32 namespace MarketData {
42 return ordinary<Integer4>(1);
50 return ordinary<Integer8>(5);
58 return ordinary<Integer8>(13);
65 return fixedStr<20>(21);
72 return fixedStr<10>(41);
79 return fixedStr<30>(51);
86 return fixedStr<12>(81);
93 return enumeration<IndustryIdentifierType>(93);
100 return enumeration<InstrumentType>(94);
107 return fixedStr<2>(95);
114 return fixedStr<3>(97);
122 return ordinary<Integer8>(100);
129 return ordinary<Integer8>(108);
136 return ordinary<Integer8>(116);
143 return enumeration<PriceType>(124);
150 return ordinary<Integer8>(126);
157 return ordinary<Integer8>(134);
164 return enumeration<MatchAlgorithm>(142);
171 return ordinary<Integer4>(143);
178 return enumeration<Side>(147);
185 return ordinary<Integer4>(148);
192 return enumeration<Side>(152);
199 return ordinary<Integer4>(153);
206 return enumeration<Side>(157);
213 return enumeration<Authenticity>(158);
220 return fixedStr<30>(159);
227 return fixedStr<8>(189);
234 return fixedStr<8>(197);
241 return fixedStr<8>(205);
248 return fixedStr<8>(213);
255 return enumeration<BlockTierId>(221);
262 return ordinary<Integer8>(222);
269 return fixedStr<4>(230);
276 return fixedStr<6>(234);
283 return enumeration<YesOrNo>(240);
290 return ordinary<Integer8>(241);
297 return ordinary<Integer8>(249);
304 return ordinary<Integer8>(257);
311 return ordinary<Integer8>(265);
318 return ordinary<Integer8>(273);
325 return ordinary<Integer8>(281);
335 value = ordinary<Integer8>(289);
346 value = ordinary<Integer4>(297);
359 if (ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_CHECK_EXPECT((size < minMessageSize_),
Integer4 legOneInstrumentLocate() const ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_NOTHROW
The instrument locate code for the first leg of a multi-leg instrument.
Side::Enum legTwoSide() const ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_NOTHROW
Leg Two Side.
StrRef issueDate() const ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_NOTHROW
Issue Date (YYYYMMDD)
bool minimumIcebergOrderSize(Integer8 &value) const ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_NOTHROW
The minimum quantity that can be used on an Iceberg order.
Integer8 decimalPriceTick() const ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_NOTHROW
The minimum decimal price increment scaled as per a price field.
Integer8 legOneRatioQty() const ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_NOTHROW
The ratio of quantity for the leg one instrument relative to the entire multileg security.
Integer2 MessageSize
Aliases message length type.
StrRef description() const ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_NOTHROW
Instrument description.
MessageSize binarySize() const ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_NOTHROW
Size of message.
Provides efficient way of accessing text-based FIX field values.
Integer8 thresholdLIS() const ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_NOTHROW
MIFID II Large-in-Scale (LIS) threshold for pre-trade transparency.
Integer8 maximumDirectedStreamingMultiplier() const ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_NOTHROW
Clients who are permitted to submit directed orders are limited in the quantity they can direct...
StrRef symbolSuffix() const ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_NOTHROW
Instrument Symbol Suffix.
Integer8 roundLotSize() const ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_NOTHROW
Incremental order size.
Side::Enum legThreeSide() const ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_NOTHROW
Leg Three Side.
StrRef instrumentSubType() const ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_NOTHROW
Instrument Sub Type.
Integer4 instrumentLocate() const ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_NOTHROW
Instrument locate code assigned to the security for the day.
Initializes blank instance referencing to nothing.
ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_API void toStr(std::string &, EventCode::Enum)
Appends string presentation of object.
Integer8 maximumOrderSize() const ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_NOTHROW
The maximum quantity that can be used on an order. Applicable to Block Book instruments only...
Side::Enum legOneSide() const ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_NOTHROW
Leg One Side.
static void validateSize(MessageSize size)
Check the given size.
IndustryIdentifierType::Enum industryIdentifierType() const ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_NOTHROW
Type of the content of the Industry Identifier.
PriceType::Enum priceType() const ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_NOTHROW
Price Type.
Integer8 priceMultiplier() const ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_NOTHROW
The amount that price related fields are scaled to allow them to be expressed as integers.
InstrumentType::Enum instrumentType() const ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_NOTHROW
Instrument Type.
static ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_CONST_OR_CONSTEXPR MessageSize minMessageSize_
Min message size.
StrRef industryIdentifier() const ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_NOTHROW
Instrument CUSIP / ISIN if applicable.
ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_API ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_COLDPATH ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_NORETURN void throwIncorrectSize(const std::string &messageName, MessageSize receivedSize, MessageSize expectedSize)
MatchAlgorithm::Enum matchAlgorithm() const ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_NOTHROW
Match Algorithm.
YesOrNo::Enum illiquidInstrument() const ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_NOTHROW
Illiquid Instrument.
Integer8 instrumentId() const ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_NOTHROW
Integer4 legThreeInstrumentLocate() const ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_NOTHROW
The instrument locate code for the third leg of a multi-leg instrument.
Integer8 fractionalPriceTick() const ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_NOTHROW
The minimum fractional price increment, expressed as a decimal and scaled as per a price field...
InstrumentDirectoryMsg(const void *data, MessageSize size) ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_NOTHROW
Initializes instance over given memory block.
StrRef legacySymbol() const ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_NOTHROW
Legacy Instrument Symbol. Deprecated but provided for backward compatibility.
bool tradeDate(Integer4 &value) const ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_NOTHROW
Trade Date (YYYYMMDD)
Integer8 timestamp() const ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_NOTHROW
Integer8 sizeThresholdSSTI() const ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_NOTHROW
Future use.
BlockTierId::Enum blockTierId() const ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_NOTHROW
Block tier identifier in increasing order sizes.
StrRef interestAccrualDate() const ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_NOTHROW
Accrual Date (YYYYMMDD)
Market Identifier Code (MIC) (ISO 10383).
Integer8 legTwoRatioQty() const ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_NOTHROW
The ratio of quantity for the leg two instrument relative to the entire multileg security.
Encapsulates services for manipulating little endian encoded messages.
StrRef currency() const ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_NOTHROW
ISO currency code.
Authenticity::Enum authenticity() const ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_NOTHROW
Integer4 legTwoInstrumentLocate() const ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_NOTHROW
The instrument locate code for the first leg of a multi-leg instrument.
StrRef settlementDate() const ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_NOTHROW
Settlement Date (YYYYMMDD)
CFI code.
Integer8 couponRate() const ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_NOTHROW
The coupon rate scaled as per a price field.
StrRef maturityDate() const ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_NOTHROW
Maturity Date (YYYYMMDD)
StrRef enhancedSymbol() const ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_NOTHROW
Instrument Symbol (supersedes the Legacy Symbol above)
Integer8 minimumOrderSize() const ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_NOTHROW
static ONIXS_FMXUST_BIMP_CONST_OR_CONSTEXPR MessageSize messageSize_
Total message size.