A brief description of the Simple Binary Encoding prototocol implementation.
Supported SBE standard features
All the SBE encoding classes (Encoder, Decoder and Event-Based Decoder) supports standard (SBE v.1) and proposable (SBE v.2 RC2) SBE features:
- Nested groups;
- Variable-length strings and data fields;
- Including of variable-length fields into nested groups;
- Multiple versions of the same SBE template;
- Extended message headers (with numGroups and numVarDataFields fields by SBE v.2 RC2);
- Extended headers of groups (with numGroups and numVarDataFields fields by SBE v.2 RC2);
- UTC timestamps (UTCTimeOnly, UTCDateOnly, UTCTimestamp) can use old and new formats;
- Non-standard composites via customization mechanism.
Also all encoders supports following abilities for customization of encoding and decoding processes (see the SBE Customization for details):
- <set> and <enum> fields can be decoded and encoded using value names or raw values;
- Date- and time-aware fields can be decoded and encoded using formatted representation (like to the YYYYMMDD-HH:mm:SS ) or raw numbers.
- It is possible to replace any standard coding routines with the user-defined ones. Such replacement can be used to handle non-standard composites or for complicated cases of coding.