48 marketCode.reserve(4);
49 marketDesc.reserve(36);
50 geographicalAreaDesc.reserve(36);
177 size_t deserialize(
const void* buf,
size_t inLen);
180 virtual std::string toString ()
191 virtual size_t serialize(
void* buf)
UInt32 switchRFCQTimer
Number of seconds for accepting a Switch RFCQ. This field could be updated by the Governance...
UInt16 maxNumInventoryGroups
Maximum number of Inventory Groups that a Sell Side Member may define.
UInt32 serviceProviderId
Unique ID of the service.
UInt16 multilegRFCQAcceptanceTimeout
Time, expressed as number of seconds, for manual acceptance of a Multileg RFCQ. This field could be u...
std::string marketCode
Alphanumeric code of the market brief description.
UInt16 multilegRFCQMinAutomaticMatchingTimeout
Minimum time, expressed as number of seconds, after which a Multileg RFCQ quote can only be manually ...
Double multiLegRFCQLegQtyCap
Limit (expressed in terms of duration weighted quantity) of the quantity of each single leg for a Mul...
UInt16 doubleSidedRFCQMinAutomaticMatchingTimeout
Minimum time, expressed as number of seconds, after which a double sided RFCQ quote can only be manua...
UInt32 marketId
Unique ID of the market.
std::string geographicalAreaDesc
Description of the geographical area to which the market belongs.
std::string marketDesc
Market description.
UInt16 butterflyRFCQMaxNumRecipients
Maximum number of market members to whom a Butterfly RFCQ can be addressed. This field could be updat...
UInt16 switchRFCQAcceptanceTimeout
Time, expressed as number of seconds, for manual acceptance of a Switch RFCQ. This field could be upd...
UInt16 switchRFCQMinAutomaticMatchingTimeout
Minimum time, expressed as number of seconds, after which a Switch RFCQ quote can only be manually ac...
UInt16 butterflyRFCQMinAutomaticMatchingTimeout
Minimum time, expressed as number of seconds, after which a Butterfly RFCQ quote can only be manually...
TI_FLAG::Enum doubleSidedRFCQDoubleAutoAcceptanceFg
Specifies whether a double sided RFCQ will be automatically closed as soon as there's a match on one ...
UInt16 switchRFCQAuditTrailDelay
Delay, expressed as number of seconds, for the Switch audit trail.
UInt16 geographicalAreaCode
Unique ID of the geographical area to which the market belongs.
UInt16 maxNumInventoryGroupExceptions
Maximum number of speciaized / exception configurations (i.e. Product Type = Value, Currency = Value or Product Type = Value, Currency = Wildcard) that are present in the Inventory Groups of a Sell Side Member.
UInt16 multiLegRFCQMaxDueInTime
Maximum delay (in seconds) of the Due In Time parameter for a Multi-leg RFCQ.
virtual ClassId::Enum id() const
Class id.
UInt16 butterflyRFCQAuditTrailDelay
Delay, expressed as number of seconds, for the Butterfly audit trail.
UInt16 doubleSidedRFCQAcceptanceTimeout
Time, expressed as number of seconds, for manual acceptance of a double sided RFCQ. This field could be updated by the Governance, during the current trading day.
Double multiLegRFCQTotalQtyCap
Limit (expressed in terms of duration weighted quantity) of the total quatity for a Multileg RFCQ...
UInt16 doubleSidedRFCQAuditTrailDelay
Delay, expressed as number of seconds, for the double sided audit trail.
UInt16 multilegRFCQMaxNumRecipients
Maximum number of market members to whom a Multileg RFCQ can be addressed. This field could be update...
UInt32 multilegRFCQTimer
Number of seconds for accepting a Multileg RFCQ. This field could be updated by the Governance...
virtual size_t serializationBufSize() const
Double doubleSidedRFCQLegQtyCap
Limit (expressed in terms of duration weighted quantity) of the quantity of each single leg for a dou...
UInt16 maxNumInventoryGroupConfigurations
Maximum number of generic configurations (i.e. Product Type = Wildcard, Currency = Wildcard) that are...
UInt16 multiLegRFCQMaxNumLegs
Max number of legs allowed for Multileg RFCQ.
UInt16 butterflyRFCQAcceptanceTimeout
Time, expressed as number of seconds, for manual acceptance of a Butterfly RFCQ. This field could be ...
Double doubleSidedRFCQTotalQtyCap
Limit (expressed in terms of duration weighted quantity) of the total quatity for a double sided RFCQ...
UInt16 maxNumMemberPerInventoryGroup
Maximum number of Buy Side Members that may belong to an Inventory Group. Buy Side Members that appea...
UInt16 switchRFCQMaxNumRecipients
Maximum number of market members to whom a Switch RFCQ can be addressed. This field could be updated ...
UInt16 multilegRFCQAuditTrailDelay
Delay, expressed as number of seconds, for the Multileg audit trail.
UInt16 doubleSidedRFCQMaxNumRecipients
Maximum number of market members to whom a double sided RFCQ can be addressed. This field could be up...
UInt32 butterflyRFCQTimer
Number of seconds for accepting a Butterfly RFCQ. This field could be updated by the Governance...
UInt32 doubleSidedRFCQTimer
Number of seconds for accepting a double sided RFCQ. This field could be updated by the Governance...
Double deltaGMT
Time zone, expressed as difference in hours (plus or minus) compared to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)...