OnixS CME Drop Copy Handler C++ library  5.7.1
API documentation
Timestamp Member List

This is the complete list of members for Timestamp, including all inherited members.

date() const Timestamp
day() const Timestamp
dayOfWeek() const Timestamp
deserialize(const StringRef &)Timestampstatic
fromUnixTimestamp(UInt64 sinceEpoch, SinceEpochUnit unit)Timestampstatic
hour() const Timestamp
microsecond() const Timestamp
millisecond() const Timestamp
minute() const Timestamp
month() const Timestamp
nanosecond() const Timestamp
now(Timestamp &)Timestampstatic
operator!=(const Timestamp &other) const Timestamp
operator+=(const TimeSpan &span)Timestamp
operator-(const Timestamp &left, const Timestamp &right)Timestampfriend
operator-=(const TimeSpan &span)Timestamp
operator<(const Timestamp &other) const Timestamp
operator=(const Timestamp &other)Timestamp
operator==(const Timestamp &other) const Timestamp
operator>(const Timestamp &other) const Timestamp
second() const Timestamp
time() const Timestamp
Timestamp(UInt32 year, Month month, UInt32 day)Timestamp
Timestamp(UInt32 year, Month month, UInt32 day, UInt32 hour, UInt32 minute, UInt32 second, UInt32 nanosecond)Timestamp
Timestamp(const Timestamp &other)Timestamp
toString(TimestampFormat format=TimestampFormats::YYYYMMDDHHMMSSnsec) const Timestampinline
toString(std::string &str, TimestampFormat format=TimestampFormats::YYYYMMDDHHMMSSnsec) const Timestamp
toUnixTimestamp(SinceEpochUnit unit) const Timestamp
utcNow(Timestamp &)Timestampstatic
year() const Timestamp