OnixS CME Drop Copy Handler for C++
TimeSpan Member List

This is the complete list of members for TimeSpan, including all inherited members.

days() const TimeSpan
deserialize(const std::string &str)TimeSpanstatic
hours() const TimeSpan
microseconds() const TimeSpan
milliseconds() const TimeSpan
minutes() const TimeSpan
nanoseconds() const TimeSpaninline
operator!=(const TimeSpan &other) const TimeSpan
operator+=(const TimeSpan &other)TimeSpan
operator-=(const TimeSpan &other)TimeSpan
operator<(const TimeSpan &other) const TimeSpan
operator=(const TimeSpan &other)TimeSpan
operator==(const TimeSpan &other) const TimeSpan
operator>(const TimeSpan &other) const TimeSpan
seconds() const TimeSpan
TimeSpan(Int32 hours, Int32 minutes, Int32 seconds, Int32 nanoseconds=0)TimeSpan
TimeSpan(Int32 days, Int32 hours, Int32 minutes, Int32 seconds, Int32 nanoseconds)TimeSpan
TimeSpan(Int64 totalSeconds, Int32 nanoseconds)TimeSpan
TimeSpan(const TimeSpan &other)TimeSpan
toString(std::string &str, TimeSpanFormat format=TimeSpanFormats::SDHHMMSSnsec) const TimeSpan
toString(TimeSpanFormat format=TimeSpanFormats::SDHHMMSSnsec) const TimeSpaninline
totalSeconds() const TimeSpaninline
totalSubseconds(Subsecond subsecondType) const TimeSpan