44 namespace BondVision {
55 financialInstrumentCode.reserve(12);
56 settlTradeId.reserve(32);
167 size_t deserialize(
const void* buf,
size_t inLen);
170 std::string toString ()
176 size_t serialize(
void* buf)
UInt32 accountId
Unique Id of the Account.
BV_SETTL_STATUS::Enum settlStatus
Submission Status in the Eurex Market (Defined, Undefined)
BV_MATCH_MODE::Enum fillMode
Indicates whether the deal has been originated by manual or by authomatic matching.
UInt32 exchangeId
Unique ID of the Trade of the exchange.
UInt32 financialInstrumentId
Unique ID of the financial instrument.
TI_FILL_STATUS::Enum status
Status of the trade (e.g. active, cancelled, cancelled for split, modified)
std::string settlTradeId
Unique ID of the trade on the Eurex market.
TI_FLAG::Enum adjustmentFg
Indicates whether adjustment is applied.
std::string micCode
MIC code.
BV_TRADE_FUTURE_ACCOUNT_INFO providerExchangeAccountInfo
Eurex account info of the provider.
Data identifying the Provider (who did the proposal)
Double nominalValue
Nominal value.
std::string financialInstrumentCode
Code of the financial instrument.
UInt64 preAllocationTime
Time of pre-allocation.
BV_TRADE_FUTURE_ACCOUNT_INFO aggressorExchangeAccountInfo
Eurex account info of the aggressor.
size_t serializationBufSize() const
TI_MSG_INFO tradeMsgInfo
Contract number, contract closing (i.e. creation) date and hour, assigned by the central system...
Double adjustment
Instrument info.
std::string currency
TI_TRADE_TYPE::Enum tradeType
Specifies whether the trade results from normal trading activity or from a RFQ, RFCQ, etc.
Pre and Post-Trade Transparency Info.
UInt32 cashTradeId
Unique ID of the Trade of the Bond leg.
Contract Price, Yield, Qty, NominalValue.
UInt32 dealId
Unique ID of the Trade of the Deal.
UInt64 updateTime
Last update time, useful for communications with pre-settlement systems.
UInt16 legId
Unique ID of the trading leg.
TI_FLAG::Enum splittableFg
Indicates whether the trade is splittable or not.
TI_RFCQ_TYPE::Enum rfcqType
RFCQ Type.
Data identifying the Aggressor (who did the order)
unsigned long long UInt64
UInt16 marketAffiliation
Specifies whether the trade has been closed on a regulated market or on a MTF.
UInt32 transactionId
Unique ID of the RFCQ/Inventory Order.
UInt32 parentTradeId
ID of the partent trade, in case of trade splitting.
UInt16 areaCodeId
Unique Id of the Area Code.
TI_VERB::Enum verb
Order side (Buy or Sell)