OnixS C++ CME MDP Conflated TCP Handler  1.3.6
API Documentation
OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging Namespace Reference




class  BinaryBlock
struct  ErrorCodes
struct  FieldsInitPolicy
struct  FieldsNoInitPolicy
class  GroupSize
class  GroupSizeEncoding
struct  HeldAdapter
struct  IntegralConstant
class  LocalWatch
struct  MarketDataRequest205
class  MessageHeader
class  MessageHolder
struct  Month
struct  Negotiate200
struct  NegotiationReject201
struct  NegotiationResponse202
struct  ReqRejReason
struct  RequestAck206
struct  RequestIDStatus
struct  RequestReject207
class  SbeFields
class  SbeGroup
class  SbeGroupEntries
class  SbeGroupEntry
class  SbeGroupList
class  SbeMessage
class  SbeVariableLengthFieldList
struct  SchemaTraits
struct  SecurityListRequest208
struct  SecurityStatusRequest209
class  SimpleOpenFramingHeader
class  StrRef
struct  SubscriberHeartbeat210
struct  SubscriptionReqType
struct  Terminate203
class  TimeSpan
struct  TimeSpanFormat
class  Timestamp
struct  TimestampFormat
struct  TimeTraits
class  UtcWatch


typedef UInt16 MessageSize
typedef MessageHeader::TemplateId MessageTemplateId
typedef MessageHeader MessageHeaderBuilder
typedef Int32 Int32
typedef UInt16 UInt16NULL
typedef UInt32 UInt32
typedef UInt64 UInt64
typedef UInt8 UInt8
typedef IntegralConstant< UInt16, 65535 > NullUInt16NULL
typedef IntegralConstant< UInt32, 4294967295 > NullUInt32
typedef UInt8 Byte
typedef UInt16 Word
typedef UInt32 DWord
typedef UInt64 QWord
template<typename MessageTypeT , size_t MaxMessageSize = GetMaxMessageSize<typename HeldAdapter<MessageTypeT>::SbeType, DefaultMaxGroupItems>::Size, typename MessageInitializer = FieldsInitPolicy>
using MessageHolders = std::vector< MessageHolder< MessageTypeT, MaxMessageSize, MessageInitializer > >
typedef MessageHeader::Version SchemaVersion
typedef MessageHeader::SchemaId SchemaId
typedef char Char


