▼CAuditTrailDumperBase | |
CAuditTrailDumper | |
CBigEndianConverter | Big-endian conversion operations |
CBinary12 | |
▼CBinaryFields< Block, FieldAccessor > | |
CMutableBinaryFields< Block, FieldAccessor > | |
▼CBinaryFields< BinaryMessage, Accessor > | |
CBinaryMessage< Accessor > | Encapsulates services for manipulating encoded messages |
▼CBinaryFields< BinaryMessage, BigEndianConverter > | |
▼CBinaryMessage< BigEndianConverter > | |
▼CIncomingMessage | |
COrderAccepted | |
COrderCancelled | |
COrderExecuted | |
COrderRejected | |
COrderReplaced | |
▼CBinaryFields< MutableBinaryMessage, Accessor > | |
▼CMutableBinaryFields< MutableBinaryMessage, Accessor > | |
CMutableBinaryMessage< Accessor > | Encapsulates services for manipulating little endian encoded messages |
▼CBinaryFields< MutableBinaryMessage, BigEndianConverter > | |
▼CMutableBinaryFields< MutableBinaryMessage, BigEndianConverter > | |
▼CMutableBinaryMessage< BigEndianConverter > | |
▼COutgoingMessage | |
CCancelByOrderId | |
CCancelOrder | Cancel Order message |
CEnterOrder | Used to enter a new order into the system |
CReplaceOrder | Used to modify an existing order entered via OUCH |
CCancellationReason | CancellationReason |
CConnectionRetries | |
CEnterOrderOpenClose | EnterOrderOpenClose |
CErrorCode | Known (selected) error codes |
CErrorListener | |
▼Cexception | STL class |
▼CException | Basic exception class for this namespace |
COperationException | Operation exception |
CFormatSpec | |
CHandler | OnixS Sgx Titan OUCH Trading Handler |
CHandlerSettings | |
CHandlerState | Defines the state that the handler is in |
CHandlerStateListener | Status listener |
CException::Implementation | |
CInboundMessageTypes | InboundMessageTypes |
CIntegralConstant< Type, Constant > | Integral constant |
CLeftPaddedStringTraits | |
▼CLicenseChecker | |
▼CHandlerImpl | |
CHandler::Impl | |
▼CLogFacility | |
CHandlerImpl | |
CListenerHolder | |
CLogLevel | |
CLogonSettings | |
CLogSettings | |
CMessageListener | Incoming (CFE to TPH) message listener |
CMonth | Defines all the months in the year |
COrderState | OrderState |
COrderType | OrderType |
COutboundMessageTypes | OutboundMessageTypes |
▼CReconnectableSessionListener | |
CHandlerImpl | |
CReplaceOrderOpenClose | ReplaceOrderOpenClose |
CRightPaddedStringTraits | String helpers |
CSessionListener | |
CSide | Side |
CString< N, FILLER, Traits > | ASCII encoded, right-padded with filler |
CStrRef | Provides efficient way of accessing text-based FIX field values |
CTimeInForce | TimeInForce |
CTimeManager | |
CTimeSpan | |
CTimeSpanFormats | Time span formats supported |
CTimestamp | Represents timestamp without time-zone information |
CTimestampFormat | Collection of timestamp formats supported |
CWarningListener | |
CYearMonthDay | Year, month, day fields |