message fields are encoded and the generale of messages.
setTemplateFile(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestUtility
setTerminated(boolean) - Method in class
setTerminated(boolean) - Method in class
setTerminated(boolean) - Method in class
setTerminated(boolean) - Method in class
setTerminated(boolean) - Method in interface
Sets the flag whether this storage state should be kept or cleaned
setTerminated(boolean) - Method in class
setTimeoutInMilliseconds(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
Sets the timeout in milliseconds for sockets.
setTimestamp(int, SbeTimestamp) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
setTimestampProvider(TimestampProvider) - Method in class
Sets the timestamp provider which is used to get timestamp when writing the logs.
setTimestampProvider(TimestampProvider) - Method in class
Sets the timestamp provider which is used to get timestamp when writing the logs.
setTimezoneHour(short) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.SbeTimestamp
Update timezone hours.
setTimezoneMinute(short) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.SbeTimestamp
Update timezone minutes.
Settings - Class in biz.onixs.util.settings
Base easy-to-use settings implementation.
Settings() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.settings.Settings
SettlDate - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
setTradingSystemName(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Sets the trading system name.
setTradingSystemVendor(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Sets the trading system vendor.
setTradingSystemVersion(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
Sets the trading system version.
setType(JobType) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.ControllerJob
setUnit(TimestampUnit) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.SbeTimestamp
Update unit.
setUnitWidth(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.SbeTimestamp
Update unit by its precision.
setUnsignedByte(int, short) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Sets field value by tag.
setUnsignedByte(int, int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Sets field value by tag.
setUnsignedInt(int, long) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Sets field value by tag.
setUnsignedLong(int, BigInteger) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Sets field value by tag.
setUnsignedShort(int, int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Sets field value by tag.
setUuid(long) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionId
setUuid(long) - Method in class
setUuid(long) - Method in class
setUuid(long) - Method in class
setUuid(long) - Method in class
setUuid(long) - Method in interface
Sets Universally Unique Identifier (UUID).
setUuid(long) - Method in class
setValidateSequenceNumbers(boolean) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
setValue(long) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.SbeTimestamp
Update the number of units.
setVarData(int, byte[]) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Sets VarDataField field value by tag.
setWarningListener(Handler.WarningListener) - Static method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler
Sets warning listener.
setWarningListener(WarningListener) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
Sets warning listener.
setWeek(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.MonthYear
Sets a week part of the date.
setWriteErrorRetriesNumber(int) - Method in class
Sets write error retries number.
setYear(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.MonthYear
Sets a year part of the date.
SGXoffset - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.CmtaGiveUpCD
ShortSaleType() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ShortSaleType
ShortSaleType - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
ShortSaleWithExemptionSSEX - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ShortSaleType
ShortSaleWithNoExemptionSESH - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ShortSaleType
shutdown() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler
Shut downs the handler.
SHUTDOWN_HOOK_DEFAULT - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.HandlerSettings
SHUTDOWN_HOOK_PROP - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.HandlerSettings
Side - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
SideNULL() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.SideNULL
SideReq() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.SideReq
SideTimeInForce() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.SideTimeInForce
SideTimeInForce - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
SideTradeID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
signal() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.util.TimedWait
Notify any one thread waiting on the object_.
signal() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.concurrent.LightweightCondition
Wakes up one waiting thread.
SimpleStorageRepositoryManager - Class in
SimpleStorageRepositoryManager() - Constructor for class
SimpleWeeklySchedule - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler
Abstract simple weekly schedule.
SingleDayLengthSchedule - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler
Session schedule with every day activity period.
SingleDayLengthSchedule() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SingleDayLengthSchedule
SingleDayLengthSchedule(DayOfWeek, LocalTime, DayOfWeek, LocalTime) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SingleDayLengthSchedule
SingleDayLengthSchedule(DayOfWeek, LocalTime, ZoneId, DayOfWeek, LocalTime, ZoneId) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SingleDayLengthSchedule
size() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Returns size of data in the byte buffer.
