48 instrumentCode.reserve(12);
49 instrumentDesc.reserve(36);
50 bondTypology.reserve(6);
51 currencyCode.reserve(3);
52 settlCurrencyCode.reserve(3);
53 alternativeCode.reserve(16);
186 size_t deserialize(
const void* buf,
size_t inLen);
189 virtual std::string toString ()
200 virtual size_t serialize(
void* buf)
UInt16 maturityBucket
ID of the group to which the instrument belongs, defined as a function of its maturity.
Double auctionInstrumentYield
Yield of the instrument at the time of the auction, expressed as a percentage.
UInt16 inflationIndexId
Unique ID of the Inflation Index.
std::string currencyCode
Unique ID code of the Trading Currency related to the instrument.
UInt32 issuerId
Unique ID of the issuing body.
UInt16 baseCoefficientIndex
Field used by the Calculation Engine.
UInt16 settlExpiryPeriod
Time interval allowed to conclude the settlement of the operation, expressed as a number of working d...
UInt32 firstSettlDate
First date of settlement of the instrument.
UInt32 firstAccrualDate
Start date of interest accrual.
UInt32 residualMaturityId
ID of the residual maturity of the instrument on the current date.
Double redemptionPrice
Redemption price of the instrument.
Double bPV
Base Point Value.
TI_YIELD_FORMULA_TYPE::Enum yieldFormulaType
Unique ID code of the method for calculating the price or yield of the instrument.
UInt32 maturityDate
Date of payment of the instrument.
UInt16 settlPeriod
Time interval between the date on which trading took place and the date on which the operation was se...
virtual size_t serializationBufSize() const
UInt16 mTSClassification
MTS classification of the financial instrument.
TI_FLAG::Enum liquidFlag
Flag indicating whether the instrument under examination is of the benchmark type or not...
TI_EXCEPTION_DATE_TYPE::Enum exceptionDateType
Unique ID code of the type of exception date of the coupon.
UInt32 residualMaturityDays
Number of days to the maturity of the instrument.
UInt32 firstCouponDate
Date on which the first coupon was detached.
Double auctionInstrumentPrice
Auction price of the instrument.
Double outstanding
Issued amount.
UInt32 lastCouponDate
Date on which the last coupon was detached before the instrument is paid.
TI_DISCOUNT_RATE_FORMULA_TYPE::Enum discountRateFormulaType
Unique ID code of the method for calculating the discount rate of the instrument. ...
std::string instrumentDesc
Description of the instrument.
TI_INSTRUMENT_TYPOLOGY::Enum instrumentTipology
ID of the type of instrument (for example, Corporate)
TI_DAY_COUNT_CONVENTION_TYPE::Enum dayCountConventionType
Unique ID code of the type of calculation of the accrual.
virtual ClassId::Enum id() const
Class id.
std::string settlCurrencyCode
Unique ID code of the Settlement Currency related to the instrument.
TI_COUPON_TYPE::Enum couponType
ID of the type of coupon.
UInt32 financialInstrumentId
Unique ID of the financial instrument (Bond)
std::string alternativeCode
MIC code of the financial instrument.
UInt16 couponFrequency
Frequency of the coupon. Number of months between the payments of the coupons. Not set for instrument...
std::string instrumentCode
Alphanumeric ID code of the instrument (ISIN coding)
UInt16 stopExceptionDays
Number of working days between the stop date of the exception period and the date on which the coupon...
UInt16 startExceptionDays
Number of working days between the start date of the exception period and the date on which the coupo...
TI_FLAG::Enum cCPEligibleFg
Allows counterparties with CCP to close a trade in a Bilateral modality.
Double couponRate
Current coupon rate, expressed as a percentage.
UInt32 issueDate
Date of issue of the instrument.
TI_FLAG::Enum unseasonedBondFg
Flag to determine wheter a bond is unseasoned or not.
std::string bondTypology
It indicates the financial group (for example, BTP, CCT, BTA, BTC, etc.)