OnixS C++ MTS Bond Vision SDP Handler  1.1.0
API documentation

#include <OnixS/MTS/BondVision/SDP/Classes/SMP.Classes.BV_LAST_DAY_SELL_SIDE_INVENTORY_ORDER.h>

Public Member Functions

virtual ClassId::Enum id () const
size_t deserialize (const void *buf, size_t inLen)
virtual std::string toString () const
virtual size_t serializationBufSize () const
virtual BV_LAST_DAY_SELL_SIDE_INVENTORY_ORDERclone (void *) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Class
virtual ~Class ()
size_t getMaxMessageSize () const

Public Attributes

TI_MSG_INFO orderMsgInfo
std::string sectionCode
UInt32 inventoryQuoteId
std::string dealerReferenceID
std::string clientExecID
std::string execTraderName
UInt64 quoteUpdateTime
Double price
Double yield
Double qty
TI_VERB::Enum verb
UInt64 acceptanceTimeout
Double principal
Double nominalValue
Double accrued
std::string currency
UInt16 accrualDays
Double bpv
UInt16 settlementOffset
UInt32 settlementDate
TI_ALLOCATION_TYPE::Enum allocationType
UInt32 allocationId
std::string accountCode
std::string accountInfo
std::string settlementInfo
std::string mktAffiliationShortDesc
std::string mktAffiliationDesc
UInt32 dealId
UInt32 creationDate
UInt64 creationTime
UInt64 updateTime
BV_SHORT_SELLING_INDICATOR::Enum shortSellingIndicator

Detailed Description

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Member Function Documentation

virtual BV_LAST_DAY_SELL_SIDE_INVENTORY_ORDER* clone ( ) const

Implements Class.

virtual BV_LAST_DAY_SELL_SIDE_INVENTORY_ORDER* clone ( void *  ) const

Implements Class.

size_t deserialize ( const void *  buf,
size_t  inLen 
virtual ClassId::Enum id ( ) const

Class id.

Implements Class.

Definition at line 68 of file SMP.Classes.BV_LAST_DAY_SELL_SIDE_INVENTORY_ORDER.h.

virtual size_t serializationBufSize ( ) const

Implements Class.

Definition at line 195 of file SMP.Classes.BV_LAST_DAY_SELL_SIDE_INVENTORY_ORDER.h.

virtual std::string toString ( ) const

Provides string presentation.

Implements Class.

Member Data Documentation

UInt64 acceptanceTimeout

Timeout for manual acceptance.

Definition at line 122 of file SMP.Classes.BV_LAST_DAY_SELL_SIDE_INVENTORY_ORDER.h.

std::string accountCode

Account code.

Definition at line 155 of file SMP.Classes.BV_LAST_DAY_SELL_SIDE_INVENTORY_ORDER.h.

std::string accountInfo

Additional account information.

Definition at line 158 of file SMP.Classes.BV_LAST_DAY_SELL_SIDE_INVENTORY_ORDER.h.

UInt16 accrualDays

Number of accrual days.

Definition at line 137 of file SMP.Classes.BV_LAST_DAY_SELL_SIDE_INVENTORY_ORDER.h.

Double accrued

Accrued interests.

Definition at line 131 of file SMP.Classes.BV_LAST_DAY_SELL_SIDE_INVENTORY_ORDER.h.

Member's ID of the Aggressor (Buy Side Member)

Definition at line 95 of file SMP.Classes.BV_LAST_DAY_SELL_SIDE_INVENTORY_ORDER.h.

UInt32 allocationId

Unique ID of the pre-allocation or of the allocation during the trade splitting phase.

Definition at line 152 of file SMP.Classes.BV_LAST_DAY_SELL_SIDE_INVENTORY_ORDER.h.

TI_ALLOCATION_TYPE::Enum allocationType

Type of allocation.

Definition at line 149 of file SMP.Classes.BV_LAST_DAY_SELL_SIDE_INVENTORY_ORDER.h.

Double bpv

BPV of the tradable instrument at the moment of the RFCQ creation.

Definition at line 140 of file SMP.Classes.BV_LAST_DAY_SELL_SIDE_INVENTORY_ORDER.h.

std::string clientExecID

ID of the execution within the client institution.

Definition at line 86 of file SMP.Classes.BV_LAST_DAY_SELL_SIDE_INVENTORY_ORDER.h.

UInt32 creationDate

Date on which the message was written.

Definition at line 176 of file SMP.Classes.BV_LAST_DAY_SELL_SIDE_INVENTORY_ORDER.h.

UInt64 creationTime

Time at which the message was written.

Definition at line 179 of file SMP.Classes.BV_LAST_DAY_SELL_SIDE_INVENTORY_ORDER.h.

std::string currency

Currency code.