void toStr (std::string &str, const Negotiate200 &obj)
std::string toStr (const Negotiate200 &obj)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const Negotiate200 &obj)
void toFix (std::string &str, const Negotiate200 &obj)
void toStr (std::string &str, const NegotiationReject201 &obj)
std::string toStr (const NegotiationReject201 &obj)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const NegotiationReject201 &obj)
void toFix (std::string &str, const NegotiationReject201 &obj)
void toStr (std::string &str, const NegotiationResponse202 &obj)
std::string toStr (const NegotiationResponse202 &obj)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const NegotiationResponse202 &obj)
void toFix (std::string &str, const NegotiationResponse202 &obj)
void toStr (std::string &str, const Terminate203 &obj)
std::string toStr (const Terminate203 &obj)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const Terminate203 &obj)
void toFix (std::string &str, const Terminate203 &obj)
void toStr (std::string &str, const MarketDataRequest205 &obj)
std::string toStr (const MarketDataRequest205 &obj)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const MarketDataRequest205 &obj)
void toFix (std::string &str, const MarketDataRequest205 &obj)
void toStr (std::string &str, const MarketDataRequest205::SecurityGroupsEntry &obj)
std::string toStr (const MarketDataRequest205::SecurityGroupsEntry &obj)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const MarketDataRequest205::SecurityGroupsEntry &obj)
void toStr (std::string &str, const MarketDataRequest205::RelatedSymEntry &obj)
std::string toStr (const MarketDataRequest205::RelatedSymEntry &obj)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const MarketDataRequest205::RelatedSymEntry &obj)
void toStr (std::string &str, const RequestAck206 &obj)
std::string toStr (const RequestAck206 &obj)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const RequestAck206 &obj)
void toFix (std::string &str, const RequestAck206 &obj)
void toStr (std::string &str, const RequestAck206::SecurityGroupsEntry &obj)
std::string toStr (const RequestAck206::SecurityGroupsEntry &obj)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const RequestAck206::SecurityGroupsEntry &obj)
void toStr (std::string &str, const RequestAck206::RelatedSymEntry &obj)
std::string toStr (const RequestAck206::RelatedSymEntry &obj)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const RequestAck206::RelatedSymEntry &obj)
void toStr (std::string &str, const RequestReject207 &obj)
std::string toStr (const RequestReject207 &obj)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const RequestReject207 &obj)
void toFix (std::string &str, const RequestReject207 &obj)
void toStr (std::string &str, const SecurityListRequest208 &obj)
std::string toStr (const SecurityListRequest208 &obj)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const SecurityListRequest208 &obj)
void toFix (std::string &str, const SecurityListRequest208 &obj)
void toStr (std::string &str, const SecurityListRequest208::SecurityGroupsEntry &obj)
std::string toStr (const SecurityListRequest208::SecurityGroupsEntry &obj)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const SecurityListRequest208::SecurityGroupsEntry &obj)
void toStr (std::string &str, const SecurityListRequest208::RelatedSymEntry &obj)
std::string toStr (const SecurityListRequest208::RelatedSymEntry &obj)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const SecurityListRequest208::RelatedSymEntry &obj)
void toStr (std::string &str, const SecurityStatusRequest209 &obj)
std::string toStr (const SecurityStatusRequest209 &obj)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const SecurityStatusRequest209 &obj)
void toFix (std::string &str, const SecurityStatusRequest209 &obj)
void toStr (std::string &str, const SecurityStatusRequest209::SecurityGroupsEntry &obj)
std::string toStr (const SecurityStatusRequest209::SecurityGroupsEntry &obj)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const SecurityStatusRequest209::SecurityGroupsEntry &obj)
void toStr (std::string &str, const SecurityStatusRequest209::RelatedSymEntry &obj)
std::string toStr (const SecurityStatusRequest209::RelatedSymEntry &obj)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const SecurityStatusRequest209::RelatedSymEntry &obj)
void toStr (std::string &str, const SubscriberHeartbeat210 &obj)
std::string toStr (const SubscriberHeartbeat210 &obj)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const SubscriberHeartbeat210 &obj)
void toFix (std::string &str, const SubscriberHeartbeat210 &obj)
void toStr (std::string &, Int8)
std::string toStr (Int8 number)
void toStr (std::string &, UInt8)
std::string toStr (UInt8 number)
void toStr (std::string &, Int16)
std::string toStr (Int16 number)
void toStr (std::string &, UInt16)
std::string toStr (UInt16 number)
void toStr (std::string &, Int32)
std::string toStr (Int32 number)
void toStr (std::string &, UInt32)
std::string toStr (UInt32 number)
void toStr (std::string &, Int64)
std::string toStr (Int64 number)
void toStr (std::string &, UInt64)
std::string toStr (UInt64 number)
size_t toStr (Int8, Char *, size_t)
size_t toStr (UInt8, Char *, size_t)
size_t toStr (Int16, Char *, size_t)
size_t toStr (UInt16, Char *, size_t)
size_t toStr (Int32, Char *, size_t)
size_t toStr (UInt32, Char *, size_t)
size_t toStr (Int64, Char *, size_t)
size_t toStr (UInt64, Char *, size_t)
template<typename Type , Type Constant>
void toStr (std::string &str, IntegralConstant< Type, Constant > constant)
template<typename Type , Type Constant>
std::string toStr (IntegralConstant< Type, Constant > constant)
bool fromStr (Int8 &, const Char *, size_t) noexcept
bool fromStr (Int8 &value, const std::string &str) noexcept
bool fromStr (UInt8 &, const Char *, size_t) noexcept
bool fromStr (UInt8 &value, const std::string &str) noexcept
bool fromStr (Int16 &, const Char *, size_t) noexcept
bool fromStr (Int16 &value, const std::string &str) noexcept
bool fromStr (UInt16 &, const Char *, size_t) noexcept
bool fromStr (UInt16 &value, const std::string &str) noexcept
bool fromStr (Int32 &, const Char *, size_t) noexcept
bool fromStr (Int32 &value, const std::string &str) noexcept
bool fromStr (UInt32 &, const Char *, size_t) noexcept
bool fromStr (UInt32 &value, const std::string &str) noexcept
bool fromStr (Int64 &, const Char *, size_t) noexcept
bool fromStr (Int64 &value, const std::string &str) noexcept
bool fromStr (UInt64 &, const Char *, size_t) noexcept
bool fromStr (UInt64 &value, const std::string &str) noexcept
