97 size_t deserialize(
const void* buf,
size_t inLen);
100 virtual std::string toString ()
111 virtual size_t serialize(
void* buf)
Double minRate
Minimum rate value.
std::string currency
Currency of the Rate.
UInt32 creationDate
Creation date.
TI_FLAG::Enum automaticFeedFg
Specifies whether the contribution is automatic or manual.
unsigned long long UInt64
Double rateValue
Reference rate value expressed in Percentage.
virtual size_t serializationBufSize() const
Double maxRate
Maximum rate value.
virtual ClassId::Enum id() const
Class id.
UInt32 financialInstrumentId
Unique ID of the Reference Rate.
UInt64 creationTime
Creation time.
Double ceilingSpread
Maximum spread value admitted expressed in Basis Point (more or equal to 0)
UInt64 updateTime
Last update time.
UInt32 updateDate
Last update date.
Double floorSpread
Minimum spread value admitted expressed in Basis Point (less or equal to 0)