47 instrumentCode.reserve(12);
48 instrumentDesc.reserve(36);
49 sectionCode.reserve(4);
50 sectionDesc.reserve(36);
51 requestMemberCode.reserve(10);
52 requestMemberDesc.reserve(36);
53 requestMemberShortDesc.reserve(12);
54 requestTraderName.reserve(12);
55 respondMemberCode.reserve(10);
56 respondMemberDesc.reserve(36);
57 respondMemberShortDesc.reserve(12);
58 respondTraderName.reserve(12);
152 size_t deserialize(
const void* buf,
size_t inLen);
155 std::string toString ()
161 size_t serialize(
void* buf)
std::string requestTraderName
Name of the trader creating the request.
std::string sectionDesc
Section description.
std::string instrumentCode
Alphanumeric code of the instrument.
UInt64 creationTime
Creation Time of the request.
UInt32 endDate
Closure Date of the Open Trade.
UInt32 fillMsgId
Unique ID of the Open Trade.
UInt32 creationDate
Creation Date of the request.
unsigned long long UInt64
UInt32 respondMemberId
Unique ID of the member responding to the request.
std::string respondMemberCode
ABI/MTS code of the member responding to the request.
std::string respondTraderName
Name of the trader responding to the request.
std::string respondMemberShortDesc
Short description of the member responding to the request.
UInt32 requestId
Unique ID of the request.
std::string requestMemberDesc
Description of the member creating the request.
std::string requestMemberCode
ABI/MTS code of the member creating the request.
std::string instrumentDesc
Description of the tradable instrument.
std::string requestMemberShortDesc
Short description of the member creating the request.
UInt32 fillMsgDate
Creation Date of the Open Trade.
UInt32 requestMemberId
Unique ID of the member creating the request.
std::string sectionCode
Alphanumeric ID code of the section - brief description.
UInt32 instrumentId
Unique ID of the instrument.
size_t serializationBufSize() const
TI_FLAG::Enum rateFg
If set to Yes, indicates the Rate field is not empty.
UInt32 requestTraderId
Unique ID of the trader creating the request.
Request Type.
UInt32 respondTraderId
Unique ID of the trader responding to the request.
UInt32 sectionId
Unique ID of the section.
UInt64 updateTime
Update Time of the request.
std::string respondMemberDesc
Description of the member responding to the request.