OnixS ICE iMpact Multicast Price Feed Handler C++ library  8.18.0
API documentation
Distribution Package


By default, for Linux, we provide a package with shared libraries (.so). However, it is also possible to build a static library (.a) with all the dependencies included. If you need a static library please contact us using Support contacts and we will build it for you.

You can use only one our static library in your application. If you need to use different handlers (for example, for CME and ICE) you need to use shared libraries.


By default, for Windows, we provide dynamic libraries (.dll) which are built with dynamic run-time (/MD for release and /MDd for debug). However, we can also provide you all-inclusive static library which is build with static run-time (MT for release and /MTd for debug). You can request static build using Support contacts.

You can use only one our static library in your application. If you need to use different handlers (for example, for CME and ICE) you need to use dynamic libraries.