OnixS Eurex ETI Handler C++ library  9.23.0
API documentation
Warning Handling

Warnings Concept

Miscellaneous non-critical issues may occur while Handler is being executed. Handler will handle such issues by itself, thus no special handling is required for such cases. However, sometimes it's reasonable to be notified about such events. For this reason, handler exposes OnixS::Eurex::Trading::WarningListener class and will invoke its OnixS::Eurex::Trading::WarningListener::onWarning member each time a non-critical issue will take place.

Each call to OnixS::Eurex::Trading::WarningListener::onWarning will provide an OnixS::Eurex::Trading::WarningCode value along with a human-readable description of the warning.

Warning Code Possible Causes
OnixS::Eurex::Trading::WarningCode::General Signals potential issues without stopping the program. These warnings often occur when incorrect or corrupted data is processed, or non-critical errors are encountered during runtime. They also appear when deprecated features are used or when the code handles edge cases that require attention.
OnixS::Eurex::Trading::WarningCode::ReceiverInactivity No data has been received from the exchange for an extended period.
OnixS::Eurex::Trading::WarningCode::ExceptionInEventHandler This warning is raised when the Handler catches an exception in the user's event handler code.