Definition at line 134 of file SMP.Classes.BV_LAST_DAY_SELL_SIDE_INVENTORY_ORDER.h.

std::string dealerReferenceID

Provider reference ID of the quote.

Definition at line 83 of file SMP.Classes.BV_LAST_DAY_SELL_SIDE_INVENTORY_ORDER.h.

UInt32 dealId

Unique ID of the deal.

Definition at line 170 of file SMP.Classes.BV_LAST_DAY_SELL_SIDE_INVENTORY_ORDER.h.

Action applied to the order.

Definition at line 104 of file SMP.Classes.BV_LAST_DAY_SELL_SIDE_INVENTORY_ORDER.h.

std::string execTraderName

Name of the manual execution trader within the client institution (Provider - Sell Side Member)

Definition at line 89 of file SMP.Classes.BV_LAST_DAY_SELL_SIDE_INVENTORY_ORDER.h.

Data regarding the tradable instrument.

Definition at line 101 of file SMP.Classes.BV_LAST_DAY_SELL_SIDE_INVENTORY_ORDER.h.

UInt32 inventoryQuoteId

ID of the inventory quote to hit/lift.

Definition at line 80 of file SMP.Classes.BV_LAST_DAY_SELL_SIDE_INVENTORY_ORDER.h.

std::string mktAffiliationDesc

Long description of the Market Affiliation.

Definition at line 167 of file SMP.Classes.BV_LAST_DAY_SELL_SIDE_INVENTORY_ORDER.h.

std::string mktAffiliationShortDesc

Short description of the Market Affiliation.

Definition at line 164 of file SMP.Classes.BV_LAST_DAY_SELL_SIDE_INVENTORY_ORDER.h.

Double nominalValue

Nominal value.

Definition at line 128 of file SMP.Classes.BV_LAST_DAY_SELL_SIDE_INVENTORY_ORDER.h.

TI_MSG_INFO orderMsgInfo

Data identifying the inventory order.

Definition at line 74 of file SMP.Classes.BV_LAST_DAY_SELL_SIDE_INVENTORY_ORDER.h.

Double price

Price of the order.

Definition at line 110 of file SMP.Classes.BV_LAST_DAY_SELL_SIDE_INVENTORY_ORDER.h.

Double principal

Principal amount.

Definition at line 125 of file SMP.Classes.BV_LAST_DAY_SELL_SIDE_INVENTORY_ORDER.h.

Member's ID of the Provider (Sell Side Member)

Definition at line 98 of file SMP.Classes.BV_LAST_DAY_SELL_SIDE_INVENTORY_ORDER.h.

Double qty

Quantity of the order.

Definition at line 116 of file SMP.Classes.BV_LAST_DAY_SELL_SIDE_INVENTORY_ORDER.h.

UInt64 quoteUpdateTime

Time at which the inventory quote was last updated.

Definition at line 92 of file SMP.Classes.BV_LAST_DAY_SELL_SIDE_INVENTORY_ORDER.h.

std::string sectionCode

Section Code.

Definition at line 77 of file SMP.Classes.BV_LAST_DAY_SELL_SIDE_INVENTORY_ORDER.h.

UInt32 settlementDate

Settlement date.

Definition at line 146 of file SMP.Classes.BV_LAST_DAY_SELL_SIDE_INVENTORY_ORDER.h.

std::string settlementInfo

Settlement information.

Definition at line 161 of file SMP.Classes.BV_LAST_DAY_SELL_SIDE_INVENTORY_ORDER.h.

UInt16 settlementOffset

Settlement offset espressed as number of days starting from the trading date.

Definition at line 143 of file SMP.Classes.BV_LAST_DAY_SELL_SIDE_INVENTORY_ORDER.h.

BV_SHORT_SELLING_INDICATOR::Enum shortSellingIndicator

Short Selling indicator.

Definition at line 185 of file SMP.Classes.BV_LAST_DAY_SELL_SIDE_INVENTORY_ORDER.h.

Processing status of the order.

Definition at line 107 of file SMP.Classes.BV_LAST_DAY_SELL_SIDE_INVENTORY_ORDER.h.


Pre and Post-Trade Transparency Info.

Definition at line 173 of file SMP.Classes.BV_LAST_DAY_SELL_SIDE_INVENTORY_ORDER.h.

UInt64 updateTime

Last update time.

Definition at line 182 of file SMP.Classes.BV_LAST_DAY_SELL_SIDE_INVENTORY_ORDER.h.

Specifies whether it is a buy or sell order and is set from the receiving member's viewpoint (Provider)

Definition at line 119 of file SMP.Classes.BV_LAST_DAY_SELL_SIDE_INVENTORY_ORDER.h.

Double yield

Yield of the order.

Definition at line 113 of file SMP.Classes.BV_LAST_DAY_SELL_SIDE_INVENTORY_ORDER.h.

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