52 sectionCode.reserve(4);
53 instrumentClassCode.reserve(6);
54 financialInstrumentCode.reserve(12);
55 accountCode.reserve(200);
57 accountInfo.reserve(200);
167 size_t deserialize(
const void* buf,
size_t inLen);
170 std::string toString ()
176 size_t serialize(
void* buf)
std::string instrumentClassCode
Code of the instrument Class.
TI_MSG_INFO tradeMsgInfo
Data identifying the deal.
std::string accountCode
Account Code.
Member's ID of the Provider.
std::string currency
Unique alphanumeric ID code of the currency.
std::string financialInstrumentCode
Code of the Financial instrument.
CMF_MATCH_MODE::Enum fillMode
Type of match (automatic or manual)
UInt16 settlementOffset
Settlement offset expressed as number of days starting from the trading date.
std::string sectionCode
Section Code.
size_t serializationBufSize() const
TI_TRADE_TYPE::Enum tradeType
Specifies whether the trade results from normal trading activity or from a RFQ....
Data regarding the tradable instrument.
Price, PriceMarkup, Yield, YieldMarkUp, and Quantity of trade.
unsigned long long UInt64
UInt32 parentTradeId
In case of trade splitting, it's the ID of the parent trade.
TI_FLAG::Enum greyMarketFlag
Flag indicating that the bond belong to the Grey Market.
Double nominalValue
Nominal Value.
UInt32 dealId
ID of the related deal.
Double settlCounterValue
Total amount to close out.
TI_FLAG::Enum splittableFg
Indicates whether the trade is splittable or not.
std::string accountInfo
Additional account information.
TI_FLAG::Enum midPriceFixingFg
Specifies whether the trade has been closed at the Mid Price Fixing.
UInt64 updateTime
Time at which the data was last updated.
TI_FILL_STATUS::Enum status
Status of the deal.
CMF_SETTL_STATUS::Enum settlStatus
Settlement Status.
CMF_WAIVER_INDICATOR::Enum waiverIndicator
Waiver Indicator.
std::string micCode
MIC Code.
CMF_THIRD_PARTY_INFO::Enum thirdPartyInfo
Third Party contract type.
UInt32 settlDate
Trade settlement date.
Member's ID of the Aggressor.
Double settlementFXRate
Exchange rate between Trading and Settlement Currencies (i.e. Trading Currency / Settlement Currency)...
CMF_DEFERRAL::Enum deferral
Deferral type.
Double accruedInterest
Countervalue of the accrued interest that the buyer of the bond with coupon pays to the seller...
TI_VERB::Enum verb
Specifies whether it is a buy or sell trade (referred to the member who receives the information) ...
TI_SETTL_TYPE::Enum settlType
Settlement type ID.
UInt32 settlFillId
ID of the trade assigned by the post trading.