OnixS C++ Euronext Optiq MDG Handler  1.3.3
API documentation

OnixS Euronext Optiq MDG Handler is a C++ library that provides an access to Euronext Optiq market data services.

Below are the key features of the library:

  • Easy-to-use API.
  • Low latency, high throughput.
  • Flexible logging.
  • Arbitration between primary (A) and secondary (B) feeds.
  • Per market segment and per-security filtering.
  • Backtesting facility.

What is new section explains new features and important changes made by the development team into the library's API and behavior since previous major release.

Getting Started section guides through the most significant parts of the Handler's architecture.

Advanced Programming provides information about sophisticated development tasks and techniques available in the Handler including Low Latency Best Practices on achieving the best latency of market data processing.

FAQ contains commonly asked questions and answers.

External resources lists online resources on the product and other related areas like troubleshooting lost multicast packets.

Support describes the best ways to get assistance on the product.

For a complete list of available topics, see Table of Contents.