template<template< typename, size_t, typename > class HolderType, typename MsgType , size_t MaxMessageSize, typename MessageInitializer >
void toStr (std::string &str, const HolderType< MsgType, MaxMessageSize, MessageInitializer > &holder)
template<template< typename, size_t, typename > class HolderType, typename MsgType , size_t MaxMessageSize, typename MessageInitializer >
std::string toStr (const HolderType< MsgType, MaxMessageSize, MessageInitializer > &holder)
template<template< typename, size_t, typename > class HolderType, typename MsgType , size_t MaxMessageSize, typename MessageInitializer >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const HolderType< MsgType, MaxMessageSize, MessageInitializer > &rhs)
template<typename Traits >
void checkVersion (SchemaVersion version)
template<typename Traits >
void checkVersion (SchemaVersion since, SchemaVersion version)
template<typename Traits >
void checkSchemaId (SchemaId id)
template<typename Traits >
void checkSchema (SchemaId id, SchemaVersion version)
void toStr (std::string &str, ErrorCodes::Enum value)
std::string toStr (ErrorCodes::Enum value)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, ErrorCodes::Enum value)
void toFix (std::string &str, ErrorCodes::Enum value)
void toStr (std::string &str, ReqRejReason::Enum value)
std::string toStr (ReqRejReason::Enum value)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, ReqRejReason::Enum value)
void toFix (std::string &str, ReqRejReason::Enum value)
void toStr (std::string &str, RequestIDStatus::Enum value)
std::string toStr (RequestIDStatus::Enum value)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, RequestIDStatus::Enum value)
void toFix (std::string &str, RequestIDStatus::Enum value)
void toStr (std::string &str, SubscriptionReqType::Enum value)
std::string toStr (SubscriptionReqType::Enum value)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, SubscriptionReqType::Enum value)
void toFix (std::string &str, SubscriptionReqType::Enum value)
void toStr (std::string &str, Char character)
void toStr (std::string &str, const std::string &value)
std::string toStr (Char character)
bool operator== (const StrRef &left, const StrRef &right)
bool operator!= (const StrRef &left, const StrRef &right)
bool operator< (const StrRef &left, const StrRef &right)
bool operator> (const StrRef &left, const StrRef &right)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const StrRef &text)
StrRef toStrRef (const std::string &str)
StrRef toStrRef (const Char *cStr) noexcept
bool operator== (const StrRef &ref, const std::string &str)
bool operator!= (const StrRef &ref, const std::string &str)
bool operator== (const std::string &str, const StrRef &ref)
bool operator!= (const std::string &str, const StrRef &ref)
bool operator== (const StrRef &ref, const Char *str)
bool operator!= (const StrRef &ref, const Char *str)
bool operator== (const Char *str, const StrRef &ref)
bool operator!= (const Char *str, const StrRef &ref)
template<size_t Size>
constexpr StrRef constructStrRef (const char(&value)[Size]) noexcept
template<size_t Size>
constexpr StrRef strRefFromCharArray (const char(&value)[Size]) noexcept
std::string toStr (const StrRef &ref)
void toStr (std::string &str, const StrRef &ref)
bool operator== (const TimeSpan &left, const TimeSpan &right) noexcept
bool operator!= (const TimeSpan &left, const TimeSpan &right) noexcept
bool operator< (const TimeSpan &left, const TimeSpan &right) noexcept
bool operator> (const TimeSpan &left, const TimeSpan &right) noexcept
TimeSpan operator- (const TimeSpan &timeSpan) noexcept
void toStrAsHHMMSS (std::string &, TimeSpan)
void toStrAsHHMMSSmsec (std::string &, TimeSpan)
void toStrAsHHMMSSusec (std::string &, TimeSpan)
void toStrAsHHMMSSnsec (std::string &, TimeSpan)
void toStrAsHHMMSSpsec (std::string &, TimeSpan)
void toStrAsSDHHMMSSnsec (std::string &, TimeSpan)
void toStr (std::string &, TimeSpan, TimeSpanFormat::Enum=TimeSpanFormat::SDHHMMSSnsec)
std::string toStr (TimeSpan timeSpan, TimeSpanFormat::Enum format=TimeSpanFormat::SDHHMMSSnsec)
Timestamp makeTimestamp (Timestamp::Ticks ticks) noexcept
bool operator== (const Timestamp &left, const Timestamp &right) noexcept
bool operator!= (const Timestamp &left, const Timestamp &right) noexcept
bool operator< (const Timestamp &left, const Timestamp &right) noexcept
bool operator<= (const Timestamp &left, const Timestamp &right) noexcept
bool operator> (const Timestamp &left, const Timestamp &right) noexcept
bool operator>= (const Timestamp &left, const Timestamp &right) noexcept
Timestamp operator+ (const Timestamp &timestamp, const TimeSpan &timeSpan) noexcept
Timestamp operator- (const Timestamp &timestamp, const TimeSpan &timeSpan) noexcept
TimeSpan operator- (const Timestamp &left, const Timestamp &right) noexcept
void toStrAsYYYYMMDD (std::string &, Timestamp)
void toStrAsYYYYMMDDHHMMSS (std::string &, Timestamp)
void toStrAsYYYYMMDDHHMMSSmsec (std::string &, Timestamp)
void toStrAsYYYYMMDDHHMMSSusec (std::string &, Timestamp)
void toStrAsYYYYMMDDHHMMSSnsec (std::string &, Timestamp)
void toStrAsYYYYMMDDHHMMSSpsec (std::string &, Timestamp)
void toStr (std::string &, Timestamp, TimestampFormat::Enum=TimestampFormat::YYYYMMDDHHMMSSnsec)
std::string toStr (Timestamp timestamp, TimestampFormat::Enum format=TimestampFormat::YYYYMMDDHHMMSSnsec)
size_t toStr (Timestamp, Char *, size_t)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Timestamp &value)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const TimeSpan &value)
bool fromStr (TimeSpan &, const Char *, size_t)
bool fromStr (TimeSpan &ts, const std::string &str)
bool fromStr (Timestamp &, const Char *, size_t, TimestampFormat::Enum=TimestampFormat::YYYYMMDDHHMMSSnsec)
bool fromStr (Timestamp &ts, const std::string &str, TimestampFormat::Enum format=TimestampFormat::YYYYMMDDHHMMSSnsec)
template<class Message >
Message typify (const SbeMessage &message)
template<class Processor >
bool processTypified (SbeMessage binary, const Processor &processor)
template<typename Message >
constexpr MessageSize calculateMaxMessageSize (UInt8 maxGroupItems)
template<typename Message >
constexpr std::enable_if< MaxMessageSizeTraits< Message >::UseCustomValue, MessageSize >::type getMaxMessageSize (UInt8)
template<typename Message >
constexpr std::enable_if<!MaxMessageSizeTraits< Message >::UseCustomValue, MessageSize >::type getMaxMessageSize (UInt8 maxGroupItems)
ONIXS_CONFLATEDTCP_DATA_PACKING_END void toStr (std::string &, const SimpleOpenFramingHeader &)
std::string toStr (const SimpleOpenFramingHeader &header)


