44 namespace BondVision {
55 sectionCode.reserve(4);
56 exchangeCode.reserve(12);
57 exchangeDesc.reserve(36);
58 instrumentClassCode.reserve(12);
59 financialInstrumentCode.reserve(12);
60 settlTradeId.reserve(32);
61 accountCode.reserve(200);
62 accountInfo.reserve(200);
64 marketAffiliationShortDesc.reserve(12);
65 marketAffiliationtDesc.reserve(36);
66 areaCodeShortDesc.reserve(12);
67 areaCodeDesc.reserve(36);
192 size_t deserialize(
const void* buf,
size_t inLen);
195 std::string toString ()
201 size_t serialize(
void* buf)
TI_FILL_STATUS::Enum status
Status of the trade (e.g. active, cancelled, cancelled for split, modified)
UInt32 dealId
Unique ID of the Trade of the Deal.
std::string instrumentClassCode
Code of the instrument class.
UInt64 preAllocationTime
Time of pre-allocation.
std::string currency
std::string settlTradeId
Unique ID of the trade on the Eurex market.
UInt32 transactionId
Unique ID of the RFCQ/Inventory Order.
UInt32 parentTradeId
ID of the partent trade, in case of trade splitting.
std::string financialInstrumentCode
Code of the financial instrument.
std::string marketAffiliationtDesc
Market Affiliation description.
TI_RFCQ_TYPE::Enum rfcqType
RFCQ Type.
std::string exchangeCode
Name of Future Exchange.
std::string sectionCode
Section code.
Contract Price, Yield, Qty, NominalValue.
Instrument info.
TI_FLAG::Enum splittableFg
Indicates whether the trade is splittable or not.
std::string micCode
MIC code.
TI_TRADE_TYPE::Enum tradeType
Specifies whether the trade results from normal trading activity or from a RFQ, RFCQ, etc.
std::string accountCode
Account information.
Double nominalValue
Nominal value.
std::string areaCodeDesc
Area Code short description.
Data identifying the Aggressor (who did the order)
size_t serializationBufSize() const
BV_TRADE_FUTURE_ACCOUNT_INFO providerExchangeAccountInfo
Eurex account info of the provider.
UInt32 cashTradeId
Unique ID of the Trade of the Bond leg.
TI_MSG_INFO tradeMsgInfo
Contract number, contract closing (i.e. creation) date and hour, assigned by the central system...
UInt64 updateTime
Last update time, useful for communications with pre-settlement systems.
TI_VERB::Enum verb
Order side (Buy or Sell)
Double adjustment
TI_FLAG::Enum adjustmentFg
Indicates whether adjustment is applied.
BV_TRADE_FUTURE_ACCOUNT_INFO aggressorExchangeAccountInfo
Eurex account info of the aggressor.
BV_MATCH_MODE::Enum fillMode
Indicates whether the deal has been originated by manual or by authomatic matching.
std::string exchangeDesc
Exchange Description.
Pre and Post-Trade Transparency Info.
Data identifying the Provider (who did the proposal)
std::string areaCodeShortDesc
Area Code short description.
UInt16 legId
Unique ID of the trading leg.
BV_SETTL_STATUS::Enum settlStatus
Submission Status in the Eurex Market (Defined, Undefined)
std::string accountInfo
Additional account information.
unsigned long long UInt64
std::string marketAffiliationShortDesc
Market Affiliation short description.