SLEDS() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.SLEDS
slice() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
SMPI() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.SMPI
Socket - Interface in
The interface provides methods for configuring sockets and performing IO operations.
SocketConnector - Interface in
The interface provides methods for creating socket connections.
SocketConnector.ErrorReason - Enum in
An enum that defines reasons for socket connecting errors.
SocketConnector.Listener - Interface in
The interface represents a listener for handling connect events.
SourceRepoID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
SplitMessageDelayed - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.SplitMsg
SplitMessageQueue - Static variable in exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.NegotiationRejectException
SplitMessageRejected - Static variable in exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.NegotiationRejectException
SplitMsg() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.SplitMsg
SplitMsg - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
start() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SessionScheduler
Starts scheduler service.
start() - Method in class
Starts aux thread.
start() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.PrecisionTimer
start(long) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.PrecisionTimer
StartDate - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
startReceiver() - Method in interface
Starts the receiving data.
startSender() - Method in interface
Starts the sending data.
StateChangeArgs - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session
Session state changed event data.
StateChangeArgs() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.StateChangeArgs
StateChangeArgs(SessionState, SessionState) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.StateChangeArgs
StateChangedArgs(Handler.State, Handler.State) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler.StateChangedArgs
StateChangeListener - Interface in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session
Session state changed event listener.
step() - Method in interface
process one step of receiving.
step() - Method in class
step() - Method in class
process one step of receiving.
stop() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SessionScheduler
Stops scheduler service.
stop() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.PrecisionTimer
stopConnectAfterInterval() - Method in interface
Stops a previously scheduled connection attempt via SocketConnector.connectAfterInterval(long, TimeUnit).
StopLimit - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.MassActionOrdTyp
StopLimit - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.OrderType
StopLimit - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.OrderTypeReq
StopPx - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
StopwithProtection - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.OrderTypeReq
STORAGE_FOLDER_DEFAULT - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.HandlerSettings
STORAGE_FOLDER_PROP - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.HandlerSettings
StorageException - Exception in
StorageException() - Constructor for exception
StorageException(String) - Constructor for exception
StorageException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
StorageException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception
StorageRepository - Interface in
StorageRepositoryManager - Interface in
Storage repository manager.
store(byte[], int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.ILoadableCustomComposite
Store composite to the given byte array starting from the given offset.
storeInboundMessage(IMessage, long) - Method in class
storeInboundMessage(IMessage, long) - Method in class
storeInboundMessage(IMessage, long) - Method in class
storeInboundMessage(IMessage, long) - Method in class
storeInboundMessage(IMessage, long) - Method in interface
Stores inbound message.
storeInboundMessage(IMessage, long) - Method in class
storeOutboundMessage(IMessage, long, boolean) - Method in class
storeOutboundMessage(IMessage, long, boolean) - Method in class
storeOutboundMessage(IMessage, long, boolean) - Method in class
storeOutboundMessage(IMessage, long, boolean) - Method in class
storeOutboundMessage(IMessage, long, boolean) - Method in interface
Stores outbound message.
storeOutboundMessage(IMessage, long, boolean) - Method in class
str2double(byte[], int, int, boolean) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.Converter
Converts string in the byte buffer to double.
str2double(String, boolean) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.Converter
Converts string to double.
str2int(byte[], int, int, boolean) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.Converter
Converts string in the byte buffer to int.
str2int(String, boolean) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.Converter
Converts string to int.
str2long(byte[], int, int, boolean) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.Converter
Converts string in the byte buffer to long.
str2long(String, boolean) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.Converter
Converts string to long.
subArray(byte[], int) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.Utils
subArray(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.Utils
subBuffer(int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Creates a new byte buffer from the specified offset.
subBuffer(int, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Creates a new byte buffer from the specified offset and with the specified length.
suitableComposite(UnifiedMetaData) - Method in enum biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData.WellKnownComposite
supportsParameter(ParameterContext, ExtensionContext) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.HandlerExtension
Symbol - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
SystemCancel - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ExecReason
systemProperties2String() - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.Utils


t(Logger, Object, String, Object...) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.log.Log
Tag - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
Tags generated from schema id="8" version="8"
Tag() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
TagNotFoundException - Exception in biz.onixs.sbe.exceptions
Thrown if tag was not found in FieldSet.
