Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- m -
- M2
: GovernanceIndicator
- MA
: GovernanceIndicator
- Mantissa
: FixedPointDecimal< MantissaType, ExponentType >
- mantissa()
: FixedPointDecimal< MantissaType, ExponentType >
- March
: Month
: NewsSource
- MarketDataIncrementalRefresh
: MessageType
- MarketDataSnapshotFullRefresh
: MessageType
- marketOrder()
: Order
- marketSegmentId()
: SecurityDefinition_12
- MassDeleteOrders_MBO_52()
: MassDeleteOrders_MBO_52
- matchEventIndicator()
: AuctionImbalance_19
, ChannelReset_11
, ClosingPrice_17
, DeleteOrder_MBO_51
, EmptyBook_9
, ExecutionStatistics_56
, ForwardTrade_54
, HighPrice_24
, LastTradePrice_27
, LowPrice_25
, MassDeleteOrders_MBO_52
- MatchEventIndicator()
: MatchEventIndicator
- matchEventIndicator()
: News_5
, OpeningPrice_15
, OpenInterest_29
, Order_MBO_50
, PriceBand_22
, QuantityBand_21
, SecurityGroupPhase_10
, SecurityStatus_3
, SettlementPrice_28
, SnapshotFullRefresh_Orders_MBO_71::Entry
, TheoreticalOpeningPrice_16
, Trade_53
, TradeBust_57
- maturityDate()
: SecurityDefinition_12
- MaturityMonthYear()
: MaturityMonthYear
- maturityMonthYear()
: SecurityDefinition_12
- maxOrderQty()
: SecurityDefinition_12
- maxPacketSize
: HandlerSettings
- maxTradeVol()
: QuantityBand_21
- May
: Month
- MB
: GovernanceIndicator
- mDEntryBuyer()
: ForwardTrade_54
, LastTradePrice_27
, Trade_53
- mDEntryInterestRate()
: ForwardTrade_54
, LastTradePrice_27
- mDEntryPositionNo()
: DeleteOrder_MBO_51
, MassDeleteOrders_MBO_52
, Order_MBO_50
, SnapshotFullRefresh_Orders_MBO_71::Entry
- mDEntryPx()
: ClosingPrice_17
, ForwardTrade_54
, HighPrice_24
, LastTradePrice_27
, LowPrice_25
, OpeningPrice_15
, Order_MBO_50
, SettlementPrice_28
, SnapshotFullRefresh_Orders_MBO_71::Entry
, TheoreticalOpeningPrice_16
, Trade_53
, TradeBust_57
- mDEntrySeller()
: ForwardTrade_54
, LastTradePrice_27
, Trade_53
- mDEntrySize()
: AuctionImbalance_19
, DeleteOrder_MBO_51
, ForwardTrade_54
, LastTradePrice_27
, OpenInterest_29
, Order_MBO_50
, SnapshotFullRefresh_Orders_MBO_71::Entry
, TheoreticalOpeningPrice_16
, Trade_53
, TradeBust_57
- mDEntryTimestamp()
: AuctionImbalance_19
, ChannelReset_11
, ClosingPrice_17
, DeleteOrder_MBO_51
, EmptyBook_9
, ExecutionStatistics_56
, ExecutionSummary_55
, ForwardTrade_54
, HighPrice_24
, LastTradePrice_27
, LowPrice_25
, MassDeleteOrders_MBO_52
, OpeningPrice_15
, OpenInterest_29
, Order_MBO_50
, PriceBand_22
, QuantityBand_21
, SettlementPrice_28
, TheoreticalOpeningPrice_16
, Trade_53
, TradeBust_57
- mDEntryType()
: AuctionImbalance_19
, ChannelReset_11
, ClosingPrice_17
, DeleteOrder_MBO_51
, EmptyBook_9
, ExecutionStatistics_56
, ExecutionSummary_55
, ForwardTrade_54
, HighPrice_24
, LastTradePrice_27
, LowPrice_25
, MassDeleteOrders_MBO_52
, OpeningPrice_15
, OpenInterest_29
, Order_MBO_50
, PriceBand_22
, QuantityBand_21
, SettlementPrice_28
