OnixS C++ MTS Repo SDP Handler
API documentation
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #pragma once
2 /*
3 * Copyright Onix Solutions Limited [OnixS]. All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * This software owned by Onix Solutions Limited [OnixS] and is protected by copyright law
6 * and international copyright treaties.
7 *
8 * Access to and use of the software is governed by the terms of the applicable ONIXS Software
9 * Services Agreement (the Agreement) and Customer end user license agreements granting
10 * a non-assignable, non-transferable and non-exclusive license to use the software
11 * for it's own data processing purposes under the terms defined in the Agreement.
12 *
13 * Except as otherwise granted within the terms of the Agreement, copying or reproduction of any part
14 * of this source code or associated reference material to any other location for further reproduction
15 * or redistribution, and any amendments to this copyright notice, are expressly prohibited.
16 *
17 * Any reproduction or redistribution for sale or hiring of the Software not in accordance with
18 * the terms of the Agreement is a violation of copyright law.
19 */
22 /*
23 --------------
25 --------------
26 */
29 #include <string>
35 namespace OnixS {
36 namespace Mts {
37 namespace Repo {
38 namespace SDP {
42 ///
44 {
45 public:
47  {
48  }
52  /// Class id
53  virtual ClassId::Enum id() const
54  {
56  }
58  /// Unique ID of the section
61  /// Unique ID of the market
64  /// Unique ID of the instrument class
67  /// Instrument class sorting number
70  /// Start of validity date
73  /// End of validity date
76  /// Flag indicating whether Rfqs are enabled or not on this instrument class on this section
79  /// If true, then Click-and-Trade trading modality is enabled on this instrument class on this section
82  /// If true, then RFCQ trading modality is enabled on this instrument class on this section
85  /// Flag indicating whether the trades originated by CAT trading are to be considered in the calculation of statistics or not
88  /// Flag indicating whether the trades originated by RFQs are to be considered in the calculation of statistics or not
91  /// Flag indicating whether the trades originated by RFCQs are to be considered in the calculation of statistics or not
94  /// If it is set to Yes, the trades originated by CAT trading are to be considered in the last trade statistics. If it is set to No, the trades originated by CAT trading are NOT to be considered in the last trade statistics
97  /// If it is set to Yes, the trades originated by RFQ's are to be considered in the last trade statistics. If it is set to No, the trades originated by RFQ's are NOT to be considered in the last trade statistics
100  /// If it is set to Yes, the trades originated by RFCQ's are to be considered in the last trade statistics. If it is set to No, the trades originated by RFCQ's are NOT to be considered in the last trade statistics
103  /// If it is set to Yes, the trades originated by CAT trading are to be considered in the official price calculations. If it is set to No, the trades originated by CAT trading are NOT to be considered in the official price calculations
106  /// If it is set to Yes, the trades originated by RFQ's are to be considered in the official price calculations. If it is set to No, the trades originated by RFQ's are NOT to be considered in the official price calculations
109  /// If it is set to Yes, the trades originated by RFCQ's are to be considered in the official price calculations. If it is set to No, the trades originated by RFCQ's are NOT to be considered in the official price calculations
112  /// Flag indicating whether the trades originated by OTC Registrations are to be considered in the calculation of statistics or not
115  /// If it is set to Yes, the trades originated by OTC Registrations are to be considered in the last trade statistics. If it is set to No, the trades originated by OTC Registrations are NOT to be considered in the last trade statistics
118  /// If it is set to Yes, the trades originated by OTC Registrations are to be considered in the official price calculations. If it is set to No, the trades originated by OTC Registrations are NOT to be considered in the official price calculations
121  /// Flag indicating whether the trades originated by Mid-Price trading are to be considered in the calculation of statistics or not
124  /// If it is set to Yes, the trades originated by Mid-Price trading are to be considered in the last trade statistics. If it is set to No, the trades originated by Mid-Price trading are NOT to be considered in the last trade statistics
127  /// If it is set to Yes, the trades originated by Mid-Price trading are to be considered in the official price calculations. If it is set to No, the trades originated by Mid-Price trading are NOT to be considered in the official price calculations
130  /// Flag indicating whether the trades originated by inventory orders are to be considered in the calculation of statistics or not.
133  /// If it is set to Yes, the trades originated by inventory orders are to be considered in the last trade statistics. If it is set to No, the trades originated by inventory orders are NOT to be considered in the last trade statistics
136  /// If it is set to Yes, the trades originated by inventory orders are to be considered in the official price calculations. If it is set to No, the trades originated by inventory orders are NOT to be considered in the official price calculations
139  /// If it is set to Yes, the ACM trading modality is enabled on this instrument class in this section.