TagNotFoundException(IFieldSet, int) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.sbe.exceptions.TagNotFoundException
TagNotFoundException(UnifiedMetaData, int) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.sbe.exceptions.TagNotFoundException
TakeUpAccount - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.PartyDetailRole
TakeUpFirm - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.PartyDetailRole
TcpConnection - Interface in
The interface provides methods for sending and receiving data via TCP connection.
TcpConnection.Listener - Interface in
The interface represents a listener for the TCP connection events
TcpConnectionStopReason - Enum in
An enum that defines the reasons why a TCP connection was stopped.
TechnicalErrorInRegisteringPartyDetails - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.BusinessRejectReason
tell() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.File
TEMPLATE_FILE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
TEMPLATE_FILE_PROP - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
terminate() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
Terminates the connection.
Terminate - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionLayerMsgType
terminate() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
Initiates a "Terminate" sequence and waits for the corresponding Terminate response.
TERMINATE_IN_REPLY_ON_ESTABLISH - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.ErrorReason
Terminate message is received in reply on the Negotiate or Establish messages.
TERMINATED - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionState
Session is terminated.
TerminateErrorCodes - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
The Terminate message error codes.
TerminateErrorCodes() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.TerminateErrorCodes
TerminateId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionLayerMsgType
TerminateInProgress - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.TerminateErrorCodes
TerminateInReplyOnEstablishException - Exception in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions
Received the "Terminate" message in reply to the "Negotiate" or "Establish" messages.
TerminateInReplyOnEstablishException(IMessage) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.TerminateInReplyOnEstablishException
terminateWithoutResponse(String, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
Initiates a "Terminate" sequence (with customizable text) without waiting for a response.
terminateWithoutResponse(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
Initiates a "Terminate" sequence (with customizable text) without waiting for a response.
TERMINATION_STATUS - Static variable in class
TerminationType - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
TestAcceptorTask - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing
TestAcceptorTask(TestUtility) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestAcceptorTask
testLink(int, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
Tests the link by sending and receiving Sequence messages with expected sequence numbers.
TestSettings - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing
TestSettings() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestSettings
TestTask - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing
An abstract base class designed for creating asynchronous test tasks to interact with an emulator system.
TestUtility - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing
Provides tools and methods for setting up test environments, interacting with emulators, and managing asynchronous tasks in tests.
TestUtility() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestUtility
Default constructor.
Text - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
ThreadAffinity - Class in biz.onixs.util.system
OS-depended thread wrapper implemented based on JNA.
ThreadAffinity() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.system.ThreadAffinity
ThreadAffinity.cpu_set_t - Class in biz.onixs.util.system
ThreadRole - Enum in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
The thread role.
ThreadStartedListener - Interface in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
Thread started event listener.
ThrottleLimitExceeded - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.BusinessRejectReason
Throttler - Class in biz.onixs.util
Limits an event rate using the event time marks.
Throttler() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.Throttler
Creates the inactive throttler.
Throttler(int, long) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.Throttler
Creates the active throttler.
TimedWait - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.util
An abstract class for waiting until the condition becomes true.
TimedWait() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.util.TimedWait
Default Constructor.
TimedWait(Object) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.util.TimedWait
timedWait() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.util.TimedWait
Wait until condition becomes true.
timedWait(long) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.util.TimedWait
Template Method that implements the actual timed wait.
TimedWaitSAdapter - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.util
TimeInForce() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.TimeInForce
TimeInForce - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
TIMEOUT_IS_DETECTED - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.WarningReason
Timeout is detected.
TimeoutException - Exception in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.util
TimeoutException() - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.util.TimeoutException
Default Constructor.
TimeoutException(long, String) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.util.TimeoutException
Timestamp - Class in biz.onixs.util
UTC timestamp.