constexpr UInt8 DefaultMaxGroupItems = 100
constexpr UInt16 MaxConflatedTcpMessageSize = 65535 - sizeof(SimpleOpenFramingHeader)
constexpr UInt16 CmeSbeEncodingType = 0xCAFE

Typedef Documentation

typedef UInt8 Byte

Alias for Byte.

Definition at line 34 of file Memory.h.

typedef char Char

Character type alias.

Definition at line 30 of file String.h.

typedef UInt32 DWord

Alias for Double Word.

Definition at line 40 of file Memory.h.

typedef Int32 Int32


Definition at line 30 of file Fields.h.

Definition at line 230 of file Composites.h.

using MessageHolders = std::vector<MessageHolder<MessageTypeT, MaxMessageSize, MessageInitializer> >

Definition at line 370 of file MessageHolder.h.

typedef UInt16 MessageSize

Message length type.

Definition at line 29 of file Aliases.h.

Message type (template) identification.

Definition at line 29 of file ExceptionHelpers.h.

typedef IntegralConstant<UInt16, 65535> NullUInt16NULL

Null value for an optional UInt16NULL field.

Definition at line 156 of file Fields.h.

typedef IntegralConstant<UInt32, 4294967295> NullUInt32

Null value for an optional UInt32 field.

Definition at line 162 of file Fields.h.

typedef UInt64 QWord

Alias for Quad Word.

Definition at line 43 of file Memory.h.

Definition at line 34 of file SchemaTraits.h.

SBE-encoded data version type.

Definition at line 30 of file SchemaTraits.h.

typedef UInt16 UInt16NULL

Unsigned Int16 with NULL.

Definition at line 34 of file Fields.h.

typedef UInt32 UInt32


Definition at line 38 of file Fields.h.

typedef UInt64 UInt64


Definition at line 42 of file Fields.h.

typedef UInt8 UInt8


Definition at line 46 of file Fields.h.

typedef UInt16 Word

Alias for Word.

Definition at line 37 of file Memory.h.

Function Documentation

constexpr MessageSize OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::calculateMaxMessageSize ( UInt8  maxGroupItems)

Calculates the buffer size for a message with the given number of repeating group items.

Definition at line 49 of file MaxMessageSize.h.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::checkSchema ( SchemaId  id,
SchemaVersion  version 

Checks the compatibility with the provided SBE Schema version.

Definition at line 1084 of file SbeMessage.h.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::checkSchemaId ( SchemaId  id)

Checks the compatibility with the provided SBE Schema ID.

Definition at line 1074 of file SbeMessage.h.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::checkVersion ( SchemaVersion  version)

Checks the compatibility with the provided SBE Schema version.

Definition at line 1051 of file SbeMessage.h.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::checkVersion ( SchemaVersion  since,
SchemaVersion  version 

Checks the compatibility with the provided SBE Schema version.

Definition at line 1062 of file SbeMessage.h.

constexpr StrRef OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::constructStrRef ( const char(&)  value[Size])

Definition at line 415 of file StrRef.h.

bool OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::fromStr ( Int8 &  ,
const Char ,

Deserializes a numeric value from its text representation.

true if the given buffer contains a valid representation of a number. Otherwise, false is returned.
bool OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::fromStr ( Int8 &  value,
const std::string &  str 

Deserializes a numeric value from its text representation.

true if the given buffer contains a valid representation of a number. Otherwise, false is returned.

Definition at line 404 of file Integral.h.

bool OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::fromStr ( UInt8 ,
const Char ,

Deserializes a numeric value from its text representation.

true if the given buffer contains a valid representation of a number. Otherwise, false is returned.
bool OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::fromStr ( UInt8 value,
const std::string &  str 

Deserializes a numeric value from its text representation.

true if the given buffer contains a valid representation of a number. Otherwise, false is returned.

Definition at line 431 of file Integral.h.

bool OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::fromStr ( Int16 &  ,
const Char ,

Deserializes a numeric value from its text representation.

true if the given buffer contains a valid representation of a number. Otherwise, false is returned.
bool OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::fromStr ( Int16 &  value,
const std::string &  str 

Deserializes a numeric value from its text representation.

true if the given buffer contains a valid representation of a number. Otherwise, false is returned.

Definition at line 460 of file Integral.h.

bool OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::fromStr ( UInt16 &  ,
const Char ,

Deserializes a numeric value from its text representation.

true if the given buffer contains a valid representation of a number. Otherwise, false is returned.
bool OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::fromStr ( UInt16 &  value,
const std::string &  str 

Deserializes a numeric value from its text representation.

true if the given buffer contains a valid representation of a number. Otherwise, false is returned.

Definition at line 488 of file Integral.h.

bool OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::fromStr ( Int32 ,
const Char ,

Deserializes a numeric value from its text representation.

true if the given buffer contains a valid representation of a number. Otherwise, false is returned.
bool OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::fromStr ( Int32 value,
const std::string &  str 

Deserializes a numeric value from its text representation.

true if the given buffer contains a valid representation of a number. Otherwise, false is returned.

Definition at line 517 of file Integral.h.

bool OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::fromStr ( UInt32 ,
const Char ,

Deserializes a numeric value from its text representation.

true if the given buffer contains a valid representation of a number. Otherwise, false is returned.
bool OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::fromStr ( UInt32 value,
const std::string &  str 

Deserializes a numeric value from its text representation.

true if the given buffer contains a valid representation of a number. Otherwise, false is returned.

Definition at line 546 of file Integral.h.

bool OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::fromStr ( Int64 &  ,
const Char ,

Deserializes a numeric value from its text representation.

true if the given buffer contains a valid representation of a number. Otherwise, false is returned.
bool OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::fromStr ( Int64 &  value,
const std::string &  str 

Deserializes a numeric value from its text representation.

true if the given buffer contains a valid representation of a number. Otherwise, false is returned.

Definition at line 575 of file Integral.h.

bool OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::fromStr ( UInt64 ,
const Char ,

Deserializes a numeric value from its text representation.

true if the given buffer contains a valid representation of a number. Otherwise, false is returned.
bool OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::fromStr ( UInt64 value,
const std::string &  str 

Deserializes a numeric value from its text representation.

true if the given buffer contains a valid representation of a number. Otherwise, false is returned.

Definition at line 604 of file Integral.h.

bool OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::fromStr ( TimeSpan ,
const Char ,

De-serializes a timespan from the given string.

bool OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::fromStr ( TimeSpan ts,
const std::string &  str 

De-serializes a timespan from the given string.