142  /// Flag indicating whether the trades originated by ACM trading are to be considered in the calculation of statistics or not
145  /// If it is set to Yes, the trades originated by ACM trading are to be considered in the last trade statistics. If it is set to No, the trades originated by ACM trading are NOT to be considered in the last trade statistics
148  /// If it is set to Yes, the trades originated by ACM trading are to be considered in the official price calculations. If it is set to No, the trades originated by ACM trading are NOT to be considered in the official price calculations
152  ///
153  size_t deserialize(const void* buf, size_t inLen);
155  /// Provides string presentation
156  virtual std::string toString () const;
158  ///
159  virtual size_t serializationBufSize() const { return 124; }
161  ///
162  virtual TI_INSTRUMENT_CLASS_SECTION* clone() const;
164  virtual TI_INSTRUMENT_CLASS_SECTION* clone(void*) const;
166 private:
167  virtual size_t serialize(void* buf) const;
169 };
172 }
173 }
174 }
175 }
TI_FLAG::Enum rFCQTradingModalityFg
If true, then RFCQ trading modality is enabled on this instrument class on this section.
TI_FLAG::Enum oTCStatisticFlag
Flag indicating whether the trades originated by OTC Registrations are to be considered in the calcul...
TI_FLAG::Enum midPriceStatisticFlag
Flag indicating whether the trades originated by Mid-Price trading are to be considered in the calcul...
TI_FLAG::Enum rFCQLastTradeFlag
If it is set to Yes, the trades originated by RFCQ&#39;s are to be considered in the last trade statistic...
TI_FLAG::Enum rFCQOfficialPriceFlag
If it is set to Yes, the trades originated by RFCQ&#39;s are to be considered in the official price calcu...
TI_FLAG::Enum cATStatisticFlag
Flag indicating whether the trades originated by CAT trading are to be considered in the calculation ...
TI_FLAG::Enum rfqEnabled
Flag indicating whether Rfqs are enabled or not on this instrument class on this section.
TI_FLAG::Enum aCMOfficialPriceFlag
If it is set to Yes, the trades originated by ACM trading are to be considered in the official price ...
TI_FLAG::Enum iOLastTradeFlag
If it is set to Yes, the trades originated by inventory orders are to be considered in the last trade...
TI_FLAG::Enum oTCLastTradeFlag
If it is set to Yes, the trades originated by OTC Registrations are to be considered in the last trad...
TI_FLAG::Enum rFCQStatisticFlag
Flag indicating whether the trades originated by RFCQs are to be considered in the calculation of sta...
TI_FLAG::Enum cATOfficialPriceFlag
If it is set to Yes, the trades originated by CAT trading are to be considered in the official price ...
TI_FLAG::Enum rFQStatisticFlag
Flag indicating whether the trades originated by RFQs are to be considered in the calculation of stat...
TI_FLAG::Enum iOOfficialPriceFlag
If it is set to Yes, the trades originated by inventory orders are to be considered in the official p...
unsigned int UInt32
Definition: Defines.h:46
TI_FLAG::Enum midPriceOfficialPriceFlag
If it is set to Yes, the trades originated by Mid-Price trading are to be considered in the official ...
TI_FLAG::Enum midPriceLastTradeFlag
If it is set to Yes, the trades originated by Mid-Price trading are to be considered in the last trad...
TI_FLAG::Enum aCMTradingModalityFg
If it is set to Yes, the ACM trading modality is enabled on this instrument class in this section...
TI_FLAG::Enum aCMLastTradeFlag
If it is set to Yes, the trades originated by ACM trading are to be considered in the last trade stat...
TI_FLAG::Enum aCMStatisticFlag
Flag indicating whether the trades originated by ACM trading are to be considered in the calculation ...
Definition: ABI.h:49
TI_FLAG::Enum cATTradingModalityFg
If true, then Click-and-Trade trading modality is enabled on this instrument class on this section...
TI_FLAG::Enum oTCOfficialPriceFlag
If it is set to Yes, the trades originated by OTC Registrations are to be considered in the official ...
TI_FLAG::Enum cATLastTradeFlag
If it is set to Yes, the trades originated by CAT trading are to be considered in the last trade stat...
TI_FLAG::Enum rFQOfficialPriceFlag
If it is set to Yes, the trades originated by RFQ&#39;s are to be considered in the official price calcul...
TI_FLAG::Enum iOStatisticFlag
Flag indicating whether the trades originated by inventory orders are to be considered in the calcula...
TI_FLAG::Enum rFQLastTradeFlag
If it is set to Yes, the trades originated by RFQ&#39;s are to be considered in the last trade statistics...