Timestamp(TimeZone) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.Timestamp
Timestamp() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.Timestamp
TIMESTAMP_LENGTH - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.TimestampMillisProvider
TIMESTAMP_LENGTH - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.TimestampNanosProvider
TIMESTAMP_LENGTH_NO_MS - Static variable in class biz.onixs.util.Timestamp
TIMESTAMP_LENGTH_WITH_MS - Static variable in class biz.onixs.util.Timestamp
TimestampEpoch - Enum in biz.onixs.sbe
Epoch of the SBE timestamp.
TimestampException - Exception in biz.onixs.sbe.exceptions
TimestampException(SbeTimestamp, String) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.sbe.exceptions.TimestampException
TimestampException(SbeTimestamp) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.sbe.exceptions.TimestampException
TimestampException(String) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.sbe.exceptions.TimestampException
TimestampFormat - Enum in biz.onixs.util
TimestampMillisProvider - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
Timestamp provider with millisecond precision.
TimestampMillisProvider() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.TimestampMillisProvider
TimestampNanosProvider - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
Timestamp provider with nanosecond precision.
TimestampNanosProvider() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.TimestampNanosProvider
TimestampProvider - Interface in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
Timestamp provider interface.
TimestampUnit - Enum in biz.onixs.sbe
Unit of time for SBE timestamps.
TimeToExpiration - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
TimingSessionStorage - Class in
TimingSessionStorage(SessionStorage) - Constructor for class
TimingStorageRepository - Class in
TimingStorageRepository(StorageRepository) - Constructor for class
toBigDecimal() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ScaledDecimal
Converts to BigDecimal representation.
toByteArray(byte[], int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ScaledDecimal
Converts to byte array.
toBytes(byte) - Static method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Convert
Converts byte to byte array.
toBytes(char) - Static method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Convert
Converts char to byte array.
toBytes(short) - Static method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Convert
Converts short to byte array.
toBytes(int) - Static method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Convert
Converts int to byte array.
toBytes(long) - Static method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Convert
Converts long to byte array.
toBytes(String) - Static method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Convert
Converts String to byte array.
toDecimal(byte) - Static method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Convert
Converts byte to ScaledDecimal.
toDecimal(short) - Static method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Convert
Converts short to ScaledDecimal.
toDecimal(int) - Static method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Convert
Converts int to ScaledDecimal.
toDecimal(long) - Static method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Convert
Converts long to ScaledDecimal.
toDecimal(ScaledDecimal) - Static method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Convert
Converts ScaledDecimal to ScaledDecimal.
toFixString(char) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Group
Returns FIX string representation of the field set.
toFixString(char) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Returns FIX string representation of the field set.
toFixString(char) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Message
toInt() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ValuePtr
Converts pointed value into integer.
toLong(byte) - Static method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Convert
Converts byte to long.
toLong(short) - Static method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Convert
Converts short to long.
toLong(int) - Static method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Convert
Converts int to long.
toLong(long) - Static method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Convert
Converts long to long.
toLong() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ValuePtr
Converts pointed value into long.
toString() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.audittrailgenerator.RecordsInfo
toString(int) - Static method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.BusinessRejectReason
toString() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler
toString() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.HandlerSettings
toString() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.License.Customer
toString() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.License.Product
toString() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.License
toString(int) - Static method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.RetransmitRejectErrorCodes
toString() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.ErrorArgs
toString() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.ErrorReason
toString() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.InboundApplicationMessageArgs
toString() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.InboundSessionMessageArgs
toString() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.MessageEventArgs
toString() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.NotAppliedArgs
toString() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.OutboundApplicationMessageArgs
toString() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.OutboundSessionMessageArgs
toString() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.PortRange
toString() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.StateChangeArgs
toString() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
toString() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.WarningArgs
toString() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.WarningReason
toString(boolean) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionId
toString() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionId
toString(int) - Static method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionLayerMsgType
toString() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionState
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString(int) - Static method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.TerminateErrorCodes
toString() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.ErrorListener.ErrorArgs
toString() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.ErrorListener.LogonErrorArgs
toString() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SessionScheduler
toString() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.WeeklyInterval
toString(String) - Static method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Convert
Converts String to String.
