86 size_t deserialize(
const void* buf,
size_t inLen);
89 std::string toString ()
95 size_t serialize(
void* buf)
TI_FLAG::Enum cCPOnlyFlag
Indicates whether the proposal is traded in central counterparty (CCP) mode only or not...
size_t serializationBufSize() const
UInt32 clearingHouseId
Unique ID of the Clearing House.
TI_FLAG::Enum isTradable
Indicates whether the member receiving the Aggregate can successfully aggress the proposal...
UInt32 memberId
Unique ID of the member.
Double minQty
Minimum quantity.
UInt32 propMsgId
ID of the proposal.
UInt32 traderId
Unique ID of the trader.
TI_FLAG::Enum rateFg
Set to Y if the rate has been specified.
TI_FLAG::Enum bilateralOnlyFlag
Indicates whether the trader who inserts the Proposal wants the trade to be settled bilaterally or no...