OnixS C++ MTS Bond Vision SDP Handler  1.1.0
API documentation
BV_ORDER_STAGING Class Reference

#include <OnixS/MTS/BondVision/SDP/Classes/SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h>

Public Member Functions

virtual ~BV_ORDER_STAGING ()
virtual ClassId::Enum id () const
size_t deserialize (const void *buf, size_t inLen)
virtual std::string toString () const
virtual size_t serializationBufSize () const
virtual BV_ORDER_STAGINGclone () const
virtual BV_ORDER_STAGINGclone (void *) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Class
virtual ~Class ()
size_t getMaxMessageSize () const

Public Attributes

TI_MSG_INFO orderMsgInfo
std::string clientOrderId
UInt32 allocationId
std::string clientPreAllocationId
UInt32 clientPreAllocationTraderId
std::string clientPreAllocationTraderName
TI_PROTOCOL_SOURCE::Enum orderSource
std::string linkId
TI_FLAG::Enum linkedByOriginatorFg
TI_VERB::Enum verb
Double qty
Double nominalQty
Double remainingQty
Double remainingNominalQty
Double cumQty
Double cumNominalQty
Double averagePrice
std::string currency
TI_TRADING_TYPE::Enum clientLimitQuotationType
Double clientLimitQuotation
TI_TRADING_TYPE::Enum limitQuotationType
Double limitQuotation
UInt64 executionTime
BV_HANDLING_INSTRUCTION::Enum handlingInstruction
UInt16 settlementOffset
UInt32 settlementDate
TI_FLAG::Enum settlDateModifyFlag
UInt32 accountId
TI_FLAG::Enum noPartialFill
TI_FLAG::Enum partiallyExecutedFg
TI_FLAG::Enum warningOnLimitPrice
UInt32 execTraderId
UInt32 workingTraderId
TI_FLAG::Enum workInProgressFg
std::string externalTraderId
UInt16 dealerListNum
std::vector< BV_ORDER_STAGING_DEALER_INFOdealerList
std::string userInfo1
std::string userInfo2
UInt64 editTime
BV_WAIVER_INDICATOR::Enum waiverIndicator
std::string micCode
std::string autoDeleteReasonCode

Static Public Attributes

static const size_t dealerListSize = 50

Detailed Description

Definition at line 47 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


Definition at line 50 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

virtual ~BV_ORDER_STAGING ( )

Definition at line 66 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

Member Function Documentation

virtual BV_ORDER_STAGING* clone ( ) const

Implements Class.

virtual BV_ORDER_STAGING* clone ( void *  ) const

Implements Class.

size_t deserialize ( const void *  buf,
size_t  inLen 
virtual ClassId::Enum id ( ) const

Class id.

Implements Class.

Definition at line 69 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

virtual size_t serializationBufSize ( ) const

Implements Class.

Definition at line 233 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

virtual std::string toString ( ) const

Provides string presentation.

Implements Class.

Member Data Documentation

UInt32 accountId

Account information.

Definition at line 165 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

UInt32 allocationId

Unique ID of the pre-allocation or of the allocation during the trade splitting phase.

Definition at line 81 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

std::string autoDeleteReasonCode

Auto delete reason code.

Definition at line 223 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

Double averagePrice

Weighted Average Price, calculated after fill or partial fill.

Definition at line 132 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

Double clientLimitQuotation

Limit Price/Yield specified by the client.

Definition at line 141 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

TI_TRADING_TYPE::Enum clientLimitQuotationType

Limit Quotation Type specified by the client.

Definition at line 138 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

std::string clientOrderId

Unique ID of the order within the client institution.

Definition at line 78 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

std::string clientPreAllocationId

Pre-allocation Id for client use.

Definition at line 84 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

UInt32 clientPreAllocationTraderId

Unique ID of the trader who performed the Pre-Allocation.

Definition at line 87 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

std::string clientPreAllocationTraderName

Name of the trader who performed the Pre-Allocation.