toString(char) - Static method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Convert
Converts char to String.
toString(byte) - Static method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Convert
Converts byte to String.
toString(short) - Static method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Convert
Converts short to String.
toString(int) - Static method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Convert
Converts int to String.
toString(long) - Static method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Convert
Converts long to String.
toString(ScaledDecimal) - Static method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Convert
Converts ScaledDecimal to String.
toString(MonthYear) - Static method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Convert
Converts MonthYear to String.
toString(SbeTimestamp) - Static method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Convert
Converts SbeTimestamp to String.
toString() - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IVarData
String presentation of the data.
toString() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.MonthYear
toString() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.SbeTimestamp
String presentation of the timestamp.
toString() - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.VarData
toString() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
toString() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.DynamicByteBuffer
toString() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.File
toString() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.HighResolutionTimestamp
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.PrecisionTimer
toString() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ProductInfo
toString() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ScaledDecimal
toString() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.Throttler
String representation of the throttler.
toString() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.url.AbsolutePathResourceLoader
toString() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.url.ChainedResourceLoader
toString() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.url.ClassPathResourceLoader
toString() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.url.DirResourceLoader
toString() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.url.NullResourceLoader
toString() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.UtcTimestamp
toString() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ValuePtr
TotalAffectedOrders - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
TotalNumSecurities - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
TotNoQuoteEntries - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
TotNumParties - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
toValuePtr(byte) - Static method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Convert
Converts byte to ValuePtr.
toValuePtr(char) - Static method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Convert
Converts char to ValuePtr.
toValuePtr(short) - Static method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Convert
Converts short to ValuePtr.
toValuePtr(int) - Static method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Convert
Converts int to ValuePtr.
toValuePtr(long) - Static method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Convert
Converts long to ValuePtr.
toValuePtr(String) - Static method in class biz.onixs.sbe.Convert
Converts String to ValuePtr.
trace(Object, String, Logger) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.log.Log
trace(Object, String, Object, Logger) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.log.Log
trace(Object, String, Object, Object, Logger) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.log.Log
trace(Object, String, Object[], Logger) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.log.Log
trace(Logger, Object, String, Object...) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.log.Log
Tradeable - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.QuoteTyp
TradeAddendum() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.TradeAddendum
TradeCancel - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ExecTypTrdCxl
TradeCancel - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.OrdStatusTrdCxl
TradeCancel - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.TradeAddendum
TradeClearingatAlternateClearingPrice - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.SLEDS
TradeClearingatExecutionPrice - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.SLEDS
TradeCorrection - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ExecTypTrdCxl
TradeCorrection - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.OrdStatusTrdCxl
TradeCorrection - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.TradeAddendum
TradeDate - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
TradeispartofanAveragePriceGroupIdentifiedbytheAvgPxGrpID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.AvgPxInd
TradeispartofaNotionalValueAveragePriceGroup - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.AvgPxInd
TradeLinkID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
TRADING_SYSTEM_NAME_DEFAULT - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
TRADING_SYSTEM_NAME_PROP - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
TRADING_SYSTEM_VENDOR_DEFAULT - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
TRADING_SYSTEM_VENDOR_PROP - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
TRADING_SYSTEM_VERSION_DEFAULT - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
TRADING_SYSTEM_VERSION_PROP - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.SessionSettings
TradingSystemName - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
TradingSystemVendor - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
TradingSystemVersion - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
TransactTime - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
TransBkdTime - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
TrdRegPublicationReason - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
TrdRegPublicationType - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
TrdType - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
trimWhiteSpace(String) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.Utils
True - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.BooleanFlag
True - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.BooleanNULL
tryAcquire(long) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.util.Semaphore
Acquire the Semaphore.
tryAcquire() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.concurrent.LightweightSemaphore
tryAcquire(long) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.concurrent.LightweightSemaphore
tryAdd(long) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.Throttler
Tries to put new time mark into internal storage of the throttler.
