OnixS ICE iMpact Multicast Price Feed Handler C++ library  8.15.1
API documentation
Local Order Book Verification

To verify is your local book are correct WebICE can be used for comparison.

First of all you need to configure portfolio items in WebICE:

  1. Launch webice.jnlp and enter your username and password:
    WebICE Login
  2. Skip warning if this is first time you enter:
    WebICE No Protfolio
  3. Go to _"Admin"_ -> _"Manage Portfolios..."_:
    WebICE Manage Protfolio
  4. Hit _"New Portfolio..."_:
    WebICE New Protfolio
  5. Select interested markets and hit _">"_:
    WebICE Protfolio Edit #1
  6. The selected items will appear in the list on the right. Now click _"Save"_ to save the portfolio:
    WebICE Protfolio Edit #2
  7. After all actions you should see your portfolio items on the main screen:
    WebICE Main Window
    When WebICE protfolio is ready you can run our LocalBookVerification sample and compare local order book with the WebICE book.