48 submitterTraderName.reserve(12);
122 size_t deserialize(
const void* buf,
size_t inLen);
125 virtual std::string toString ()
136 virtual size_t serialize(
void* buf)
UInt64 updateTime
Last Update time.
UInt32 creationDate
Creation date.
TI_FLAG::Enum saveHaircutFg
Flag indicating if the Haircut value will be saved as default value for the further transactions (RFQ...
UInt32 instrumentClassId
Unique ID of the Instrument Class.
REPO_HAIRCUT_STATUS::Enum secondMemberStatus
Status of the Second Member Haircut.
unsigned long long UInt64
virtual ClassId::Enum id() const
Class id.
UInt32 firstMemberId
ID of the first member involved in the Haircut (member who configures the Haircut) ...
std::string submitterTraderName
Unique name of the trader who defined the Haircut.
virtual size_t serializationBufSize() const
Double haircut
Haircut value.
UInt32 secondMemberId
ID of the second member involved the Haircut (member who receives the Haircut)
Status of the Haircut.
Event applied to the Haircut.
UInt32 residualMaturityId
Unique ID of the residual maturity.
REPO_HAIRCUT_STATUS::Enum firstMemberStatus
Status of the First Member Haircut.
UInt64 creationTime
Creation time.
UInt32 submitterMemberId
Unique ID of the member who defined the Haircut.
std::string userData
Free field used by the client.
REPO_HAIRCUT_TYPE::Enum haircutType
Type of the Haircut (e.g. Default, Rfq)
UInt32 submitterTraderId
Unique ID of the trader who defined the Haircut.
UInt32 updateDate
Last Update date.
UInt32 refMsgId
Message Id of Rfq Transaction (only if REPO_HAIRCUT_TYPE_Rfq)