tryDeserialize(ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer) - Static method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.FramedDeserializer
tryGetBoolean(int, AtomicBoolean) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Gets field value by tag.
tryGetByte(int, AtomicInteger) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Gets field value by tag.
tryGetBytes(int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Gets raw field value.
tryGetChar(int, AtomicInteger) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Gets field value by tag.
tryGetCustomComposite(int, T) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Tries to get composite field value by tag.
tryGetDecimal(int, ScaledDecimal) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Gets decimal field value by tag.
tryGetGroup(int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Gets repeating group.
tryGetInt(int, AtomicInteger) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Gets field value by tag.
tryGetLong(int, AtomicLong) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Gets field value by tag.
tryGetMonthYear(int, MonthYear) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Gets date field value by tag.
tryGetShort(int, AtomicInteger) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Gets field value by tag.
tryGetString(int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Gets field value by tag.
tryGetTimestamp(int, SbeTimestamp) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
tryGetUnsignedByte(int, AtomicInteger) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Gets field value by tag.
tryGetUnsignedInt(int, AtomicLong) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Gets field value by tag.
tryGetUnsignedLong(int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Gets field value by tag.
tryGetUnsignedShort(int, AtomicInteger) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Gets field value by tag.
tryGetValuePtr(int, ValuePtr) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Gets raw field value.
tryGetVarData(int) - Method in interface biz.onixs.sbe.IFieldSet
Gets VarDataField field value.
tryLock() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.File
tryParse(byte[], int, int, TimestampFormat) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.HighResolutionTimestamp
Tries to parse timestamp from byte array.
TypeCastException - Exception in biz.onixs.sbe.exceptions
Thrown if field cannot be casted to/from type.
TypeCastException(IFieldSet, int, String) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.sbe.exceptions.TypeCastException
TypeMessageFilter - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.filter
The decision whether to filter is made depending on message semantic type.
TypeMessageFilter(String) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.filter.TypeMessageFilter
TypeNotFoundException - Exception in biz.onixs.sbe.exceptions
Thrown if type was not found in message schema.
TypeNotFoundException(Element, String) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.sbe.exceptions.TypeNotFoundException


Undefined - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.OrderStatus
UNDEFINED_MARKET_SEGMENT_ID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionId
UNDEFINED_UUID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionId
UnderlyingPx - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
UnderlyingSecurityID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
Undisclosed - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.SideReq
UndisclosedSellInformationNotAvailableUNDI - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ShortSaleType
UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE_TYPE - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.ErrorReason
Message received is unexpected in the current state of the session.
UNEXPECTED_NEXT_SEQ_NO - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.WarningReason
Received an unexpected NextSeqNo value.
UNEXPECTED_PREVIOUS_UUID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.WarningReason
Unexpected previous UUID.
UNEXPECTED_SCHEMA_ID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.ErrorReason
Unexpected SBE message schema id, the session is configured with different id.
UNEXPECTED_UUID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.ErrorReason
A message with unexpected UUID is received.
UnexpectedMessageTypeException - Exception in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions
An unexpected message type is received.
UnexpectedMessageTypeException(int) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.UnexpectedMessageTypeException
UnexpectedMessageTypeException(int, String) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.UnexpectedMessageTypeException
UnexpectedSequenceNumberException - Exception in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions
The first received message is a Logon message with wrong sequence number.
UnexpectedSequenceNumberException(String, long, long) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.UnexpectedSequenceNumberException
UNI_LOADER - Static variable in class biz.onixs.util.url.ResourceLoaderUtil
Classpath, absolute path, current directory loading sequence.
