47 memberCode.reserve(10);
48 memberDesc.reserve(36);
49 memberShortDesc.reserve(12);
50 accountCode.reserve(200);
51 accountInfo.reserve(200);
52 clearingHouseCode.reserve(10);
53 clearingHouseDesc.reserve(36);
54 clearingHouseShortDesc.reserve(12);
106 size_t deserialize(
const void* buf,
size_t inLen);
109 std::string toString ()
115 size_t serialize(
void* buf)
std::string clearingHouseDesc
Description of the Clearing House.
UInt64 quoteUpdateTime
Quote last update time.
std::string clearingHouseCode
ABI/MTS code of the Clearing House.
TI_RFCQ_MATCHING_TYPE::Enum quoteMatchingType
Quote matching type.
unsigned long long UInt64
std::string clearingHouseShortDesc
Short description of the Clearing House.
size_t serializationBufSize() const
UInt32 quoteId
Unique ID of the RFCQ quote.
std::string memberCode
Code of the sell side member.
std::string accountCode
Account code.
std::string memberDesc
Description of the sell side member.
UInt64 automaticAcceptanceValidityTime
Automatic acceptance validity time.
Double haircut
Haircut value.
std::string accountInfo
Additional account information.
std::string memberShortDesc
Short description of the sell side member.