88 size_t deserialize(
const void* buf,
size_t inLen);
91 virtual std::string toString ()
102 virtual size_t serialize(
void* buf)
virtual ClassId::Enum id() const
Class id.
UInt32 calendarId
ID of the settlement calendar.
UInt32 endDate
Final value date.
virtual size_t serializationBufSize() const
UInt32 startDate
Initial value date.
UInt32 endDateId
ID of the final value date.
UInt32 startDateId
ID of the initial value date.
TI_FLAG::Enum aCMFlag
If TI_FLAG_Yes, the the validation request refers REPO ACM Trading.
UInt32 vanillaId
Unique ID of the Vanilla.
std::string userData
Free field used by the client.
UInt32 datePreviewId
ID of the preview request.