UnifiedMetaData - Class in biz.onixs.sbe.def
UnifiedMetaData(MessageSchema) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData
UnifiedMetaData.Kind - Enum in biz.onixs.sbe.def
UnifiedMetaData.Presence - Enum in biz.onixs.sbe.def
UnifiedMetaData.PrimitiveType - Enum in biz.onixs.sbe.def
UnifiedMetaData.SemanticType - Enum in biz.onixs.sbe.def
UnifiedMetaData.WellKnownComposite - Enum in biz.onixs.sbe.def
UnifiedMetaData.WellKnownComposite.Rule - Interface in biz.onixs.sbe.def
UnknownId - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.BusinessRejectReason
UnknownSecurity - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.BusinessRejectReason
UnknownSecurity - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.DKReason
Unnegotiated - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.TerminateErrorCodes
unregister(Session) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SessionScheduler
Un-registers session.
UnsolicitedCancelType - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
UNSUPPORTED_MESSAGE_TYPE - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.WarningReason
Received an unsupported message type.
UnsupportedMessageType - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.BusinessRejectReason
update(long, TimestampUnit, TimestampEpoch, short, short) - Method in class biz.onixs.sbe.SbeTimestamp
Update entire timestamp
update() - Method in class biz.onixs.util.PrecisionTimer
UseBigEndian - Static variable in class biz.onixs.sbe.FramingHeaderPolicy
Override standard endianess with big endian.
UseLittleEndian - Static variable in class biz.onixs.sbe.FramingHeaderPolicy
Override standard endianess with little endian.
USER_CODE_THREW_EXCEPTION - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.ErrorReason
User code threw exception.
UserDefinedInstrument - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
UseSchemaByStandard - Static variable in class biz.onixs.sbe.FramingHeaderPolicy
Default policy.
UseSchemaEndianess - Static variable in class biz.onixs.sbe.FramingHeaderPolicy
Override standard endianess with the schema-specified one.
UtcTimestamp - Class in biz.onixs.util
UTC timestamp.
UtcTimestamp(boolean) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.UtcTimestamp
Utils - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler
Utils - Class in biz.onixs.util
UUID - Static variable in class
UUID - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag


validate() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.GenericWeeklySchedule
validate() - Method in interface biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SessionSchedule
Validates scheduled intervals.
validate() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SimpleWeeklySchedule
validate() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.SingleDayLengthSchedule
validate() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.WeeklyIntervalList
ValidRequest - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.ReqResult
ValueIsIncorrect - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.BusinessRejectReason
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.audittrailgenerator.Field
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.FramedDeserializer.DeserializationResult
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler.ErrorReason
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler.State
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler.WarningReason
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.License.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.MessageMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.ThreadRole
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum biz.onixs.sbe.def.MessageSchema.Endianess
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData.Kind
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData.Presence
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData.PrimitiveType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData.SemanticType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData.WellKnownComposite
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum biz.onixs.sbe.TimestampEpoch
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum biz.onixs.sbe.TimestampUnit
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum biz.onixs.util.TimestampFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
ValuePtr - Class in biz.onixs.util
Value pointer as a region in a byte array.
ValuePtr() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.ValuePtr
Creates undefined value pointer.
ValuePtr(byte[], int, int) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.ValuePtr
Creates the value pointer.
ValuePtr(byte[], int) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.ValuePtr
Creates the value pointer.
ValuePtr(byte[]) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.ValuePtr
Creates the value pointer.
ValuePtr(String) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.util.ValuePtr
Creates the value pointer on whole byte array encoded from string.
values() - Static method in enum biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.audittrailgenerator.Field
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.FramedDeserializer.DeserializationResult
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler.ErrorReason
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler.WarningReason
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.License.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.MessageMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.ThreadRole
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum biz.onixs.sbe.def.MessageSchema.Endianess
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData.Kind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData.Presence
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData.PrimitiveType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData.SemanticType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum biz.onixs.sbe.def.UnifiedMetaData.WellKnownComposite
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum biz.onixs.sbe.TimestampEpoch
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum biz.onixs.sbe.TimestampUnit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum biz.onixs.util.TimestampFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VarData - Class in biz.onixs.sbe
Base class for variable length data fields.
