79 size_t deserialize(
const void* buf,
size_t inLen);
82 virtual std::string toString ()
93 virtual size_t serialize(
void* buf)
std::string userData
Free field used by the client.
UInt64 updateTime
Time at which the credit line was updated.
virtual ClassId::Enum id() const
Class id.
UInt32 durationId
ID of the duration (see notes above to verify the field)
unsigned long long UInt64
UInt32 secondMemberId
ID of the second member, that is, the member with exceeded credit line.
UInt32 updateDate
Date on which the credit line was updated.
virtual size_t serializationBufSize() const
UInt32 firstMemberId
ID of the first member, that is, the member who configures the TCL parameter.