OnixS CME Drop Copy Handler for C++
Controling Handler Logging

Controling Logging in the Handler

The Handler logs an important aspects of its execution into the directory specified by the OnixS::CME::DropCopy::InitializationSettings::fixEngineLogDirectory member value. Logging includes network data received and processed by the Handler and, of course, errors occurred at execution time.

Since Handler outputs logging data into regular files, this affects its performance and sometimes requires significant system resources like space on hard drive. Handler exposes several parameters which allows to suppress certain kind of logging data and thus reduce load to the filesystem as well as to increase general performance.

Following table describes logging-related parameters exposed by the OnixS::CME::DropCopy::HandlerSettings structure:

Settings Member Default value Description
logMode OnixS::CME::DropCopy::LogModes::Regular Specifies whether Handler must output informational messages about its state as well as which kind of information must be put into the log. For more information, please, take a look at description of OnixS::CME::DropCopy::LogMode enumeration entries.
advancedLogOptions OnixS::CME::DropCopy::AdvancedLogOptions::LogEverything If logging is activated, this member specifies which additional data must be put into the log. For more information, please, take a look at description of OnixS::CME::DropCopy::AdvancedLogOptionSet enumeration entries.

Activating Logging Example

Following example demonstrates how to enable logging in the Handler:

using namespace OnixS::CME::DropCopy;
HandlerSetting settings;
// Activate logging.
settings.logMode = LogModes::Regular;
// Don't forget to define folder where logs to be stored.
settings.logDirectory = "./logs";
// In addition to standard information, decoded FIX messages will be logged.
settings.advancedLogOptions = AdvancedLogOptions::LogFixMessages;