Definition at line 90 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

Double cumNominalQty

Total executed quantity after fill or partial fill, specified as Nominal Value.

Definition at line 129 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

Double cumQty

Total executed quantity after fill or partial fill.

Definition at line 126 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

std::string currency


Definition at line 135 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

std::vector<BV_ORDER_STAGING_DEALER_INFO> dealerList

Definition at line 205 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

UInt16 dealerListNum

Number of dealers in the dealer list.

Definition at line 201 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

const size_t dealerListSize = 50

List of dealers that must be included or excluded when executing the Stage Order.

Definition at line 204 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

Specifies if the dealer list type.

Definition at line 198 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

UInt64 editTime

Last update time.

Definition at line 214 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

Action applied to the order.

Definition at line 177 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

UInt32 execTraderId

Unique ID of the trader, belonging to the same member, that must execute the order.

Definition at line 186 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

UInt64 executionTime

Order execution time optionally defined by the Trader.

Definition at line 150 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

If specified defines how this order should be executed in the market.

Definition at line 99 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

std::string externalTraderId

External Trader ID of the Stage Order Owner.

Definition at line 195 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

BV_HANDLING_INSTRUCTION::Enum handlingInstruction

Order execution modality optionally defined by the Trader. None by default.

Definition at line 153 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.


Data regarding the tradable instrument.

Definition at line 108 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

Double limitQuotation

Limit Price/Yield specified by the central system.

Definition at line 147 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

TI_TRADING_TYPE::Enum limitQuotationType

Limit Quotation Type specified by the central system.

Definition at line 144 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

TI_FLAG::Enum linkedByOriginatorFg

Specifies whether the order has been linked by the originator.

Definition at line 105 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

std::string linkId

User Defined ID of the RFCQ within the client institution.

Definition at line 102 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.


ID of the member sending trhe order staging request.

Definition at line 96 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

std::string micCode

MIC code.

Definition at line 220 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

Double nominalQty

Quantity specified as Nominal Value.

Definition at line 117 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

TI_FLAG::Enum noPartialFill

Flag stating whether the order must be completely filled. This flag can be set to No (the order can be partially executed) even if there is a pre-allocation linked to the order (the AllocationId field is specified).

Definition at line 168 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

TI_MSG_INFO orderMsgInfo

Order info.

Definition at line 75 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

Specifies the protocol used to send the order.

Definition at line 93 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

Type of order.

Definition at line 183 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

TI_FLAG::Enum partiallyExecutedFg

Flag stating whether the order has been partially filled.

Definition at line 171 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

Double qty


Definition at line 114 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

Double remainingNominalQty

Quantity left after fill or partial fill, specified as Nominal Value.

Definition at line 123 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

Double remainingQty

Quantity left after fill or partial fill.

Definition at line 120 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

TI_FLAG::Enum settlDateModifyFlag

Flag indicating whether the date can be modified or not.

Definition at line 162 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

UInt32 settlementDate

Settlement date.

Definition at line 159 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

UInt16 settlementOffset

Settlement offset espressed as number of days starting from the trading date.

Definition at line 156 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

Order Status.

Definition at line 180 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

std::string userInfo1

Client free text.

Definition at line 208 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

std::string userInfo2

Client free text, or short selling indicator code, or a combination of the two.

Definition at line 211 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

Specifies whether it is a buy or sell order. (Referred to the member who receives the information)

Definition at line 111 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

BV_WAIVER_INDICATOR::Enum waiverIndicator

Waiver Indicator.

Definition at line 217 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

TI_FLAG::Enum warningOnLimitPrice

If true, the GUI will signal the user when the limit price is reached.

Definition at line 174 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

UInt32 workingTraderId

Unique ID of the working trader, belonging to the same member.

Definition at line 189 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

TI_FLAG::Enum workInProgressFg

Specifies whether there is work in progress on this order.

Definition at line 192 of file SMP.Classes.BV_ORDER_STAGING.h.

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