FIX 4.2 : Settlement Instructions <T> message

Structure | Related Messages


The Settlement Instructions <T> message provides either the broker's or the institution's instructions for trade settlement. The SettlInstSource <165> field indicates if the settlement instructions are the broker's or the institution's. This message has been designed so that it can be sent from the broker to the institution, from the institution to the broker, or from either to an independent "standing instructions" database or matching system.

The Settlement Instructions <T> message can be used in one of two modes (SettlInstMode <160>):

  1. To provide "standing instructions" for the settlement of trades occurring in the future, messages should include some combination of.
  2. To provide settlement instructions for a specific Allocation <J> Account <1> either as overriding or standing instructions to support matching. The following key should be used to tie the settlement instructions to the corresponding Allocation <J> message.

The Settlement Instruction detail can be either explicitly specified (via SecuritySettl* and CashSettl* fields) or can exist on within an independent standing instructions database and can be referenced via the StandInstDbType <169>, StandInstDbName <170>, and StandInstDbID <171> fields.

See Appendix F - Settlement Instructions <T> Field Usage Matrix


Tag Field Name Req'd Comments
<MessageHeader> Y MsgType <35> = T
162 SettlInstID Y

Unique message ID regardless of SettlInstMode <160>

163 SettlInstTransType Y

New, Replace, or Cancel

214 SettlInstRefID Y

Required for Cancel and Replace SettlInstTransType <163> messages

160 SettlInstMode Y

1=Standing Instructions, 2=Specific Allocation <J> Account <1> Overriding, 3=Specific Allocation <J> Account <1> Standing

165 SettlInstSource Y

1=Broker's Settlement Instructions <T>, 2=Institution's Settlement Instructions <T>

79 AllocAccount Y

Required for SettlInstMode <160>=1, 2, or 3

166 SettlLocation N

Required for SettlInstMode <160>=2 or 3, may be required for SettlInstMode <160>=1 (i.e. may not be required if StandInstDbType <169> and StandInstDbID <171> are used)

75 TradeDate N

Required for SettlInstMode <160>=2 or 3

70 AllocID N

Required for SettlInstMode <160>=2 or 3

30 LastMkt N

Required for SettlInstMode <160>=2 or 3, May be required for SettlInstMode <160>=1

336 TradingSessionID N
54 Side N

Required for SettlInstMode <160>=2 or 3, May be required for SettlInstMode <160>=1

167 SecurityType N

May be required for SettlInstMode <160>=1

168 EffectiveTime N

May be required for SettlInstMode <160>=1 (timestamp when it goes in to effect)

60 TransactTime Y

Date/Time Settlement Instructions <T> were generated

109 ClientID N

Used for firm identification in third-party transactions (should not be a substitute for OnBehalfOfCompID <115>/DeliverToCompID <128>).

76 ExecBroker N

Used for firm identification in third-party transactions (should not be a substitute for OnBehalfOfCompID <115>/DeliverToCompID <128>).

169 StandInstDbType N

1=DTC SID, 2=Thomson ALERT, 3=Global Custodian's, etc.

170 StandInstDbName N

Name of StandInstDbType <169> (i.e. DTC, Global Custodian's name)

171 StandInstDbID N

Identifier used within the StandInstDbType <169>

172 SettlDeliveryType N
173 SettlDepositoryCode N

Applicable when SettlLocation <166> is a depository

174 SettlBrkrCode N
175 SettlInstCode N
176 SecuritySettlAgentName N

Applicable when settlement is being performed at a country vs. a depository

177 SecuritySettlAgentCode N

Applicable when settlement is being performed at a country vs. a depository

178 SecuritySettlAgentAcctNum N

Applicable when settlement is being performed at a country vs. a depository

179 SecuritySettlAgentAcctName N

Applicable when settlement is being performed at a country vs. a depository

180 SecuritySettlAgentContactName N

Applicable when settlement is being performed at a country vs. a depository

181 SecuritySettlAgentContactPhone N

Applicable when settlement is being performed at a country vs. a depository

182 CashSettlAgentName N

Applicable when SettlDeliveryType <172>=Free

183 CashSettlAgentCode N

Applicable when SettlDeliveryType <172>=Free

184 CashSettlAgentAcctNum N

Applicable when SettlDeliveryType <172>=Free

185 CashSettlAgentAcctName N

Applicable when SettlDeliveryType <172>=Free

186 CashSettlAgentContactName N

Applicable when SettlDeliveryType <172>=Free

187 CashSettlAgentContactPhone N

Applicable when SettlDeliveryType <172>=Free

<MessageTrailer> Y  

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