OnixS Xetra MDI Market Data Handler for C++
Snapshot Member List

This is the complete list of members for Snapshot, including all inherited members.

container_ (defined in FieldSet)FieldSetprotected
FieldSet() (defined in FieldSet)FieldSetprotected
FieldSet(const Message *, void *) (defined in FieldSet)FieldSetprotected
FieldSet(const FieldSet &) (defined in FieldSet)FieldSetprotected
get(Tag tag) const FieldSet
getCharEnumFieldValue(Tag tag) const (defined in FieldSet)FieldSetinline
getDecimal(Tag tag) const FieldSet
getGroup(Tag numberOfInstancesTag) const FieldSet
getInt32(Tag tag) const FieldSet
getInt64(Tag tag) const FieldSet
getIntEnumFieldValue(Tag tag) const (defined in FieldSet)FieldSetinline
getOptionalGroup(Tag numberOfInstancesTag) const FieldSet
getStringRef(Tag tag) const FieldSet
getTimestamp(Tag tag, TimestampFormat::Enum=TimestampFormat::YYYYMMDDHHMMSSNsec) const FieldSet
getUInt32(Tag tag) const FieldSet
getUInt64(Tag tag) const FieldSet
hasFlag(Tag tag) const FieldSet
lastUpdateTime() const (defined in Snapshot)Snapshotinline
mdEntries() const Snapshotinline
Message(const Message &other)Message
operator bool() const FieldSet
operator!=(const Message &) const Message
operator=(const Message &) (defined in Message)Message
operator=(const FieldSet &) (defined in FieldSet)FieldSetprotected
operator==(const Message &) const Message
refreshIndicator() const (defined in Snapshot)Snapshotinline
securityId() const (defined in Snapshot)Snapshotinline
senderCompId() const (defined in Snapshot)Snapshotinline
seqNum() const Message
SnapshotWrapper (defined in Snapshot)Snapshotfriend
toString(char delimiter=0x1, MessageStringingFlags flags=MessageStringingFlag::IncludeFieldTagNumber) const Messageinline
toString(std::string &str, char delimiter=0x1, MessageStringingFlags flags=MessageStringingFlag::IncludeFieldTagNumber) const Message
toStringWithFieldNames() const Messageinline
type() const Message
~FieldSet() (defined in FieldSet)FieldSetprotected