, SnapshotFullRefresh_Orders_MBO_71::Entry
, TheoreticalOpeningPrice_16
, Trade_53
, TradeBust_57
- mDInsertTimestamp()
: Order_MBO_50
, SnapshotFullRefresh_Orders_MBO_71::Entry
- mDUpdateAction()
: AuctionImbalance_19
, ChannelReset_11
, ClosingPrice_17
, DeleteOrder_MBO_51
, EmptyBook_9
, ExecutionStatistics_56
, ExecutionSummary_55
, ForwardTrade_54
, HighPrice_24
, LastTradePrice_27
, LowPrice_25
, MassDeleteOrders_MBO_52
, OpeningPrice_15
, OpenInterest_29
, Order_MBO_50
, PriceBand_22
, QuantityBand_21
, SettlementPrice_28
, TheoreticalOpeningPrice_16
, Trade_53
, TradeBust_57
- messageType()
: AuctionImbalance_19
, ChannelReset_11
, ClosingPrice_17
, DeleteOrder_MBO_51
, EmptyBook_9
, ExecutionStatistics_56
, ExecutionSummary_55
, ForwardTrade_54
, HighPrice_24
, LastTradePrice_27
, LowPrice_25
, MassDeleteOrders_MBO_52
, News_5
, OpeningPrice_15
, OpenInterest_29
, Order_MBO_50
, PriceBand_22
, QuantityBand_21
, SecurityDefinition_12
, SecurityGroupPhase_10
, SecurityStatus_3
, Sequence_2
, SequenceReset_1
, SettlementPrice_28
, SnapshotFullRefresh_Header_30
, SnapshotFullRefresh_Orders_MBO_71
, TheoreticalOpeningPrice_16
, Trade_53
, TradeBust_57
: TimeUnit
- microsecond()
: Timestamp
- Microsecond
: Timestamp
- microseconds()
: TimeSpan
- Microseconds
: TimeSpan
- microsecondsPerSecond()
: TimeTraits
: TrdSubType
: TimeUnit
- millisecond()
: Timestamp
- Millisecond
: Timestamp
- milliseconds()
: TimeSpan
- Milliseconds
: TimeSpan
- millisecondsPerSecond()
: TimeTraits
- minCrossQty()
: SecurityDefinition_12
- minimalBlockLength()
: AuctionImbalance_19
, ChannelReset_11
, ClosingPrice_17
, DeleteOrder_MBO_51
, EmptyBook_9
, ExecutionStatistics_56
, ExecutionSummary_55
, ForwardTrade_54
, HighPrice_24
, LastTradePrice_27
, LowPrice_25
, MassDeleteOrders_MBO_52
, News_5
, OpeningPrice_15
, OpenInterest_29
, Order_MBO_50
, PriceBand_22
, QuantityBand_21
, SecurityDefinition_12::InstrAttribsEntry
, SecurityDefinition_12::LegsEntry
, SecurityDefinition_12
, SecurityDefinition_12::UnderlyingsEntry
, SecurityGroupPhase_10
, SecurityStatus_3
, Sequence_2
, SequenceReset_1
, SettlementPrice_28
, SnapshotFullRefresh_Header_30
, SnapshotFullRefresh_Orders_MBO_71::Entry
, SnapshotFullRefresh_Orders_MBO_71
, TheoreticalOpeningPrice_16
, Trade_53
, TradeBust_57
- MinimalVersion
: SchemaTraits
- minLotSize()
: SecurityDefinition_12
- minOrderQty()
: SecurityDefinition_12
- minPriceIncrement()
: SecurityDefinition_12
- minTradeVol()
: SecurityDefinition_12
- minute()
: Timestamp
- Minute
: Timestamp
- Minutes
: TimeSpan
- minutes()
: TimeSpan
- minutesPerHour()
: TimeTraits
: NewsSource
: NewsSource
: NewsSource
: SecurityType
: SecurityUpdateAction
- Month
: MaturityMonthYear
- month()
: MaturityMonthYear
, Timestamp
- Month
: Timestamp
: TrdSubType
: Product
- multiLegModel()
: SecurityDefinition_12
- multiLegPriceMethod()
: SecurityDefinition_12
: MultiLegPriceMethod