47 clientOrderId.reserve(50);
48 settlementInfo.reserve(200);
109 size_t deserialize(
const void* buf,
size_t inLen);
112 std::string toString ()
118 size_t serialize(
void* buf)
std::string settlementInfo
Settlement information.
size_t serializationBufSize() const
TI_FLAG::Enum discloseIOIFg
If true, quotation must be sent to providers.
TI_VERB::Enum verb
Specifies whether it is a buy or sell operation (Referred to the member who receives the information)...
UInt32 settlementDate
Settlement date.
TI_ALLOCATION_TYPE::Enum allocationType
Type of allocation.
UInt16 iOIMatchingQuotes
Number of quotes triggering auto-matching when best price matches IOI.
TI_ERROR::Enum errorCode
Error code of the trading list leg.
UInt32 instrumentId
Unique ID of the tradable instrument.
UInt32 stageOrderId
Stage Order ID.
TI_INSTRUMENT_TYPE::Enum instrumentType
Identifier of the tradable instrument type (Bond, Spread, Basis, etc.)
UInt16 settlementOffset
Settlement offset expressed as number of days starting from the trading date.
UInt32 allocationId
Unique ID of the pre-allocation or of the allocation during the trade splitting phase.
Double quotation
UInt32 sectionId
Unique ID of the section.
std::string clientOrderId
ID of the order within the client institution.
TI_FLAG::Enum quotationFg
Specifies if the quotation is specified.