110 size_t deserialize(
const void* buf,
size_t inLen);
113 virtual std::string toString ()
124 virtual size_t serialize(
void* buf)
UInt32 quoteMsgId
Data identifying the double sided proposal or the FAS order.
TI_FLAG::Enum bidStrikerQuotationFg
Flag indicating whether a striker quotation for the bid side has ben specified or not...
Double askStrikerQuotation
Data regarding the Ask part of the double sided proposal or of the FAS order.
Double askQuotation
Data regarding the Ask part of the double sided proposal or of the FAS order.
UInt64 editTime
Quote last update time.
Action applied to the double sided proposal or to the FAS order.
Double bidQuotation
Data regarding the Bid part of the double sided proposal or of the FAS order.
virtual ~CMF_QUICK_EDIT()
UInt32 sectionId
Unique ID of the section.
UInt32 instrumentId
ID of the tradable instrument.
unsigned long long UInt64
UInt32 memberId
Data identifying the member who entered the double sided proposal or the FAS order.
CMF_LIQUIDITY_PROVISION::Enum liquidityProvision
Liquidity provision flag.
virtual ClassId::Enum id() const
Class id.
TI_FLAG::Enum askStrikerQuotationFg
Flag indicating whether a striker quotation for the ask side has ben specified or not...
CMF_SHORT_SELLING_INDICATOR::Enum shortSellingIndicator
Short selling indicator.
UInt32 traderId
Data identifying the trader who entered the double sided proposal or the FAS order.
Double bidStrikerQuotation
Data regarding the Bid part of the double sided proposal or of the FAS order.
virtual size_t serializationBufSize() const
UInt32 marketId
Unique ID of the market.