Using Telnet, you can determine whether a TCP/IP connection problem is due to a misconfiguration in Handler, or is the result of a network problem. Telnet ("telnetting") provides a better means of testing connectivity than Ping. This is because Telnet tests for connectivity over a specific port. Also, Telnet is much more thorough in its method of connectivity. Ping is like calling a phone number and hearing the ringtone at the other end; Telnet is like calling a phone number and someone picking up and answering.
Click Start -> Run. Enter Telnet and click OK. You will see the Telnet command line interface. Turn on local echo so you can see the commands you are typing by entering the following command:
Connect to a server (for example, over port (for example, 80) by entering the following command:
If you can not connect, it means that the port is being blocked outside of the handler environment. A firewall might be blocking the port, or the server may not be running. Have the network administrator check the network configuration for hardware or software that might be blocking the port.
An unsuccessful connection attempt will look like this:
At this point, you will want to confirm the status of your connection. Enter the following command:
When you enter the above command ('Control key plus right bracket'), you will be brought back to a command prompt with a flashing cursor that looks like this:
Next, enter a status command and you will see the following if you are connected:
If you are connected to the Domino server over port 1352, you will see the following message: