OnixS SWXess Market Data Handler for C++
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CChannelDescriptorFeed descriptor
 CDataSourceData source
 CDecimalDecimal type for better precision
 CEntryTypesExposes list of entry types
 CErrorCodeKnown (selected) error codes
 CErrorListenerDefines an interface through which the Handler notifies subscribers about errors occurred while processing messages
 CexceptionSTL class
 CExceptionBasic exception class for this namespace
 CExerciseStylesExercise styles
 CFieldSetEncapsulates primary operations over collection of FIX fields like FIX message and repeating group instance are
 CGroupInstanceSingle instance of FIX Repeating Group
 CMessageEncapsulates operations over a FIX Message
 CFieldValueRefImplements concept of a read-only reference to a FIX field value
 CGroupEncapsulates operations over FIX Repeating Group
 CTypedGroup< Entry >A group of typed instances
 CTypedGroup< AggregatedOrderBookDeltaEntry >
 CTypedGroup< AggregatedOrderBookSnapshotEntry >
 CTypedGroup< DetailedOrderBookDeltaEntry >
 CTypedGroup< DetailedOrderBookSnapshotEntry >
 CTypedGroup< OffBookTradeEntry >
 CTypedGroup< OffBookTradeMMTEntry >
 CTypedGroup< OnBookTradeEntry >
 CTypedGroup< OnBookTradeMMTEntry >
 CTypedGroup< RelatedSymEntry >
 CTypedGroup< ValueAddedEntry >
 CHandlerSWXess Market Data Handler class
 CHandlerSettingsHandler base configuration settings
 CHandlerStateDefines the state that the handler is in
 CHandlerStateListenerStatus Listener
 CHandlerThreadModelHandler thread model
 CLegSideExposes list of leg sides
 Cless< OnixS::SWXess::MarketData::MDI::StringRef >Allows using of StringRef in collections like std::map
 CLogFilePermissionLog file read permissions
 CLogLevelLog level
 CLogSettingsLogging options
 CMessageListenerMessage Listener
 CMessageStringingFlagContains flags which affect FIX message textual presentation
 CMonthDefines all the months in the year
 CNumberHelper class for conversion from string to number
 COrderBookOrder Book
 COrderBookListenerMarket Orders Listener
 CPacketSeqIndicatorPacket sequence indicator values
 CPacketTypePacket types
 CPriceLevelEncapsulates price level concept
 CPriceLevelCollectionsMiscellaneous traits for PriceLevel class
 CPriceTypesPrice Types
 CPutOrCallPut or Call
 CRefreshIndicatorsRefresh indicators
 CReplayListenerListening interface for log replay-related events
 CReplayOptionsDefines ONIXS_SWXESS_MDI_API which affect logs replay
 CSecurityExchangesSecurity Exchanges
 CSecurityTypesSecurity Types
 CServiceDescriptorService endpoint description
 CStringRefProvides efficient way of accessing text-based FIX field values
 CThreadAffinityRepresents set of CPU indices
 CTimeSpanRepresents time interval
 CTimeSpanFormatsTime span formats supported
 CTimestampRepresents timestamp without time-zone information
 CTimestampFormatCollection of timestamp formats supported
 CUpdateActionsUpdate actions
 CVolumeTypesVolume types
 CWarningListenerWarning listener
 CYearMonthDayYear, month, day fields