VarData(IFieldSet) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.sbe.VarData
verifyHandlerInited() - Static method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler
Verifies that handler inited
verifyHandlerNotInited() - Static method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler
Verifies that handler is not inited
Volatility - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Tag
VolumeControls - Static variable in exception biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.exceptions.NegotiationRejectException
VolumeControls - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.TerminateErrorCodes


w(Logger, Object, String, Object...) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.log.Log
WAIT_FOR_CONFIRMING_TERMINATE - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionState
Session is waiting for the terminate response from the counterparty (acceptor).
WAIT_FOR_ESTABLISHMENT_ACK - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionState
Session is waiting for the establishment response from the counterparty (acceptor).
WAIT_FOR_NEGOTIATION_RESPONSE - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionState
Session is waiting for the negotiation response from the counterparty (acceptor).
WAIT_FOR_RETRANSMISSION - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.SessionState
The Retransmission Request message was sent, the session is waiting for the response.
waitCompletion() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestTask
Blocks the current thread until the test task is marked as completed.
waitForEnter() - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.Utils
waitForEnter(String) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.Utils
waitForEnterToTerminateApp() - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.Utils
waitRead(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface
Waits for read I/O operation to be ready.
waitTestTasks() - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.TestUtility
Waits for all tasks in the `tasks` collection to signal completion.
waitUntilTerminate(Emulator.MessageListener) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
Waits for a "Terminate" message and provides a way to process other incoming messages during the wait.
waitWrite(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface
Waits for write I/O operation to be ready.
wakeupRead() - Method in interface
Causes the Socket.waitRead(long, TimeUnit) operation that has not yet returned to return immediately.
wakeupWrite() - Method in interface
Causes the Socket.waitWrite(long, TimeUnit) operation that has not yet returned to return immediately.
warmUp(IMessage) - Method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Session
Warms up the sending path.
warn(Object, String, Logger) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.log.Log
warn(Object, String, Object, Logger) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.log.Log
warn(Object, String, Object, Object, Logger) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.log.Log
warn(Object, String, Object[], Logger) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.log.Log
warn(Logger, Object, String, Object...) - Static method in class biz.onixs.util.log.Log
WarningArgs(Handler.WarningReason, String) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.Handler.WarningArgs
WarningArgs - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session
Warning event data.
WarningArgs() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.WarningArgs
WarningArgs(WarningReason, String) - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session.WarningArgs
Creates event data.
WarningListener - Interface in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session
Warning event listener.
WarningReason - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.session
Warning reason.
WeeklyInterval - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler
Weekly activity interval.
WeeklyInterval() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.WeeklyInterval
WeeklyIntervalList - Class in biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler
Weekly interval list.
WeeklyIntervalList() - Constructor for class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.scheduler.WeeklyIntervalList
WHITE_SPACE - Static variable in class biz.onixs.util.Utils
write(OutputStream) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ByteBuffer
Writes the data from the byte buffer into specified output stream.
write(byte) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.File
write(byte[]) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.File
write(ByteBuffer) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.File
write(String) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.File
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.File
write(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface
Writes a sequence of bytes from the given buffer.
write(OutputStream) - Method in class biz.onixs.util.ValuePtr
Writes pointed value into output stream.
WriterException - Exception in biz.onixs.sbe.exceptions
Base class for all SBE binary message encoder exceptions.
WriterException(String) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.sbe.exceptions.WriterException
WriteToConstantFieldException - Exception in biz.onixs.sbe.exceptions
Thrown if attempt to write to constant field occurs.
WriteToConstantFieldException(IFieldSet, int) - Constructor for exception biz.onixs.sbe.exceptions.WriteToConstantFieldException
writeToLog(String) - Static method in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.testing.Emulator
Static method for writing a message to a log, often used for test tracking.
WrongSide - Static variable in class biz.onixs.cme.ilink3.handler.CME.DKReason


XmlUtils - Class in biz.onixs.util


Y - Static variable in class biz.onixs.util.ValuePtr
Value pointer to a byte array encoded from string "Y".


ZERO - Static variable in class biz.onixs.util.ValuePtr
Value pointer to a byte array encoded from string "0".
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