OnixS Thomson Reuters Matching API (MAPI) Market Data Handler for C++
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CAccessLevelSubscription access level
 CBookSummaryOrder Book Summary
 CConnectionConfigConnection settings
 CConnectionRetriesConnection retries settings
 CDaysOfWeekIdentifies day within week
 CErrorCodeKnown (selected) error codes
 CErrorListenerDefines an interface through which the Handler notifies subscribers about errors occurred while processing messages
 CexceptionSTL class
 CExceptionBasic exception class for this namespace
 CArgumentExceptionArgument value error
 CArgumentRangeExceptionArgument value range error
 CNullArgumentExceptionNull argument value error
 COperationExceptionOperation exception
 CNotImplementedExceptionMethod doesn't implemented
 CHandlerThomson Reuters Market Data Handler
 CHandlerSettingsConfiguration settings
 CHandlerStateDefines the state that the handler is in
 CHandlerStateListenerStatus Listener
 CLogLevelLog level
 CLogSettingsLogging options
 CMarketSubscriptionConnection settings
 CMessageInfoMessage related fields
 CMonthsIdentifies months in year
 CYearMonth::NoVerifySuppresses verification
 COrderBookBook associated with the market
 COrderBookChangeListenerDefines an interface through which the Handler notifies subscribers about detected changes in order books
 COrderBookUpdateListenerDefines an interface through which the Handler notifies subscribers about detected updates in order books
 COrdSizeIndOrder Size Indicator Enumeration value that shows whether order size is greater than the regular amount
 CPriceLevelKeeps track of the accumulated quantity on certain price level for bids and/or offers
 CRationalBrokerTec price system representation
 CSideTrading side constants
 CSymbolSymbol related fields
 CSymbolListenerDefines an interface through which the Handler notifies subscribers about changes in Symbol List
 CTimeSpanRepresents time interval
 CTimeSpanFormatsTime span formats supported
 CTimestampRepresents timestamp without time-zone information
 CTimestampFormatsCollection of timestamp formats supported
 CWarningListenerDefines an interface through which the Handler notifies subscribers about warnings occurred while processing messages
 CYearMonthRepresents month-year pair
 CDateRepresents date without time component