Definition at line 836 of file Time.h.

bool OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::fromStr ( Timestamp ,
const Char ,
size_t  ,
TimestampFormat::Enum  = TimestampFormat::YYYYMMDDHHMMSSnsec 

De-serializes a timestamp from the given string.

bool OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::fromStr ( Timestamp ts,
const std::string &  str,
TimestampFormat::Enum  format = TimestampFormat::YYYYMMDDHHMMSSnsec 

De-serializes a timestamp from the given string.

Definition at line 850 of file Time.h.

constexpr std::enable_if<MaxMessageSizeTraits<Message>::UseCustomValue, MessageSize>::type OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::getMaxMessageSize ( UInt8  )

Calculates the buffer size for a message with the given number of repeating group items.

Definition at line 60 of file MaxMessageSize.h.

constexpr std::enable_if<!MaxMessageSizeTraits<Message>::UseCustomValue, MessageSize>::type OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::getMaxMessageSize ( UInt8  maxGroupItems)

Calculates the buffer size for a message with the given number of repeating group items.

Definition at line 70 of file MaxMessageSize.h.

Timestamp OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::makeTimestamp ( Timestamp::Ticks  ticks)

Make Timestamp helper.

Definition at line 680 of file Time.h.

bool OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator!= ( const StrRef left,
const StrRef right 

Compares instances.

Definition at line 282 of file StrRef.h.

bool OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator!= ( const StrRef ref,
const std::string &  str 

Compares StrRef with std::string.

Definition at line 338 of file StrRef.h.

bool OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator!= ( const std::string &  str,
const StrRef ref 

Compares StrRef with std::string.

Definition at line 354 of file StrRef.h.

bool OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator!= ( const TimeSpan left,
const TimeSpan right 

Compares Timespans.

Definition at line 356 of file Time.h.

bool OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator!= ( const StrRef ref,
const Char str 

Compares StrRef with a zero-terminated/C-like string.

Definition at line 370 of file StrRef.h.

bool OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator!= ( const Char str,
const StrRef ref 

Compares StrRef with a zero-terminated/C-like string.

Definition at line 386 of file StrRef.h.

bool OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator!= ( const Timestamp left,
const Timestamp right 

Compares instances.

Definition at line 697 of file Time.h.

Timestamp OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator+ ( const Timestamp timestamp,
const TimeSpan timeSpan 

Adds te time interval.

Definition at line 747 of file Time.h.

TimeSpan OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator- ( const TimeSpan timeSpan)

Changes the sign of the Timestamp.

Definition at line 377 of file Time.h.

Timestamp OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator- ( const Timestamp timestamp,
const TimeSpan timeSpan 

Subtracts the time interval.

Definition at line 758 of file Time.h.

TimeSpan OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator- ( const Timestamp left,
const Timestamp right 

Calculates the time interval between two time points.

Definition at line 769 of file Time.h.

bool OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator< ( const StrRef left,
const StrRef right 

Compares instances.

Definition at line 290 of file StrRef.h.

bool OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator< ( const TimeSpan left,
const TimeSpan right 

Compares Timespans.

Definition at line 363 of file Time.h.

bool OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator< ( const Timestamp left,
const Timestamp right 

Compares instances.

Definition at line 707 of file Time.h.

std::ostream& OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
ErrorCodes::Enum  value 

Serializes into a stream.

Definition at line 53 of file Serialization.h.

std::ostream& OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const Negotiate200 obj 

Serializes into a stream.

Definition at line 53 of file MessageSerialization.h.

std::ostream& OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
ReqRejReason::Enum  value 

Serializes into a stream.

Definition at line 98 of file Serialization.h.

std::ostream& OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const NegotiationReject201 obj 

Serializes into a stream.

Definition at line 100 of file MessageSerialization.h.

std::ostream& OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
RequestIDStatus::Enum  value 

Serializes into a stream.

Definition at line 146 of file Serialization.h.

std::ostream& OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const NegotiationResponse202 obj 

Serializes into a stream.

Definition at line 147 of file MessageSerialization.h.

std::ostream& OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const Terminate203 obj 

Serializes into a stream.

Definition at line 191 of file MessageSerialization.h.

std::ostream& OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
SubscriptionReqType::Enum  value 

Serializes into a stream.

Definition at line 194 of file Serialization.h.

std::ostream& OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const MarketDataRequest205 obj 

Serializes into a stream.

Definition at line 238 of file MessageSerialization.h.

std::ostream& OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const MarketDataRequest205::SecurityGroupsEntry obj 

Serializes into a stream.

Definition at line 284 of file MessageSerialization.h.

std::ostream& OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const MarketDataRequest205::RelatedSymEntry obj 

Serializes into a stream.

Definition at line 318 of file MessageSerialization.h.

std::ostream& OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const StrRef text 

StrRef serialization operator.

Definition at line 317 of file StrRef.h.

std::ostream& OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const RequestAck206 obj 

Serializes into a stream.

Definition at line 350 of file MessageSerialization.h.

std::ostream& OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const HolderType< MsgType, MaxMessageSize, MessageInitializer > &  rhs 

Definition at line 356 of file MessageHolder.h.

std::ostream& OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const RequestAck206::SecurityGroupsEntry obj 

Serializes into a stream.

Definition at line 396 of file MessageSerialization.h.

std::ostream& OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const RequestAck206::RelatedSymEntry obj 

Serializes into a stream.

Definition at line 430 of file MessageSerialization.h.

std::ostream& OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const RequestReject207 obj 

Serializes into a stream.

Definition at line 465 of file MessageSerialization.h.

std::ostream& OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const SecurityListRequest208 obj 

Serializes into a stream.

