OnixS C++ Tullett Prebon SURF Handler  1.6.1
API documentation
Advanced Handler settings

TCP/IP Settings

For more deep control of receiving data via TCP/IP the Handler provides the ability to specify:

Settings Member Default value Description
localNetworkInterface empty The local network interface from which you intend to receive data.
receiveTimeoutInMilliseconds 10000 Timeout value in milliseconds. If 0 then the receiving blocks until some data is received.
receiveSpinningTimeoutInMicroseconds 0 (turned off)

Timeout value in microseconds used for spinning before enter a kernel mode of the operating system.

Thread Affinity

Handler provide ability to set affinity mask for the TCP receiving thread. For example, if target machine have two processors, you can set OnixS::SURF::MarketData::HandlerSettings::cpuIndex with value 1 to run TCP receiving thread on second processor.

Automated Reconnect Settings

Handler's automated reconnect feature is controlled by OnixS::SURF::MarketData::ConnectionRetries, that contains OnixS::SURF::MarketData::ConnectionRetries::number of reconnect attempts and time OnixS::SURF::MarketData::ConnectionRetries::interval between the attempts to restore the telecommunication link (in seconds).