53 sectionCode.reserve(4);
54 sectionDesc.reserve(36);
56 userInfo.reserve(100);
92 static const size_t recipientsSize = 100;
130 size_t deserialize(
const void* buf,
size_t inLen);
133 std::string toString ()
139 size_t serialize(
void* buf)
std::string text
Text of the message.
TI_VERB::Enum verb
Sign of the operation.
TI_EOI_ACTION::Enum action
Action of message.
std::string sectionCode
Section code.
TI_FLAG::Enum transparentFg
Specifies whether the sender identity will be shown to the recipients of the message.
unsigned long long UInt64
UInt64 updateTime
Time at which the message were last updated.
TI_EOI_EVENT::Enum event
Action applied to the message.
std::string sectionDesc
Section description.
TI_EOI_TYPE::Enum msgType
Message Type.
TI_FLAG::Enum sendToAllFg
If set to Yes, the message will be sent to all enabled members on the specified market.
size_t serializationBufSize() const
TI_EOI_STATUS::Enum status
Status of the message.
UInt32 refMsgDate
Date of the referenced message.
TI_RFQ_SETTING_TYPE::Enum fieldSetting
Specifies whether or not the rate, quantity, or both, were specified by the sender of message...
Tradable instrument data.
UInt32 refMsgId
Unique ID of the message referenced by this message.
Data identifying the EOI message.
Sender of message.
std::vector< TI_EOI_RECIPIENT_MEMBER_INFO > recipients
UInt32 recipientsLen
Number of recipients.
std::string userInfo
Free Text field used by the client.