Definition at line 512 of file MessageSerialization.h.

std::ostream& OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const SecurityListRequest208::SecurityGroupsEntry obj 

Serializes into a stream.

Definition at line 558 of file MessageSerialization.h.

std::ostream& OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const SecurityListRequest208::RelatedSymEntry obj 

Serializes into a stream.

Definition at line 592 of file MessageSerialization.h.

std::ostream& OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const SecurityStatusRequest209 obj 

Serializes into a stream.

Definition at line 627 of file MessageSerialization.h.

std::ostream& OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const SecurityStatusRequest209::SecurityGroupsEntry obj 

Serializes into a stream.

Definition at line 673 of file MessageSerialization.h.

std::ostream& OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const SecurityStatusRequest209::RelatedSymEntry obj 

Serializes into a stream.

Definition at line 707 of file MessageSerialization.h.

std::ostream& OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const SubscriberHeartbeat210 obj 

Serializes into a stream.

Definition at line 742 of file MessageSerialization.h.

std::ostream& OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Timestamp value 

Definition at line 818 of file Time.h.

std::ostream& OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const TimeSpan value 

Definition at line 824 of file Time.h.

bool OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator<= ( const Timestamp left,
const Timestamp right 

Compares instances.

Definition at line 717 of file Time.h.

bool OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator== ( const StrRef left,
const StrRef right 

Compares instances.

Definition at line 261 of file StrRef.h.

bool OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator== ( const StrRef ref,
const std::string &  str 

Compares StrRef with std::string.

Definition at line 330 of file StrRef.h.

bool OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator== ( const std::string &  str,
const StrRef ref 

Compares StrRef with std::string.

Definition at line 346 of file StrRef.h.

bool OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator== ( const TimeSpan left,
const TimeSpan right 

Compares Timespans.

Definition at line 349 of file Time.h.

bool OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator== ( const StrRef ref,
const Char str 

Compares StrRef with a zero-terminated/C-like string.

Definition at line 362 of file StrRef.h.

bool OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator== ( const Char str,
const StrRef ref 

Compares StrRef with a zero-terminated/C-like string.

Definition at line 378 of file StrRef.h.

bool OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator== ( const Timestamp left,
const Timestamp right 

Compares instances.

Definition at line 687 of file Time.h.

bool OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator> ( const StrRef left,
const StrRef right 

Compares instances.

Definition at line 310 of file StrRef.h.

bool OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator> ( const TimeSpan left,
const TimeSpan right 

Compares Timespans.

Definition at line 370 of file Time.h.

bool OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator> ( const Timestamp left,
const Timestamp right 

Compares instances.

Definition at line 727 of file Time.h.

bool OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::operator>= ( const Timestamp left,
const Timestamp right 

Compares instances.

Definition at line 737 of file Time.h.

bool OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::processTypified ( SbeMessage  binary,
const Processor &  processor 

Casts a given binary message according to template/type information and processes the cast messages by a given processor.

Returned value indicates whether message type was successfully recognized and pushed to the processor for further processing. Unknown messages aren't processed and thus false result is returned.

Definition at line 55 of file Typification.h.

constexpr StrRef OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::strRefFromCharArray ( const char(&)  value[Size])

Definition at line 425 of file StrRef.h.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toFix ( std::string &  str,
ErrorCodes::Enum  value 

Serializes the object into FIX presentation.

Definition at line 67 of file Serialization.h.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toFix ( std::string &  str,
const Negotiate200 obj 

Serializes the object into FIX presentation.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toFix ( std::string &  str,
ReqRejReason::Enum  value 

Serializes the object into FIX presentation.

Definition at line 112 of file Serialization.h.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toFix ( std::string &  str,
const NegotiationReject201 obj 

Serializes the object into FIX presentation.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toFix ( std::string &  str,
RequestIDStatus::Enum  value 

Serializes the object into FIX presentation.

Definition at line 160 of file Serialization.h.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toFix ( std::string &  str,
const NegotiationResponse202 obj 

Serializes the object into FIX presentation.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toFix ( std::string &  str,
SubscriptionReqType::Enum  value 

Serializes the object into FIX presentation.

Definition at line 208 of file Serialization.h.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toFix ( std::string &  str,
const Terminate203 obj 

Serializes the object into FIX presentation.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toFix ( std::string &  str,
const MarketDataRequest205 obj 

Serializes the object into FIX presentation.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toFix ( std::string &  str,
const RequestAck206 obj 

Serializes the object into FIX presentation.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toFix ( std::string &  str,
const RequestReject207 obj 

Serializes the object into FIX presentation.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toFix ( std::string &  str,
const SecurityListRequest208 obj 

Serializes the object into FIX presentation.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toFix ( std::string &  str,
const SecurityStatusRequest209 obj 

Serializes the object into FIX presentation.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toFix ( std::string &  str,
const SubscriberHeartbeat210 obj 

Serializes the object into FIX presentation.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( std::string &  str,
Char  character 

Appends the character to the given std::string instance.

Definition at line 34 of file String.h.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( std::string &  str,
ErrorCodes::Enum  value 

Serializes into a string.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( std::string &  str,
const Negotiate200 obj 

Serializes into a string.

std::string OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( ErrorCodes::Enum  value)

Serializes into a string.

Definition at line 41 of file Serialization.h.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( std::string &  str,
const std::string &  value 

Appends strings.

Definition at line 41 of file String.h.

std::string OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( const Negotiate200 obj)

Serializes into a string.

Definition at line 41 of file MessageSerialization.h.

std::string OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( Char  character)

Constructs a std::string from the given character.

Definition at line 48 of file String.h.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( std::string &  str,
const NegotiationReject201 obj 

Serializes into a string.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( std::string &  str,
ReqRejReason::Enum  value 

Serializes into a string.

std::string OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( ReqRejReason::Enum  value)

Serializes into a string.

Definition at line 86 of file Serialization.h.

std::string OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( const NegotiationReject201 obj)

Serializes into a string.

Definition at line 87 of file MessageSerialization.h.

ONIXS_CONFLATEDTCP_DATA_PACKING_END void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( std::string &  ,
const SimpleOpenFramingHeader  

Serializes SimpleOpenFramingHeader into a string.

std::string OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( const SimpleOpenFramingHeader header)

Definition at line 102 of file SimpleOpenFramingHeader.h.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( std::string &  ,

Serializes the given integer into a string.

std::string OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( Int8  number)

Serializes the given integer into a string.

Definition at line 122 of file Integral.h.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( std::string &  str,
RequestIDStatus::Enum  value 

Serializes into a string.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( std::string &  str,
const NegotiationResponse202 obj 

Serializes into a string.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( std::string &  str,
const HolderType< MsgType, MaxMessageSize, MessageInitializer > &  holder 

Definition at line 131 of file MessageHolder.h.

std::string OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( RequestIDStatus::Enum  value)

Serializes into a string.

Definition at line 133 of file Serialization.h.

std::string OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( const NegotiationResponse202 obj)

Serializes into a string.

Definition at line 134 of file MessageSerialization.h.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( std::string &  ,

Serializes the given integer into a string.

std::string OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( UInt8  number)

Serializes the given integer into a string.

Definition at line 143 of file Integral.h.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( std::string &  ,

Serializes the given integer into a string.

std::string OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( Int16  number)

Serializes the given integer into a string.

Definition at line 164 of file Integral.h.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( std::string &  str,
SubscriptionReqType::Enum  value 

Serializes into a string.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( std::string &  str,
const Terminate203 obj 

Serializes into a string.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( std::string &  ,

Serializes the given integer into a string.

std::string OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( const Terminate203 obj)

Serializes into a string.

Definition at line 179 of file MessageSerialization.h.

std::string OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( SubscriptionReqType::Enum  value)

Serializes into a string.

Definition at line 181 of file Serialization.h.

std::string OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( UInt16  number)

Serializes the given integer into a string.

Definition at line 185 of file Integral.h.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( std::string &  ,

Serializes the given integer into a string.

std::string OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( Int32  number)

Serializes the given integer into a string.

Definition at line 206 of file Integral.h.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( std::string &  str,
const MarketDataRequest205 obj 

Serializes into a string.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( std::string &  ,

Serializes the given integer into a string.

std::string OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( const MarketDataRequest205 obj)

Serializes into a string.

Definition at line 225 of file MessageSerialization.h.

std::string OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( UInt32  number)

Serializes the given integer into a string.

Definition at line 227 of file Integral.h.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( std::string &  ,

Serializes the given integer into a string.

std::string OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( Int64  number)

Serializes the given integer into a string.

Definition at line 248 of file Integral.h.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( std::string &  ,

Serializes the given integer into a string.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( std::string &  str,
const MarketDataRequest205::SecurityGroupsEntry obj 

Serializes into a string.

std::string OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( UInt64  number)

Serializes the given integer into a string.

Definition at line 269 of file Integral.h.

std::string OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( const MarketDataRequest205::SecurityGroupsEntry obj)

Serializes into a string.

Definition at line 271 of file MessageSerialization.h.

size_t OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( Int8  ,
Char ,

Serializes the integer into the given buffer.

size_t OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( UInt8  ,
Char ,

Serializes the integer into the given buffer.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( std::string &  str,
const MarketDataRequest205::RelatedSymEntry obj 

Serializes into a string.

size_t OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( Int16  ,
Char ,

Serializes the integer into the given buffer.

std::string OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( const MarketDataRequest205::RelatedSymEntry obj)

Serializes into a string.

Definition at line 305 of file MessageSerialization.h.

size_t OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( UInt16  ,
Char ,

Serializes the integer into the given buffer.

size_t OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( Int32  ,
Char ,

Serializes the integer into the given buffer.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( std::string &  str,
const RequestAck206 obj 

Serializes into a string.

size_t OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( UInt32  ,
Char ,

Serializes the integer into the given buffer.

std::string OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( const RequestAck206 obj)

Serializes into a string.

Definition at line 338 of file MessageSerialization.h.

size_t OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( Int64  ,
Char ,

Serializes the integer into the given buffer.

std::string OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( const HolderType< MsgType, MaxMessageSize, MessageInitializer > &  holder)

Definition at line 343 of file MessageHolder.h.

size_t OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( UInt64  ,
Char ,

Serializes the integer into the given buffer.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( std::string &  str,
IntegralConstant< Type, Constant >  constant 

Serializes the given constant into a string.

Definition at line 364 of file Integral.h.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( std::string &  str,
const RequestAck206::SecurityGroupsEntry obj 

Serializes into a string.

std::string OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( IntegralConstant< Type, Constant >  constant)

Serializes the given constant into a string.

Definition at line 380 of file Integral.h.

std::string OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( const RequestAck206::SecurityGroupsEntry obj)

Serializes into a string.

Definition at line 383 of file MessageSerialization.h.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( std::string &  ,
TimeSpan  ,
TimeSpanFormat::Enum  = TimeSpanFormat::SDHHMMSSnsec 

Appends the timespan.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( std::string &  str,
const RequestAck206::RelatedSymEntry obj 

Serializes into a string.

std::string OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( TimeSpan  timeSpan,
TimeSpanFormat::Enum  format = TimeSpanFormat::SDHHMMSSnsec 

Formats the timespan.

Definition at line 412 of file Time.h.

std::string OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( const RequestAck206::RelatedSymEntry obj)

Serializes into a string.

Definition at line 417 of file MessageSerialization.h.

std::string OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( const StrRef ref)

Constructs a std::string instance from the StrRef one.

Definition at line 434 of file StrRef.h.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( std::string &  str,
const StrRef ref 

Appends the text referenced by StrRef to the given std::string instance.

Definition at line 441 of file StrRef.h.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( std::string &  str,
const RequestReject207 obj 

Serializes into a string.

std::string OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( const RequestReject207 obj)

Serializes into a string.

Definition at line 452 of file MessageSerialization.h.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( std::string &  str,
const SecurityListRequest208 obj 

Serializes into a string.

std::string OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( const SecurityListRequest208 obj)

Serializes into a string.

Definition at line 499 of file MessageSerialization.h.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( std::string &  str,
const SecurityListRequest208::SecurityGroupsEntry obj 

Serializes into a string.

std::string OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( const SecurityListRequest208::SecurityGroupsEntry obj)

Serializes into a string.

Definition at line 545 of file MessageSerialization.h.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( std::string &  str,
const SecurityListRequest208::RelatedSymEntry obj 

Serializes into a string.

std::string OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( const SecurityListRequest208::RelatedSymEntry obj)

Serializes into a string.

Definition at line 579 of file MessageSerialization.h.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( std::string &  str,
const SecurityStatusRequest209 obj 

Serializes into a string.

std::string OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( const SecurityStatusRequest209 obj)

Serializes into a string.

Definition at line 614 of file MessageSerialization.h.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( std::string &  str,
const SecurityStatusRequest209::SecurityGroupsEntry obj 

Serializes into a string.

std::string OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( const SecurityStatusRequest209::SecurityGroupsEntry obj)

Serializes into a string.

Definition at line 660 of file MessageSerialization.h.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( std::string &  str,
const SecurityStatusRequest209::RelatedSymEntry obj 

Serializes into a string.

std::string OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( const SecurityStatusRequest209::RelatedSymEntry obj)

Serializes into a string.

Definition at line 694 of file MessageSerialization.h.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( std::string &  str,
const SubscriberHeartbeat210 obj 

Serializes into a string.

std::string OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( const SubscriberHeartbeat210 obj)

Serializes into a string.

Definition at line 729 of file MessageSerialization.h.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( std::string &  ,
Timestamp  ,
TimestampFormat::Enum  = TimestampFormat::YYYYMMDDHHMMSSnsec 

Serializes the timestamp.

std::string OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( Timestamp  timestamp,
TimestampFormat::Enum  format = TimestampFormat::YYYYMMDDHHMMSSnsec 

Serializes the timestamp.

Definition at line 805 of file Time.h.

size_t OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStr ( Timestamp  ,
Char ,

Serializes the timestamp.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStrAsHHMMSS ( std::string &  ,

Serializes the timespan according to the HH:MM:SS pattern.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStrAsHHMMSSmsec ( std::string &  ,

Serializes the timespan according to the HH:MM:SS.sss pattern.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStrAsHHMMSSnsec ( std::string &  ,

Serializes the timespan according to the HH:MM:SS.sssssssss pattern.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStrAsHHMMSSpsec ( std::string &  ,

Serializes the timespan according to the HH:MM:SS.ssssssssssss pattern.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStrAsHHMMSSusec ( std::string &  ,

Serializes the timespan according to the HH:MM:SS.ssssss pattern.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStrAsSDHHMMSSnsec ( std::string &  ,

Serializes the timespan according to the D.HH:MM:SS.sssssssss pattern.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStrAsYYYYMMDD ( std::string &  ,

Serializes the timestamp using the YYYYMMDD format.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStrAsYYYYMMDDHHMMSS ( std::string &  ,

Serializes the timestamp using the YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStrAsYYYYMMDDHHMMSSmsec ( std::string &  ,

Serializes the timestamp using the YYYYMMDDHHMMSSmsec format.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStrAsYYYYMMDDHHMMSSnsec ( std::string &  ,

Serializes the timestamp using the YYYYMMDDHHMMSSnsec format.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStrAsYYYYMMDDHHMMSSpsec ( std::string &  ,

Serializes the timestamp using the YYYYMMDDHHMMSSpsec format.

void OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::toStrAsYYYYMMDDHHMMSSusec ( std::string &  ,

Serializes the timestamp using the YYYYMMDDHHMMSSusec format.

StrRef toStrRef ( const std::string &  str)

Constructs a StrRef instance over th std::string content.

Definition at line 395 of file StrRef.h.

StrRef toStrRef ( const Char cStr)

Initializes the instance from a zero-terminated/C-like string.

Definition at line 402 of file StrRef.h.

Message OnixS::CME::ConflatedTCP::Messaging::typify ( const SbeMessage message)

Casts SBE-encoded message to a given type.

Definition at line 36 of file Typification.h.

Variable Documentation

constexpr UInt16 CmeSbeEncodingType = 0xCAFE

Definition at line 28 of file SimpleOpenFramingHeader.h.

constexpr UInt8 DefaultMaxGroupItems = 100

Default maximum number of repeating group items.

Definition at line 156 of file MessageHolder.h.

constexpr UInt16 MaxConflatedTcpMessageSize = 65535 - sizeof(SimpleOpenFramingHeader)

Maximum supported message size.

Definition at line 35 of file MaxMessageSize.h.